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Home is released and you can enter it. It is under 'Home Beta' though.


But... I downloaded it, got the title screen for the first time (which said Home Beta) then clicked the thing to go online and it just said it failed to download something, so clearly something isn't right with it :/ meh I might download it again when they fix it but quite frankly I'm not gonna waste my time with it atm, besides, I've got Little Big Planet to play. :)

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loving the ps3 atm. been playing world at war online. im a machine. single handedly took out an enemy tank, and was my teams MVP by a good bit. some guy with a head set was really getting upset we lost, despite the fact he was pretty pants at it.

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I got a free day off from work. Power was out when I got there at 6:50am, it's only down a few streets from where I live. I got sent back home and was asked to keep phone on just incase it came back on, only came back on at 3pm, so I'd done my shift if i was working by then, since I finish at 3.


This story leads to me playing Persona 4 since 7:10am till........ well I'm still playing it right now :D

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loving the ps3 atm. been playing world at war online. im a machine. single handedly took out an enemy tank, and was my teams MVP by a good bit. some guy with a head set was really getting upset we lost, despite the fact he was pretty pants at it.


I don't play WaW as much as Modern Warfare, but if you fancy a game, add me on PSN.

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nearly 29 hours into Persona 4 now after a 12 hour session on it today. Had to stop to eat my food, hehe. Man it's addictive!

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nearly 29 hours into Persona 4 now after a 12 hour session on it today. Had to stop to eat my food, hehe. Man it's addictive!



What I find funny is the fact that, you seem so addicted to the game. But no body wants to discuss it with you.

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What I find funny is the fact that, you seem so addicted to the game. But no body wants to discuss it with you.


That's probably because no one else has played it except for me. :heh:


I completed it a couple months ago and my memory is a bit duff. Still, Yosuke is awesome.


I hate Nanako.


And the true ending is stupid. The bad ending is my favourite.

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Such an awesome awesome RPG, it really is.


The reason no one is talking about it in here is because they don't live in america or don't have imported consoles or modded consoles. Oh and also probably playing mediocre rpgs on their "next gen" consoles. :D


My mate from sweden is playing it though, started around the same time, so I have him to chat to about it over msn between changes of cream filled pants.

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Rise has just been taken into the TV world(Woo bra and panties). It's my job to save her. I think it's the day after you get your relationship with Teddie on to the tarot cards.


I loved the camp scene, so funny!

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The music in Rise's dungeon drove me insane after about 4 hours of listening to it.


I love the music in town. I always thought the lyrics were 'You're special, you're special!' which was nice. :heh:


Got any idea whodunit yet?

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Nope, it hasn't really given you any hints. I've seen two scenes of a guy in a foggy town who when I saved Kanji said "Hmm again"


But you can't really tell who it is, since you kind of see a bit of a figure and some legs, lol. It kind looked like that thin dude with the hat who was speaking to Kanji, but I don't think it be him. Probably be able to see later on when I've done the Rise dungeon, not gone into yet, saved just before doing that.


The music is brill, especially the battle tunes. Even better than 3s :o and that soundtrack was outstanding.

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Yeah, my friend bought the soundtrack. Need to nab that off him at some point.


I was so fun testing it. We were all trying to figure out who did it and came up with some bloody stupid theories. :heh:


Deep down I wanted it to be Nanako because she really pisses me off. :p

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Mwahaha :D


NOOOOOOO!!!! :heh:


All she does is sit in front of the TV. She is such a loser. :p

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You sometimes see her walk past you when your trying to get it on with the girls from your team. I was having a nice one on one with Yukiko and she suddenly pops out from side of the screen. Talk about a sexblocker! :D

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Yeah she totally killed the atmosphere when I was seeing if I could seduce Yosuke. :heh:

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Just read Dead Rising is heading to PS3, most likely on PSN.


Awesome news for me, one of the only 360 exclusives I'm gutted not to have played. Here's hoping for a £25 downloadable price point with Trophey support :).

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Hey hey I also have P4! I just haven't been playing it because I have a really huge backlog of games and I don't wanna play 30 games at the same time, because some, like P4 need loads of time attention. Hell I'm also playing MegaTen Online Beta and have SMT and Raidou vs whatsisname to play. SMT ftw!


Also Daft how can you have completed it months ago? Doesn't make sense, what am I missing?

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Daft what is your specific job role? Just testing?


Anything cool coming from Enix that we don't know about?

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He works for Square Enix and they are publishing the game in Europe instead of Koei.

I didn't even know it was gonna come out in Europe :P

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I wish Atlus would hurry up and start bringing their RPG's to PS3! My PS3 isn't backwards compatable...I love the look and feel of the Persona games but will never get to play them.

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Daft what is your specific job role? Just testing?


I'm a localisation tester. I have to check games for bugs. Mainly language, grammatical, formatting and consistency bugs.


I do sometimes do other things like screenshots for the press and video capture for trailers and adverts.


The coolest thing I do is evaluations on games that Square are considering publishing over here. I basically have to play a game for a couple hours and review its potential.


Anything cool coming from Enix that we don't know about?



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