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Super/Street Fighter IV


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This is awesome, looks like people are finally getting properly into SF =D. I'm really loving getting the hang of Akuma. So many more combo opportunities compared to the other shotos, seeing as you can combo either his light, or EX Tetsumaki into a heavy shoryuken. Only problem is not being able to combo into his super or ultra moves, but other than that, he's turning into my favourite character, since they kinda screwed Ken in this game.
I've tried to get into the hang of putting a super or ultra after an ex focus attack, while they're on their knees. The only problem with it is that with the 360 analogue sticks I often don't land the move. Shouldn't be a problem with Akuma's super move though.
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I know it seems like a stupid question, but can anyone else pull off Rose's Med Kick - Hard Reflect combo in the Trial? Every single time i try it the Med Kick pushes Dan out of range of the Hard Reflect. Doesn't seem to matter what i do, it misses by a pixel or two every single time :( It's wierd, had no problem pulling off the first 2 combo trials with anyone else i've tried...


EDIT: lol



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I know it seems like a stupid question, but can anyone else pull off Rose's Med Kick - Hard Reflect combo in the Trial? Every single time i try it the Med Kick pushes Dan out of range of the Hard Reflect. Doesn't seem to matter what i do, it misses by a pixel or two every single time :( It's wierd, had no problem pulling off the first 2 combo trials with anyone else i've tried...


EDIT: lol






That is fucking hilarious! So true too :) I'm gonna be online inabit, challenge me peeps!

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This game is sodding ridiculous some times. I really shouldn't play it when i'm tired, just broke my 360 controller in a rage fit after Seth got a PERFECT against me when i was trying to unlock Gouken. It's taken me all evening to get that far, i was on my 3rd attempt at 1 perfect, 3 ultras, no continues (couldn't get the perfects in, got hit by a light punch every time!). Made it right the way to the end and he goes completely nuts. Three Sonic Booms, followed by a teleport, a Shoryuken, a throw, another throw, a teleport, three more Sonic Booms (the last being an EX), that stupid move that freezes you in mid-air, a teleport away from me, teleport behind me, EX Shoryuken. Me = Dead without even making a single attack. It was basically a bloody cut-scene!


The worst part? That was on Easiest. Capcom need to fix this broken pile of shite.

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Jump in. HK. HP. HP. Jump away.






Was doing pretty much the same with Ryu, Jumping HK, HK, HK, Hard Sweep. Jump up, repeat. I just got tagged by a lucky light punch here and there. Tried again, this time Abel caught me through my flying kick. Wierdest thing i've ever seen, the kick landed but he didn't flinch at all, grabbed me out of the air and threw me across the arena :( I've given up, will get Gouken tomorrow.

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You know Capcom made an official statement on how to get to Gouken right? It was on Kotaku the other day, it's something like 1 perfect, 2 ultras and 5 first attacks. I'll see if I can find it.


Right, here's the official word.


1. Complete Arcade Mode playing as Akuma and watch (not necessary to watch everything) an ending.

2. Then, unlock Gouken as an opponent, and defeat him.


Necessary conditions to unlock Gouken as an opponent:


- Play with any characters with which you watched the ending once (so play using a character you have already beaten the game with)

- Do not continue at all.

- Do not lose at all. Not even one round (easier if you only play 1-round matches)

- Achieve certain number (or more) of "Perfect" rounds. The number of Perfect Win you need to achieve are:


If you play on

- 1 round match: 1 time or more

- 3 round match: 2 times or more

- 5 round match: 3 times or more

- 7 round match: 4 times or more


- Achieve certain number (or more) of Super Combo -OR- Ultra Combo Finishes. Super and Ultra finishes both count toward this number. The number of perfect win you need to achieve are:


If you play on


- 1 round match: 3 times or more

- 3 round match: 5 times or more

- 5 round match: 7 times or more

- 7 round match: 9 times or more


- Achieve certain number (or more) of First Attack (this means you must score the first strike in a match—the screen gives you the "First Attack" message, and you can mostly do this without even noticing):


The number of First Attack you need to achieve are:


If you play on

- 1 round match: 5 time or more

- 3 round match: 10 times or more

- 5 round match: 15 times or more

- 7 round match: 20 times or more

- Then Gouken will appear. Kick his butt to unlock him!

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Didn't know about the first strikes. Did that without even knowing. Only took me two tries, but really, Seth does just switch sometimes. I remember when I was playing with viper on the easiest setting. Had just completed it with others before hand, even getting a perfect on seth, but this time, he just went apeshit on me, pulling ridiculous chains and repeatedly narrowly avoiding death. I am not even good with Viper, I was just using the tried and tested methods to beat seth, but honestly, it took me something like 14 tries.

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Goron, I want a match or two :D


Also, where are the Femme Fatale Costumes? ;_;


Edit: Disregard that, it's FINALLY up.


I'm going on XBL now. If I see ya online, I'll send you an invite. :D With any luck my headset is working today..


Ah can't wait to play you! Unfortunatley it's my birthday tomorrow so in 30 mins i'm leaving to meet some friends and then going for a meal, which will be followed by lots of drinking until the early hours. I'll be on during the day tomorrow but am going out with family then..so sunday it is!


Can't believe I beat the SF legend that is the bard last night..SONIC BOOM!

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Ah can't wait to play you! Unfortunatley it's my birthday tomorrow so in 30 mins i'm leaving to meet some friends and then going for a meal, which will be followed by lots of drinking until the early hours. I'll be on during the day tomorrow but am going out with family then..so sunday it is!


Can't believe I beat the SF legend that is the bard last night..SONIC BOOM!


Haha, well, excuses are feeble, but you didn't have a nekkid horny girl biting your neck while you were trying to pwn my ass :heh: You're not half bad...but we need to play again. Sunday it is.

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