Daft Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Isn't it just the yanks who need both? I logged onto the Beta, installed the update and it has on screen instructions to get both. Why we can't use our PSN ID I have no idea. Pro Evo 2008 does.
Caris Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 This whole downloading a update via bit torrent on MGO is a joke, it's taking forever. Why can't it just be like a normal game?
Guest Jordan Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 What update? I thought we couldn't play it till Monday anyway.
Daft Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 What update? I thought we couldn't play it till Monday anyway. Try and play it and it will prompt you with an update. God knows why. ...Still need to get my Konami ID crap. The servers are overloaded ffs.
Dante Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 SIREN: New Translation Trailer Screens he identity of the mysterious game Sony was promoting at its Japanese website earlier this week at last came to light today. Sure enough, the pools of blood on the page did not deceive: the new game is a PS3 installment of Siren. Not Siren 3, though. Instead of a completely new title, Sony has decided to do a remake of sorts of the first PS2 Siren game, known internationally as Forbidden Siren. In its PS3 debut, the game will be called "Siren New Translation." The visuals have been dramatically improved for the PS3. But that seems to be the smallest change on hand here. If you browsed the teaser webpage prior to the full unveiling, you might have noted the English voices in the background. English voices don't exactly fit in with the motif of the original Siren, as anyone who played the localized versions of the original will attest to, but they're a key element of the remake. Sony has played around with the story, making it center now on an American television crew who comes to Japan on August 3, 2007 and gets to experience first hand what happens when that siren goes off. Siren series producer Keiichro Toyama appeared in the latest issue of Famitsu to explain why his team decided to make this major change. As Toyama explained, he wanted to show Japanese horror from the perspective of a different culture. While the setting of the game remains mostly unchanged, the main characters are mostly foreign this time around. Toyama also revealed that the structure of the game has changed. The game is now split into 12 episodes, each with an opening and ending sequence, and each comprised of parallel scenarios for multiple characters. You're required to play through the whole game in a set order -- a vast change from the original, which placed characters on a complicated scenario chart, known as the "Link Navigator," and allowed players to freely select scenarios at will. The Link Navigator is nowhere to be found this time around. Despite the non-Japanese cast, Toyama assured readers of Famitsu that the basics of the series haven't changed, from that distinctive style of Japanese fear to the basic gameplay mechanics, including the "Shibito," the game's name for undead (literally "dead people"), and the sight jacking system, where you peer into the sights of other characters and zombies. There have been a few updates to the gameplay, though. The map screen now displays your current position, a change that was originally implemented for Siren 2. The new map also provides a 3D view, allowing you to better grasp your surroundings. The game gives you more actions for your characters now. According to Toriyama, it manages to do this without making the controls too complicated, by having some actions performed automatically, for instance. New actions should come in handy, as the Shibito now attack more aggressively and have greater variety to their own motions. Plus, the Shibito will now come in new forms. Toriyama also mentioned to Famitsu a new type of sight jacking system. He wouldn't get into specifics, but promised something that gives you a more direct taste of the game without stopping the action. The new system will also make it so that you're better able to understand the movements of the Shibito, allowing for a better paced game. Siren New Translation will be released on July 24. But the wait for a taste of PS3 fear will come a lot sooner than that, as Sony will be releasing a demo through the PlayStation Network on April 25. This demo will let you play through the game's prologue section. Those who can't wait even that long can get a sampling of the horror that awaits via this streaming trailer clip that Sony made available at the game's new official site today. These release date and demo date are exclusively for Japan at the moment, as Sony has yet to announce an international release for Siren New Translation. The use of westerners as characters is a pretty good indication that the new title has been made to appeal to all audiences, though, so we expect to hear word of a release outside of Japan shortly. Reminds me of RE4 and Silent Hill 3.
McMad Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Reminds me of RE4 and Silent Hill 3. How does it remind you of Silent Hill 3?
Dante Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 How does it remind you of Silent Hill 3? Because the style of it
Daft Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 UT3 came today. Just and a go on it and so far it is pretty awesome. I like the feel of it. Reminds me of the original. I did the optional install. Not sure if it made a difference. I think its about 2.5GBs.
McMad Posted April 18, 2008 Posted April 18, 2008 Because the style of it I can see your point but the traits the two games (Silent Hill 3 and the Siren remake) share are common throughout both games series. I was just perplexed as to why you said Silent Hill 3 in particular. I agree with your point though.
That Guy Posted April 19, 2008 Posted April 19, 2008 Played some more Motorstorm. Don't like it at all. Seems weird how every little nick on a rock or anything and you blow up... Might just Ebay it, not really my kind of game.
Domo Kun Posted April 19, 2008 Posted April 19, 2008 Lame lame lame lame lame! I downloaded the update for Metal Gear Online, but now I can't create ******* konami ID. Buggercunt. Anyone help ?
flameboy Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 me to they better have it sorted for tomorrow...
Daft Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 me to they better have it sorted for tomorrow... I'm at work tomorrow till about 7 so it doesn't really become an issue until then. Konami really should have said something when they announced the Beta, not a couple days before it goes active. And why the hell do we even need another ID? Two as well!!
Domo Kun Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 I managed to get a konami ID! I downloaded the update (left my ps3 on overnight...) and I'm now ready for tomorrow
flameboy Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 I managed to get a konami ID! I downloaded the update (left my ps3 on overnight...) and I'm now ready for tomorrow how did u get ID?
Daft Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 I finally got it as well. Still can't log in on the game though but that isn't really a surprise since the servers aren't open. What does it start? At midnight tonight or sometime tomorrow??
Domo Kun Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 how did u get ID? It just worked this morning, I don't know why. Keep trying! I finally got it as well. Still can't log in on the game though but that isn't really a surprise since the servers aren't open. What does it start? At midnight tonight or sometime tomorrow?? No idea! But everyone from NE should (if we get the option) play some games on the same team at a designated time tomorrow. I belive the correct term is creating a 'clan' . Who's up for that?
chrizkerr2 Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Finally back in my own house! Downloaded the update for the new store and loving the new look and feel of it! Might get both of the new expansions for Warhawk today, or atleast the first one. Really in the mood for some Plane action!
Daft Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Was playing Resistance yesterday. I can't really be bothered with it in single player but a mate came round and spent a couple hours going through it in co-op (Actually the reason I bought it, I love local co-op.). Was a lot more fun, especially the bit in the jeep! Better than the warthog imo. I loved smashing through stuff. Also played UT3 today. Campaign is so much better when you active the option that lets other people jump in and play. I'm really loving it. The controls are perfect. My only minor gripe is turning 180 quickly, I wish there was a quick way of doing it. Any news on it being updated to do split screen like the 360 version?
Guest Jordan Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 First trailer came out and it looks silky smooth. I don't plan to get it, UT on consoles just doesn't work for me.
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