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Super/Street Fighter IV


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Epic blog entry on Destructoid. Grab a coffee, its a long one.



Ladies and gentlemen, I am concerned. Once again, it seems that a great many people are suffering, and that's hard to watch. This tends to happen when fighting games are involved, and while I'm not exactly sure what causes it, I like to do what I can to help.


To that end, I have put together a simple troubleshooting guide that might soothe some of the unbearable pain you seem to be experiencing. Hit the jump for some easy instructions on how to STFU about Super Street Fighter IV.






Step 1: Shut the fuck up.


Above all, this is an effective method of problem solving that will, in most cases, alleviate any issues you may be experiencing. Think of it like a reset button. Should any of the measures you've attmepted prove ineffective, rest assured that simply closing your mouth and worrying about something more important is usually enough to set things right. It can be difficult to believe, but there really are better things to get upset about. If that fails, try some of the troubleshooting steps outlined below.


Problem: I already bought SFIV. Why do I have to buy it again?




Solution: You don't. While the simple addition of the word "Super" to the title isn't enough to make this seem like a new game, that's kind of what it is. Adding new characters and rebalancing the old ones is going to completely change the way it's played, not to mention any additional Ultras and new attacks that are being thrown in. That doesn't look like much on paper, but if you play Street Fighter, you know that the tiniest tweaks can make a world of difference.


And if the rumors are true, we're going to see anywhere between eight and ten new characters. That bumps the roster of playable fighters up quite considerably over the first edition. Bonus stages are said to be making a comeback. A new lobby system. Tons of new content. Whether or not you think it's worth paying for is up to you, but this is by no means the same game. Capcom's been doing this since the franchise was born, and it never is.


If the above is not enough for you, the short answer is, you don't. No, really. Nobody is forcing you to buy it. Still having trouble? Refer to Step 1.


Problem: SFIV just came out, why is this happening so soon?




Solution: It's not. We don't even have a release date yet, beyond a general "Spring 2010" ballpark. By the time this drops, it will have been more than a year since the first edition was released. Did you really not get your money's worth? How many $60 games did you buy in 2009 that remained just as fun for over a year?


You paid $60 for Arkham Asylum this year and didn't seem to mind. Are you still gonna be playing that come December? So why does this bother you? Sports games make their previous versions worthless every year and nobody stamps their feet and cries for their mommy about it. Given, some years they undergo bigger changes than we'll see with SSFIV, but we also haven't had NINE Street Fighters this decade, have we?


The point is, if you bought SFIV in February, you'll probably have gotten a lot more than sixty bucks' worth of fun out of it by next Spring. When a whole year of awesome gameplay for the same money you spent on Mirror's Edge or Assassin's Creed still leaves you feeling ripped off, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should have spent that cash on a Fleshlight. Or better yet, a visit from one of those "assisted suicide" doctors, so you can end the painful misery of knowing that nothing will ever be good enough for you.


Problem: We live in the digital age, this should have been DLC




Solution: Maybe you missed the last few paragraphs, but in case you haven't heard, there's a lot of stuff being changed, retuned, updated and expanded, and at least eight new characters being added. For one, that would be a bigass download for people who don't have a lot of space left on their hard drive. Secondly, you're talking about tinkering with a huge portion of the game's code, and that's a Pandora's box full of potential for fuckuppery.


I can understand where you're coming from with this one, and I love my digital downloads as much as you do, but for something this enormous? I think I'd rather Capcom just do it right, make sure it works, and then put that working game on a whole new disc, thank you very much. Save me the trouble of all the potential compatibility issues and save me the ton of HDD space as well. I don't need the virtual equivalent of the Genesis power tower. If it's that big, it belongs on a disc, at least until console hard drives are big enough that it's not an issue for anyone who wants it.


Problem: This new version isn't worth the money, even at a discounted price




Solution: Tell us what you know! Seriously, spill the beans, we want to know what else is on the disc. You obviously have some kind of awesome inside scoop on what else is included if you can say it's not worth it. Did Dudley make it in? Is Ibuki really coming back?


Wait ... what do you mean you're not sure what's on the disc yet? You don't know? Then what the fuck are you complaining about? You might feel that way after you know for sure what's included and exactly what it will cost you to get a copy, but until then, it's a bit early to be crying.


Oh, I know you. You're that same guy who always says you're waiting for a full 6-hour demo and a price drop. Or that nothing's worth the money without 500gb of free DLC and a ton of pre-order bonuses. Man, it must suck to be you. What's it like to never play new games because nothing's ever a good enough value?


Problem: Capcom is milking us dry, they shouldn't be charging for this AT ALL!




Solution: Consider the possibility that you may very well be stupid. I'm not trying to insult you, I say this out of genuine concern. If you actually believe Super Street Fighter IV should be given to you for free, you might be a certifiable idiot, and should probably stop reading now so you can go see a doctor.


Working in this industry for a few years has taught me that very few people understand this concept. You might find it mind-boggling, but real human beings worked on this game, and those people deserve to eat. They deserve to pay their bills and be compensated for their time and effort. Nobody likes to work for free.


"But what about MEEE? I work hard! My money is valuable!"


Well you know how it feels then, don't you, motherfucker? You work hard for the money you spend on games, and somebody else worked just as hard so you could have them to play. Why don't you want them to get paid for that? What makes you so special, little miss snowflake?




These seem to be the most common concerns. If you're worried about the fact that it's not compatible with the original for online play, you needn't fret about that, either. I'm sure there will be a few other disgruntled souls out there who won't want to buy it, and they can keep you company while the rest of us are too busy having fun with the new one.


But there really are better things to bitch about. This isn't one of those situations where the content was already on the disc and you had to pay to unlock it. Capcom has listened to its fans and made the adjustments and corrections we've been asking for, and thrown in a tremendous amount of new stuff on top of it all. I would've been happy with rebalancing, a Shinkuu Hadouken for Sakura and a couple of new characters, personally, but I'm getting a whole lot more than that. For starters, a sexy Korean girl with some quick, fluid attacks and the kind of straight, black Uma Thurman bangs that set my heart on fire. But that's just me talking.




The truth of the matter is, nobody is holding a gun to your head and making you buy SSFIV. Some of us are really pumped about it, and if you're not one of those people, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you don't like the fact that it exists, you can easily voice that opinion by not spending your money on it. That's how it works. But please, find something better to get angry at. There have been far worse crimes committed against gamers, and chances are, you spent your money on them.


At least you have the option this time around.


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That Destructoid blog entry is way to OTT and doesn't change my views in the slightest... I get that it's not really possible to make this DLC in reality but in any case I shan't be buying this for full price, it's unjustifiable for me as I'd need to play the original more before even considering this; I haven't had nearly enough play-time on SFIV mainly due to waiting on having a decent enough pad to play it, I now have the pad but whenever I play online it's always the same 'noobs' using the same char, spamming the same one attack to victory, where is the fun in that? :indeed:

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And those noobs that spam the same attack=easy battle points!

Exactly.. if someone is that predictable with their moves you can rush in with perfectly ("psychic") timed combos over and over, almost as if you know exactly what their gonna do next.. hell, you could just block and hard punch / kick (keep it mixed up :heh:) them to death.






Dee Jay looks awesome :yay:

Edited by DuD
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Eh..some SF fans complain about Juri chest size so...Capcom bumps up Juri’s bust


IGN's Super Street Fighter IV Blowout


  • New openings and endings, the street fighter team are “man enough” to admit the quality wasn’t there the first time around, and has promised they will be improved.
  • Different or changed rival/pre-match dialog.
  • Along with new Ultras and tweaks, older characters will be getting new specials or normals.
  • Indestructible will be gone. Ono has “learned his lesson”
  • As the final boss, people who hate Seth, will hate him even more now. He will be harder but not, “unfair hard.”
  • New stages will certainly be added, but certain older ones will receive new elements or details.
  • No fighters will be locked, everyone will be accessible from the start.
  • No form of World Tour mode from Alpha 3 planned anytime soon. If enough people request it for a sequel, it's possible.
  • Frame data has been changed on certain character's FA, to better balance out certain things. The FA system will NOT see any major changes.


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[*]As the final boss, people who hate Seth, will hate him even more now. He will be harder but not, “unfair hard.â€

Oh, fuck off! They even admitted he may of been "too hard" to begin with. The answer isn't making him even more of a hard bastard..

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There is. Updated original ones and brand new ones for the new fighters.


Yeah it was mention on page three of Ign's interview.

IGN: How will stages change with the new game? New stages, stage tweaks… it looks like there are some minor changes in even the stage we can see behind you right now.


Ono: Yes there are indeed differences already in the background, yes. As far as new stages I can't say too much about it, but I can say it'd be strange to not add in new content on that front. I'll leave it at that so I don't get into trouble. The one thing by the way I forgot to mention about Juri that I forgot to mention is that she has kind of a sexy edge to her – she's not a cheesecake character; she won't go out and pole dance or something – but she has this sinister/sexy feel to her that you don't normally see in the Street Fighter series, so that's kind of another first for that character. And of course it'll all be up to the ESRB as to how far we can go with that, haha.


I think this topic should be rename as Super / Street Fighter IV.

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Oh, fuck off! They even admitted he may of been "too hard" to begin with. The answer isn't making him even more of a hard bastard..

I dunno... depending on what they mean by "not unfair hard", it could be a great improvement. Seth was hard but in a stupid way, he was gamebreaking, he defied many of the things you learned for your character and with a really crappy character it was impossible to beat him through practice, only really through luck. They could make him a more powerful and intelligent opponent, while taking away what made it incredibly frustrating.

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How on earth did i miss this!?!?!? Wicked! :D:D:D:D:D:D


I've certainly not got any problem with it being a new game as long as there's new game mechanics in there. If it plays just like SFIV but with new characters i'll be disappointed, but i doubt it will.

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New artwork!



Viper has gained weight in her new artwork.


AndriaSang - Ono on SSFIV


Famitsu.com has posted a more complete version of its recent interview with Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono. In the additional sections of the interview, the producer provides a few extra hints on what we can expect from Super.


Throughout the interview, Ono stressed that Super is being designed to include as many features as fans want to see included. Asked for specifics, he mentioned expanded online play. The staff is conducting tests on how to replicate the excitement of arcade tournaments such as Enterbrain's recent Tougeki tournament. He actually joke that if they do too good here, players might end up not going to arcades.


If Capcom is trying to replicate the feel of being an arcade, does this mean we'll get live online match viewing? This is something Ono said that he'd like to do. Additionally, he'd like to strengthen the game's replay viewer feature which was added with Championship Mode.


While select members of the Western press were able to play Super behind closed doors at the Tokyo Game Show, it appears that the game was early. Development had just recently started, and Ono even joked that the development staff might have been surprised to hear the Spring release date in Famitsu.


Ono also shared a few additional hints on new characters. He previously suggested that Juri would not be alone as an original character for the game. Here, he added that the other newcomers may make use of surprising fighting styles. He recalled Viper's inclusion for the original SFIV and the varying fan opinions that resulted. Now, however, everyone has gotten used to the character. He said to expect something similar here -- a character at the borderline of what fans might accept.


SFIV's home release was accompanied by an anime DVD as a pre-order bonus. Stock ran out on that quickly, Ono recalled. For Super, he said that while nothing has been set, he'd like to do something similar.


On the topic of download contents, Ono confirmed that the game will offer from the start the same arranged costumes that gradually appeared for SFIV. Those who already bought the costumes will not have to purchase them again. He also hinted that more costume arrangements are on the way.


PlayStaton Home avatar items clothing could also be on the way as well. Ono said that he's hoping to have discussions with the various first parties.


One area where Ono would not touch upon is the new design for the Ultra Combo gauge. The site told Ono that there appears to be a "meter" in the gauge. "There's no meter," replied Ono. The site then asked if the green thing between the "Ultra" and "Combo" words is the letter "I." "Eh? You can also look at it like that?" replied Ono.

Looks like we can expect plenty of Super SFIV surprises apart from new character announcements.

Edited by Dante
Automerged Doublepost
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Famitsu posted a longer piece from their recent interview with Super Street Fighter 4's lead producer, Yoshinori Ono.


The plan is to implement 2-3 characters from each series to Super Street Fighter IV. It's assumed this means 2-3 fighters each from the Alpha and Street Fighter 3 franchises.


Ono talks a lot about the lack of an arcade version, but he also seems to say that it is not completely out of the question. The translator's opinion of this comment is that if the console version sells well enough, they may put out an arcade version.


The subject of having two Ultras is danced around, Ono states this knowledge is not ready for the public yet. Famitsu makes a comment that the Roman numerals look very Street Fighter 3ish (selectable) and Ono doesn't seem to refute that statement.


He confirms that if you bought the costume DLC (Downloadable Content) for the first game, you do not have to buy it again.


There's a point made about improving the current replay system.


Ono specifically states that Guile not being able to combo into his Ultra is a problem. (JerseyFame may have a heart attack with this news).

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