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MH3 will have outsold the previous game that sold the most in it's lifetime in the US and Europe shortly :heh:


And bear in mind, it wasn't really a week for our sales, just a couple of days, which is all the more awesome.


I would have been happy aslong as MH3 sold a fair bit more than the PSP counterparts, but from what i've seen has made overjoyed. I mean a 3rd party core game that has little ground outside of Japan debuting at number 5. Awesome. Just awesome.

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Anyone know if both people have to be online when adding IDs - I keep getting a message saying "not online" when adding IDs - is the message sent and waiting for people to go online, or just being deleted as that message pops up?

Posted (edited)

Its being deleted, You both have to be online and not in a quest, its stupid, if they add you they then still have to add you for them to appear on your list.


And I think lost mario and falcon and Kave in that event quest, I had two goldenfish, realised we were short, took the shortcut to where the goldenfish are, caught it and then tried to leg it back, was probably about 20 seconds away from the box to put it in :( did you mange to do it?

Edited by James
Posted (edited)
Its being deleted, You both have to be online and not in a quest, its stupid, if they add you they then still have to add you for them to appear on your list.


And I think lost mario and falcon and Kave in that event quest, I had two goldenfish, realised we were short, took the shortcut to where the goldenfish are, caught it and then tried to leg it back, was probably about 20 seconds away from the box to put it in :( did you mange to do it?


Nope, we failed. :(


We caught a small goldenfish but they don't count. We were devastated! Haha


I really am lovng this game. I'd been playing it with the Sword & Shield up until yesterday and I gave the Switch Axe a try... what a weapon!

I tried the Great Sword today and enjoyed using that too. I think I'll try out the Lance next so that I've got a feel to all the weapons and figure out my play-style when using each one.

Edited by Kav
Posted (edited)
Hey, without sounding too whiney, please come online and help me level up! We need to arrange a meet for all the N-Europe people, especially those who have Wii Speak :)


I would love to Zechs but as I said earlier in the topic im on 2-10 shift this week. If you can play early on in the mornings about 10-12 I can give anyone on here a hand if they would like. When I get in from work I usually play with my work buddies til 1-2 in the morning.


We got our collective butts handed to us last night, we just couldn't do anything right at the start of the night.


First we tried killing Uragaan a few times but each times 2 of us kept dying early on in the fight so we just quit the hunt and moved on to something else.


We then killed Barioth pretty easily so we thought we would capture him as it was pretty straight forward. Nope. We got killed again. We quickly retooled and went back in after him and this time we caught the sucka.


Next we thought we would capture Lagiacrus as we had plenty of experience beating him. Once again 2 of us died straight away so we quit and had to restart. Luckly we tanned im in the 2nd round and lo and behold I ended up getting ANOTHER plate in the rewards. :D


This morning I decided to have a crack at Uragaan offline and I just beat the thing to a pulp, was very satisfying. Serves him right for giving us so much hassle over the past 2 days.


EDIT: The final mission on single player has been finished and the credits have rolled. Well I say final mission, I mean story mission as more unlock when you finish the game.


The last battle against Ceadeus is fantastic even though it takes a while to get going. Its a 35 min fight where you have to try and repel the beast, much like Lao from the first MH game.


I got to the final area of the battle and used the Dragonator weapon as soon as I got there so it would have time to rechage for another attack before the time ran out. Once i'd done that I swam over to the ballista cannons and used each of them, this broke one of his horns off and also sent him into rage. At this point I was just trying to dodge his attacks while waiting for the Dragonator to recharge. When the moment arrived I hit the switch and....MISSED! I was gutted and I only had about 4 mins left before I ran out of time. It was all or nothing so I just charged Ceadeus and with everything I had I managed to repel him with only 30 odd seconds left on the clock! Very intense. :D


I went online for a bit hoping to see anyone from here online but I guess everyone is at work/school/uni so I just ended up walking around various towns helping new players out and spreading the good name of HoT. Im a Hero for hire. :)

Edited by Hero-of-Time

Couple of questions:


1. The book of combos. Do you need to equip it or just own it? Is all it do is make the combining percentage higher? It doesn't GIVE you combos!!


2. Cane remember my second question now...

Couple of questions:


1. The book of combos. Do you need to equip it or just own it? Is all it do is make the combining percentage higher? It doesn't GIVE you combos!!


2. Cane remember my second question now...


Yeah you need to have them equipped. The more you have the higher the chance of success when combining items.


Last night we finally took down Uragaan online, it felt so good! My 2 mates both went in with water greatswords and I went in with a water hammer. I kept charging my attack and then unleashing straight into the beasts legs to do major damage, while my mates wailed on him with their swords. After 10-15mins of fighting he went down!


We quickly did the catch Uragaan quest after that and then some more quests unlocked which included Troublesome Pair style mission from the first game where you had to beat Rathlos and Rathian and another mission unlocked which was kill Agnkator. We chose the latter as we hadn't fought it before.


We set off to find this massive fire covered lizard which looked pretty awesome. They had their waterswords and I had equipped a water based longsword. We set about him trying to dodge his fast attacks and learn his patterns. I got killed in the process and thought that we weren't gonna beat the thing but as the fight went on we started to read the monster well. We cut off his tail, threw sonics when he was underground, smashed his face and got the win!


Right well i'm turning into a bit of a casual gamer lately..(seriously, i'm changing, it's weird..haha) so i'm trying my best to play this as much as i can..saying that, i've barely touched it..so i probably won't be online for a while yet!

This game is incredible, especially online. However capturing the Great Jagii caused me some stress, I can kill the damn things, but getting them back in one piece is a problem for me lol


I've became quite the capturing guru online. I've just been helping new players out for around 3 hours this morning and most of them wanted capturing missions done. Last night I gemmed my armour up so that I have the skill where I can see if a monster is ready to be captured well before it starts limping. If its painted the dot will start flashing, it ends quests really quickly ( took down Royal Ludroth in about 2-3 mins ) and it stops you from accidently killing it.


I still need to add you, Zechs. I will be online again tomorrow morning from 10 if you want to hook up.

Guest Captain Falcon

Finally managed to complete the great Jaggi quest this morning. I tried it a couple of times before but it always ran off and I could never find it again - the paintball effect would end at the most inopportune moment so I couldn't track it. I'd search all over and it was no where to be found. Then it would reappear with about 5 mins left and it was never enough time to take it down.


Really need to get a better weapon though as I'm still using the sword I started with without any upgrades on it.


The new Event Quest is apparently up.


Hunt 4 Great Jaggies consecutively. The next one will appear after the other is killed.


A Qurupecco roams the area, you can kill it for extra HR points bringing your total to over 1300 for a single quest.


I can't wait to butcher this when I can back in from work tonight. Nice amount of HR points for it aswell, will come in handy when grinding levels.

The new Event Quest is apparently up.




I can't wait to butcher this when I can back in from work tonight. Nice amount of HR points for it aswell, will come in handy when grinding levels.


the event quest are on weekly basis right? Im not in the possition to play untill saturday:hmm:

Finally managed to complete the great Jaggi quest this morning. I tried it a couple of times before but it always ran off and I could never find it again - the paintball effect would end at the most inopportune moment so I couldn't track it. I'd search all over and it was no where to be found. Then it would reappear with about 5 mins left and it was never enough time to take it down.


Really need to get a better weapon though as I'm still using the sword I started with without any upgrades on it.


Your armour looks pretty turd as well, you still in the vest and underpants? :p


Sorry I left that event quest, That other player in our team went AWOL looking at the scenery and pissed me off, so I quit.

Guest Captain Falcon
Your armour looks pretty turd as well, you still in the vest and underpants? :p


Sorry I left that event quest, That other player in our team went AWOL looking at the scenery and pissed me off, so I quit.


Stoopid was moaning at me so I got some basic armour last and upgraded one level. The Royal Ludroth (or rather the Royal Pain in the Backside) could still take me out with two hits, armour or not.


To be fair, I had protection on my arms, legs and waist, it was just my manly chest which was on display for the whole monster hunting world to see. And I couldn't be covering up my handsome good looks now - that would be unfair to all the female monster hunters :p

Guest Captain Falcon
I didn't moan!



I complained.


I meant it in an affectionate way - you seemed concerned for my health.

The new Event Quest is apparently up.


I can't wait to butcher this when I can back in from work tonight. Nice amount of HR points for it aswell, will come in handy when grinding levels.


I still have Mercy Mission up. :hmm:


Do Event Quests differ depending on what rank you are?


I meant it in an affectionate way - you seemed concerned for my health.




It's my first MH game and I love it. Just defeated the royal Ludroth offline and have done some quests online. I don't find the game too hard for the moment.

My weapon of choice is the hammer. I love smashing things. I still have to try the switch axe and bowgun.


Are the skills you can gain with armors explained somewhere in the game? Because if it's not, it's just plain stupid. I can guess what they do for the most part but I like when things are clear.


I love the fact that the way to learn about the game is the "learn by doing" method. Sure it's taking me a while longer to get good at the game but it feels more of an accomplishment the more I progress.


I can't stress how much I love the game, it's easily found it's way on to my favourite games list!


So everytime you combine you have to equip the books....? Not a big fan of that idea....Oh well. Good job the rest of the game is utter genius!!!


Hero, how do you feel about the world catching on to what you've been bangiing on about for ages? :)

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