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Achievements for 2008


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Hmm... Achievements for next year....


1. Start learning Bass Guitar.

2. Fucking pwn my GCSEs.

3. Get a girlfriend... *has a cold shower*

4. Start actually learning how to use the old /i/ toolbox.

5. Get a bigger gamerscore (penis) than Ashmat. :heh:


Nice one, what bass you got/are getting? Learning an instrument is amazing if you have the enthusiasm for it :).


As for me, I've got a huge amount to accomplish;


1. Stop lying to girls when I'm drunk, only to have the possibility of it going somewhere crippled by said lies. I guess that ties in with getting some self respect. Not that I have a lack of it, lets face it, I love myself, but then, I hate myself for liking the way I am.


2. Keep improving my guitar playing, especially working on improvisation, and getting a solid grasp of modes, rather than using a scale system. Start recording my music; I've had this recording shit lying around for a couple of months now, and I still haven't set it up. I'm also going to try harder to find more musicians to play with, and maybe get something going...the problem is that there's hardly anyone who'd go for my kind of thing...the metal heads balk at the huge amount of acoustic stuff going on, and everyone else can't play any of it to begin with. It's frustrating.


3. Look for a job, and stop being picky. I'm in desperate need of cash, and I don't think my parents are going to take anything I do seriously until I stop leeching off them.


4. Reread all the texts I put down in my personal statement so I don't fuck up interviews; pretty daunting task...and stop reading Larkin, that bastard is almost entirely responsible for my misery.


5. Stop waiting. Do everything I want to do, and stop delaying it or thinking that there will be time when I'm older or when the circumstances change. similarly, stop being so retrospectively introspective; going over all the things that have happened in my life and imposing some stupid meaning on them.


6. Stop feeling the need to rant at people when they say retarded things...But hey, it entertains me...I guess I'm just "sensitive to the point of vulgarity." *Secretly wishes he was Jimmy from 'Look Back in Anger'*

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My list of Games to buy in 2008, some games are out now


January- Dragon Ball z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (wii)

Feburary - Lost Odysee (360)

March- Wii Fit

April- Links crossbow Training

May- Smash bros brawl (if out then)

June- Mario kart wii (if out then)

July- Guitar hero 3 (360)

August- Rock bands (360)

September- Banjo kazooie 3 (360, If out)

October- Dunno yet

November- Dragonball online (PC)

December- Animal crossing wii (if out)

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I want to try and get on TV. Ive applied for deal or no deal so they can phone me up at any time. I'm also going to apply for the x factor - Not to win (I sound like a strangled goat when I sing) but to try and get on tv for 5 mins and go for the experience

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Lots of little things, need to lose more weight, only lost 3 and a half of the six stone I wanted to lose this year. Need to work on my make up skills, I'm getting better but still have a long way to go. Need to have a good clear out, I'm running seriously short on cupboard space. I want to make lots more home movies too, the first few made a few hundred quid, but sales have slowed down. Big thing though is seeing the doctor about possible gender reassignment, that's the scary one, but it needs to be done.

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