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Big Internet Scavenger Hunt (BISH)


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Will there be bonus points for getting more than one request into a single photo?


I'm thinking I want to do this, but cant think of 5 photos....I'll PM you when I have decided if I'm in or not.


Points will be rewarded on a sliding-scale system. The BISHes least photographed will be worth more points. So, if someone says "take a picture of yourself" and everyone does, then it will be worth less than a BISH of "an eight-foot man" which one person photos. I'm in the process of editing the first post to include the lists and finalised points rules. Just let me know if nothing is clear...


I don't get how you can't think of five things. I mean, any five things?!


What happens if I demand a picture of you hugging the moon though?


Well I'm the judge, so if someone is pictured hugging a replica moon, I will deem it alright :)


Ok so the game is starting today. The first post will be edited imminently, and i'll post a duplicate straight after this one (if someone is willing to prevent a double-post automerge for me please...) and then it'll start.

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Thank you Ellmeister. You are now winning with a point.


The Lists.

I'm judging the entries, so relax :P You may notice some of these objects are impossible to get in the literal sense... so it's all about interpretation. If you want, I can PM you with your own individual list. But then, you could just copy/paste the enture thing below into notepad and the five lines under your name... :P



- a microbe.

- a caveman.

- bluey

- people having a BBQ

- a pink N64 console



- A half-pint of beer

- A kazoo

- Guitar Hero controller

- Sonic the Hedgehog

- Five screwdrivers



- A pint of b33r.

- Traffic cone.

- Police officer.

- A car that has been clamped.

- A shiny holo rare card from the Team Rocket Pokémon TCG set.



- a drunk person

- something purple and orange

- something chinese orientated

- something with 5 legs

- a man dressed up as a badger



- bubbles

- blue nail polish

- REZ - ps2 version

- page 23 from a newspaper

- Co-op brand Blackcurrant Yu Lade



- A red animal

- A bloke in fancy dress

- A 10p packet of Space Raiders

- Someone with purple or green hair

- A monk



- A yellow bird

- Mario kart arcade GP

- A chav

- A lamborghini

- A vegetable that isn't green



- Somebody riding a moped/motorcycle

- A smashed/broken/crashed car

- A child's bicycle

- A seagul/gull

- An ice cream cone (whippy)


Remember not to take pictures of the five BISHes you submitted. AND YOU MUST BE DISTINGUISHABLE IN THE PICTURE.



1. If you can get a picture with all five of the below, and your own mug, then you shall be awarded some MEGA POINTZ. Twenty? Maybe more!


- Strangers Kissing

- Something Purple and Wobbly

- A sticky stick

- ten empty 2-litre cider bottles

- a cloud.


2. For every picture of you imitating the pose of a statue, also in shot, I will award you ten whopping points. Big points chance here.


3. Obviously any mega-cool photos of dedications, shrines or general love for jayseven will get some pointage. Ahem :P


more bonuses might be added. I dunno.


GO... please?

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You may notice some of these objects are impossible to get in the literal sense... so it's all about interpretation

I couldn't agree more, here's my interpretation.


In my picture are the following.



- a caveman.

- people having a BBQ

- a pink N64 console

- A half-pint of beer

- A kazoo

- Guitar Hero controller

- Sonic the Hedgehog

- Five screwdrivers

- a drunk person

- something purple and orange

- something chinese orientated

- something with 5 legs

- blue nail polish

- A red animal

- A bloke in fancy dress

- A 10p packet of Space Raiders

- Someone with purple or green hair

- A monk

- Somebody riding a moped/motorcycle

- A smashed/broken/crashed car

- A child's bicycle

- A seagul/gull

- An ice cream cone (whippy)


I didn't go for all of them, because that would just put a damper on the whole thing.


Here's the source image if you're feeling sexy.


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My interpretation of EEvil's picture is; that it does not count, of course!


Be sure to recheck the list up there, as I've listed Ollie's submission too. The points will change in accordance to the number of players, so don't worry 'bout that.



Moogle - I may well give an extra point for each photo done that way :P But remember teh face!


And Ellmeister - no :P

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It's hard to take a decent photo of my face when im on my own (it's hard to take a decent picture of my face full stop). Would you accept the pictures if just a few had my face and some just had my hand?

well y'know, everyone else in the game has the same predicament. just hold it next to your face :P If people are having problems then I may negate this rule.

That's bullshit. It totally counts.


3. The descriptions of things can be as vague as you like, but I will be the judge, and my word is LAW in this thread.


No, YOU'RE bullshit :D

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Thats a first go =] Got a guitar hero controller, a vegetable which isn't green (its an aubergine :D) sonic the hedgehog, and 5 screwdrivers :p


I also wrote I <3 J7 because I was too scared to show my face =[


Do I get extra points for still have my reading festival wristband on? :p

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