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Street Fighter IV


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ok can you name one? and lack of enemies on screen really doesn't include.




happy day for street fighter fans. Since 3 everytime capcom have tried to "improve"street fighter they didnt or made a balls of it.


so thank you capcom for not bothering.


Then why don't you play your favorite past game instead of buying this one? Why do you want this game if it improves nothing but presentation and not actual gameplay?

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Then why don't you play your favorite past game instead of buying this one? Why do you want this game if it improves nothing but presentation and not actual gameplay?


Yes that's great in theory but for the type of game it is change isn't a great idea.. That and the fact that capcom always make a balls of it.


it's an old-school beat em up and in my opinion should stay like that..The fans won't like them try 3d so there isnt much more room for improvement...Very like worms on the wii...tried 3d fucked it and went back to 2d for the new wii game.

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  • 3 months later...

Wii version not planned yet:



Street Fighter IV on Wii? 'Not Yet' Says Capcom


Capcom had initially stated it would be bringing Street Figher IV to as many consoles and portables as possible. But will a Wii edition be arriving? Not yet, according to Capcom's Yoshinori Ono, Producer of the new project.


During the Captivate 08 event last week, Ono-san stated "The fact of the matter is we haven't planned for a Wii version yet," and rather embarrassingly he had to personally apologise directly to Nintendo about the rumours of a Wii version coming.


It makes you wonder what was said during that conversation. Surely Nintendo will be actively encouraging Capcom to bring a version of SFIV to DS and Wii, especially given how the Street Fighter franchise has been most popular on the Super Nintendo in the past.


Still, hopes are high, especially since Ono-san did not say SFIV was not coming altogether, just that planning for Wii has not yet begun. Clearly a Wii edition would have to be optimised for the console since it is weaker than the PS3 and Xbox 360, plus the control set-up would likely have to be altered as well.

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"The fact of the matter is we haven't planned for a Wii version yet,"


Ain't this always the case. :/


I hope to god it is, because the Wii version will be nothing but an atrocity if it makes it out. It'd be better if they ported some of the older SF games to Wii or something as a collection.

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Street Fighter III: Third Strike, please ^^


Yeah! Gimme that game. Im only mildly excited by SF4. It seems too much like a remake of SF2, but with polygons. In fact, Im more excited about SSF2T:HDR (phew).


I can imagine they're doing a sprite-based version of the game for DS, PSP and maybe even Wii. I sure wouldn't mind. Cos if they haven't planned it yet, it'll mean we wont get it within a year. By that time, the game is pretty old, no one will care.


A sprite-based game a la SFIII? Count me in :D

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controls wise it isnt the best option. Beat em up games will just never work on the wii.


I have DBZ 2 and that is great, but I use the GCN pad. I think this game looks uninspiring to say the least. Give me an updated and graphically beautiful remake of SF2 over this any day.

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I have DBZ 2 and that is great, but I use the GCN pad. I think this game looks uninspiring to say the least. Give me an updated and graphically beautiful remake of SF2 over this any day.


dragonball z worked ok to be honest. I'm not saying all beat em up games won't work but it would have to be exclusively devolped for the wii with the control system coming first.


Mortal kombat was ugh.. The best controls for that anyway is by far the dancemat for ps2

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dragonball z worked ok to be honest. I'm not saying all beat em up games won't work but it would have to be exclusively devolped for the wii with the control system coming first.


Mortal kombat was ugh.. The best controls for that anyway is by far the dancemat for ps2


I'm a big DBZ fan so I'm gonna like the game I suppose, but even i get bored of the slightly repititve fights after a while.

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I hope to god it is, because the Wii version will be nothing but an atrocity if it makes it out. It'd be better if they ported some of the older SF games to Wii or something as a collection.


Errr what?

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Errr what?


He means the wii being the weaker console graphically and the fact it's not suited to traditional controls will make the wii version of street fighter 4...well crap.


It's better suited if the old games(like 3,alpha etc etc) were ported as a collection.

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SFIV could be doable with the Wiimote on its side. Couldn't see why not. And even still, you always have the classic controller.

Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll make my beloved white box.

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SFIV could be doable with the Wiimote on its side. Couldn't see why not. And even still, you always have the classic controller.

Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll make my beloved white box.


Not a chance with the wii-mote on it's side. You're talking about easy access to 3 button there and no the + and - are not suited to button mashing and what not.Street fighter games need a minimum of 6.

The classic controller is just well meh.

The best suited one of them all is the gamecube controller and even that was the worst of the 3 for beat em ups last gen.

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Classic controller and gamecube would work fine, and who plays street fighter for the graphics? Honestly look at the trailer they're using a cartoonish style I don't know what amazing graphics you're both expecting but I'm sure they're something the wii can handle.

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Even if SFIV would be possible on Wii, controls are still the main problem. SFIV with motion controls would be horrible. The Nunchuk + Wiimote doesnt has enough buttons to work around it.


Of course, there's also CC and GC controller. I think CC controller would be best. But honestly, how many Wii owners have one? I'm betting of 10% or less. Those with GC controllers are probably the ones with CC controllers as well. But say, CC+GC controller owners amount to 20% of the total Wii users.


That's still a very low amount of users. So no wonder they're focusing on Arcade, 360, PS3 and PC first.

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SFIV could be doable with the Wiimote on its side. Couldn't see why not. And even still, you always have the classic controller.

Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll make my beloved white box.


It's The Bard, even the 360 controller isn't good enough for Street Fighter in his eyes (and tbh i'd have to agree, the arcade stick is far better)


Then of course there's another, more obvious option: bundle it with an arcade controller.




Anyhow, all Wii games have to work with the Wiimote.

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The Wii already has a Hori stick am I right? I don't think SF4 would be a good fit at all, but I could see the console becoming a safe bet for developers of 2D fighters that find the 360 and PS3 too expensive to develop for.


Even though it's pretty much considered anathema in the realm of fighting games, I'm looking forward to having some not-too-serious matches with friends online on SF4, and I just don't see that ever working on Wii.

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Anyhow, all Wii games have to work with the Wiimote.


Bundle it with TWO arcade controllers! Didn't see that one coming, did ya!


It can always plug into the back of the wiimote, or the wiimote could even be inserted into the controller, GHIII style. Bundling that game with a controller didn't do much to its sales, now did it?

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Classic controller and gamecube would work fine, and who plays street fighter for the graphics? Honestly look at the trailer they're using a cartoonish style I don't know what amazing graphics you're both expecting but I'm sure they're something the wii can handle.


It would work fine but WHY bring street figher 4 to the wii

There is no REAL reason.. Gamecube didnt even get any(and no snk vd capcom 2 doesnt count)


n64 got none either.

The fanbase isnt on wii. It woulnt be the BEST version and it would sell badly.. That's my opinion I think it's pointless

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