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Just had a nice few hours initial play, got up to mining the Iron Ore. added leather gloves and a chainmail chestplate, didn't upgrade or forge a weapon as didn't have enough materials and just wanted to get something new. Using the Sword/Shield as weapon, tried the great sword but prefer the speed of the regular sword. Using the Wiimote/Nunchuck for controls, finding it work pretty well not having any issues at all.


Went into the online for a minute, just to set up my ID and have a look round. Won't get a chance to play again till late tomorrow night maybe, then not till the next Friday as going away so all you guys will likely be way ahead of me by then, I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back if I wanna survive online I guess.

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I've got mine! But can't play it until tomorrow...

I tried the arena mode at a friend's house and we had a good laugh, especially when my mother tried playing (the last games she played are wii sports and ... DKC back in the SNES days. She absolutely loved this game and was quite good at it. Now that I think about it, darksnowman could be my mom :shakehead).

Ok I'm stuck already, where do I find Monster Guts?


I got some from the big, sea creatures... can't remember their names :P... but at the top of the wood map in the ocean section those big creatures which are surprisingly easy to kill. I got lots of Monster Guts from them.

edit , als the books you buy 1 -2 -3 ect do they have to be in your puch to take effect or will they still work being stored in the box?


Combo Books need to be on your character for them to work. The more you have the better the chances of the combo working.


Played about 4/5 hours tonight. Really like it. The only thing I will say though is that it doesn't feel like a world. The online I mean. You get into a group and you go on a specific missions... I sort of wish the worlds had loads of people in them, you get a tea of 4 and actually travel to where you need to go... The only the 4 players in one space makes it feel mechanical. This isn't a major problem as it's loads of fun, but loses the online world feeling I thought it would have.


Blame the inclusion of WiiSpeak. The Japanese servers are like the PS2 ones where about 10 hunters can enter a town and then split off. For some reason they had to knock it down to 4 when they put in Wii Speak, which by the way is terrible.


Me and my mates tried it last night and it was a horrible echoing, mess. We could make each other out but there was alot of static noise and echoing going on so we just put the trusty keyboards back in.


Ok I'm stuck already, where do I find Monster Guts?


If its a sea quest then from beasts that are in the ocean, if its in the desert its off the dolphin looking creatures that are in the sand.


Here's the progress I made with my armour yesterday. :)




Had a hell of session on it yesterday, which finally ended with me getting to HR 9. For most of the day me and 1 of my mates were stuck at HR 8 because we couldn't do our urgent quest which meant we couldn't level up anymore or gain anymore exp.


We tried earlier in the day to do the urgent quest, which is kill Barroth, but after 30mins of fighting he killed us both. We decided we need backup. Luckly my other mate and nephew finally got their copies of the game and we set about levelling their armour and weapons up.


From that point on we must have killed about 10-15 Great Jaggi and 10-15 Royal Ludroth, it was insane. It was great seeing our team getting stronger and stronger as the bosses kept getting brought down quicker and quicker. Very satisfying.


At 11pm last night we were all set. With new armour equipped and fresh weapons in hands the team was ready and we set off against Barroth. Surprisingly he fell after about 15mins of fighting which was a relief. My nephew and my mate died which was worrying but we managed to pull it together.


After that we healed up and then went and did the quest again as you have to do the urgent quests for each person, they don't count for everyone like the normal quests. Once again he fell and even quicker this time! With him defeated the 2 star quests were finally opened, HR 9 was reached and I can now once again gain exp! :D


I've just popped off to get some lunch but myself, Shadow and Deathjam had such a laugh this morning. Trying to fight Qurupeco while Rathian was hanging around was insane and then when Shadow went in the area to check if it was safe, he was greeted with a fireball to the face! Classic!


We took the Qurupeco down though ( a couple of times in fact ) and Shadow was left with some shiny new armour. :bouncy:

I've just popped off to get some lunch but myself, Shadow and Deathjam had such a laugh this morning. Trying to fight Qurupeco while Rathian was hanging around was insane and then when Shadow went in the area to check if it was safe, he was greeted with a fireball to the face! Classic!


We took the Qurupeco down though ( a couple of times in fact ) and Shadow was left with some shiny new armour. :bouncy:


From the online thread.


Haha this game is so much fun online, especially when crazy shit happens with huge bosses crashing and already tough enough boss fight. Two bosses at the same time is chaos. Didnt even know that could happen lol. Gonna need to gear up to make a difference, but even though I was next to nothing against that bird boss, was fun just trying to stay alive. HoT and V7 own.

Haha it was so crazy. Did any of you notice I used the trap by mistake when fighting the second Peco? I used the shock trap instead of sharpening my sword and then Rathian showed up. Luckly I brought a spare which JUST worked out for us at the end. Was touch and go for a moment though. :D


It was great when we just had to kill Peco, he called in help and a Great Jaggi showed up. We decided to wail on him for a while before chasing after our main target. :grin:


Man, that was so much fun doing those quests. Can't wait till we get our revenge on Rathian though, with all that trouble he caused us.


Still laughing when I went to check the area. Just stepped foot in the new place then got smacked in the face with a fireball, priceless.


Happy that i've got some nice new armour now. Just need to do quests for money and get rid of some jump in my itembox and get round to making some traps and getting ammo for my bowgun.


Looking forward to more crazy adventures :D

Guest Captain Falcon

Given it normally happens when I'm not feeling too good, all I could see when I closed my eyes to sleep was this game and I'm pretty sure it was in my dreams too.


Finally got round to buying some armour today so I'm not running around as the game made me.


Question: can you only change your equipment at your inventory box or can you do it mid quest?

Given it normally happens when I'm not feeling too good, all I could see when I closed my eyes to sleep was this game and I'm pretty sure it was in my dreams too.


Finally got round to buying some armour today so I'm not running around as the game made me.


Question: can you only change your equipment at your inventory box or can you do it mid quest?


Before you go on a quest at your box as far as i'm aware.


I think it's the same for the most part dazzy, though online has extras like the event/arena/huge monster quests etc.

Can someone answer the following question:


Is the online the same as the single player? With regards to the missions.


Yes but only up until a certain point. Later on you get online quests that have exclusive battles and monsters which lead to exclusive armours and weapons.


Played with Welshy before but he wasn't very talkative. :( Still, nice to finally get some online time with people off N-E for a change. :D

Yes but only up until a certain point. Later on you get online quests that have exclusive battles and monsters which lead to exclusive armours and weapons.


Played with Welshy before but he wasn't very talkative. :( Still, nice to finally get some online time with people off N-E for a change. :D


But is the whole of the single player the same as the online? (I realise it isn't the other way around). That's 'slightly' disappointing as doesn't give a major incentive to play the single player.


Is their an overarching story for online or is it just the quests?


Can't wait to sink more time into it. LATE tonight and tomorrow I'm free, I'm sure some of you will be around.


This games is just SO great! I'm having a blast with it in single player and after my first games online with Stoopidditties, Deathjam and Spune I'm loving it so much more!


I can't wait to really sink my teeth into it now!


Just been playing more, did the first quest in single player, upgraded my sword and got armour for my waist and legs.


Went online to see if I could figure out what to do, Hero-Of-Time was the only person here whoose online name I could 100% remember so tried a search and found him online, added and joined him. Took me a while to figure out how to type in the chat log thing..no keyboard... and I assume neither HoT or his friends had WiiSpeak as I was the only one with a speaker icon.... took me even longer to figure out were to go and how to join the quest, haha... I think that took longer than the actual quest. haha.


Was a good laugh, wish I had more time to stay online... will be next Friday or Saturday before I get to play again, going away tomorrow morning, but I look forward to more online action :D



Oh yeah is there only the like 12 areas in the Moga Woods where you can hunt or will other areas unlock later?


You should have stayed on a little longer, Mokong. We were gonna go kill something big to get you some good armour. As for Moga Woods, yeah it only has 12 areas.


I took down a few new monsters yesterday both on and offline. We and my mates took down a few Rathian ( REVENGE!!! ) who has a new attack which pins someone down and then just starts eating him.


We defeated a Gobul, which is a giant blowfish. He took a fair beating and actually killed me and made me use all of my potions up! He is much easier offline though.


Lastly I killed Lagiacrus!! That fight is soooooo cool. At first you just have to repel it but later he comes back and you have to kill the thing. Once he goes into rage mode he becomes very dangerous, especially his electric spin attack. With my little Cha-Cha helping me we were victorious!


I upgraded my amour to a full Ignot set ( 18 def each piece ) which makes me look a bit like Sauron off Lord of the Rings. :) I also got me a new sword which does 624 attack damage and looks awesome.


I apoligise to Ike, Marcel and STOOPIDDITTIES.


Ike came into town and left me a message but I was away in the shower, Marcel entered town as I went offline to kill Lagiacrus andSTOOPIDDITTIES entered town and couldn't join our quests last night due to a lower HR.

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