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Mafia Game - Game Thread


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Day 8 is over


Paj Meen Ah didn't even try to plead innocence. The town wanted him dead. He had had evil intentions, but had never actually managed to kill anyone successfully.


Paj Meen Ah is dead. He was The Godfather, don of the Sony mafia family.


There are 6 players surviving (4 is a majority)









Now the Nintendo mafia family had free reign to do what they wanted in the town. They had accomplised what they had set out to do - now they dominated the town.


With only 3 goodies left, and 3 mafia members surviving, a majority lynch will never be reached. And since the goodies have no killing ability, they have no way of killing the mafia.






Congratulations to gaggle64, Mundi and Cube the survivng members of the mafia!



I will post what everyone's powers were now, and you can discuss the game.

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I was Nintendo Mafia Godmother and the crazy women with the car. I have either ordered or have been personally responsible for most of the killings in the town. Cube was the my burly bodyguard, who killed a couple under my orders. The deaths of Goomba and Strider were not our killings. All the others were.


OK, be honest: Who here actually suspected me?

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The Nintendo Mafia Family.


gaggle64 was The Godmother.

Mundi was The Torturer.

Cube was The Bodyguard.

Ellmeister was The Son.


Members of the family could communicate with any of the other members via PM.


They would win when they dominated the town.



The Godmother

The Godmother was the leader. She could organise killings. Every night she could send one of her cronies to kill another player. The crony which was sent couldn't use their night power if they were sent. She could have performed the killing himself if she so chose, but it might have comprimised her position.

If she was investigated by The Policeman, she would have appeared innocent.


The Torturer

Every night, The Torturer could torture a player. The player he tortured would be prevented from carrying out their night power. Also he would learn something about the player he tortures.


The Bodyguard

Every night, the Bodyguard could protect another player. If someone tried to kill the player he protects, he would die instead, and leave incriminating bruises on the killer.


The Son

The Son was The Godmother's Son. He was not yet fully a mafia member. The Godmother could not send The Son to perform a killing. When investigated by The Policeman, he would appear innocent. If The Godmother died, The Son would become the next leader of the Nintendo Mafia.





The Townies


Those that survived to live as slaves under the mafia


The Nosy Neighbour - MoogleViper


Every night he could break into someone's house, and by looking at their stuff got clues as to who they were.


The Jailer - Sanchez


Every night, he could lock someone up for the night. They would be prevented from using their night power, but would also be safe from being killed.

The Commuting Bank Manager - mr-paul


On alternate nights, he would leave the town for another town. On these nights he would be immune from being killed. On the other nights he could call people up about their finances, and prevent them from using their night power. (this was probably the best role in the game)


Those that died trying to get rid of the mafia

The Policeman - Shino


The Policeman could investigate one player every night, and decide whether they were good or evil.


The Lawyer - G1mb01a


The Lawyer could defend someone every day. It would take a 2/3 vote to lynch the person he protected. Unfortunately, he never used his power, and never participated in the game :mad: There was no antidote to the poison, I killed him because he was pissing me off.

The Politician -Stuwii


Every night, the politican had to hide in someone's house. If the person who lived in the house he hid in was good, he would survive, if the occupant was evil, he would die. I spelt it clear for you that Mundi was evil, but you didn't lynch him! Well done to Mundi for surviving till the end!


The Doctor - The Fish


The town's best asset, yet he was killed on the first night. He could protect a player from being killed.


The Mayor - Welsh_Gamer


Urgh! I was actually kicking you guys mentally for lynching him randomly! He could have saved your asses at the end, double lynch vote is very powerful. His vote counted twice. I still don't understand why you didn't plead innocence Welsh_gamer.

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If she was investigated by The Policeman, she would have appeared innocent.




I investigated 3 persons, first was gaggle64 which completely fooled me, the second mr.paul, and the third was strider which I never got to know because at the first time I was arrested, and the second I was killed.

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Other roles


The Traitor - Martinist


The Traitor had a list of everyone in the mafia (apart from Strider and Ellmeister). He was not allowed to communicate with them. He would appear good if investigated, but would win when the mafia won. He had no power - he just had to convince people not to lynch the mafia.



The Village Idiot - Dyson


The Village Idiot got a random different power every night. He would win when someone else won.


On the first night he could prevent people from using their night power.

On the second night, he was immune to being killed.

On the third night, he became a policeman. However, what he didn't know was that the information he got would be false.

On the 4th night he fell in a hole, and anyone that targeted him would also fall into the hole.

On the 5th night he was had the same power as The Politician, however, he didn't know that he wouldn't die if he went into an evil person's house. Thus he believed that Cube was good, when he was actually evil.

On the 6th night, he concucted a "mystery solution". However, he was targeted by Strider, who had gained a misdirection power that night, and G1mb01a drank the drink instead, which turned out to be poison. The solution could have protected him from being killed, or could have done nothing aswell.

On the 7th night, he became the Bus driver. He targeted Paj and Mundi, and everyone that targeted Mundi instead targeted Paj, and vice versa. (Didn't cause as much mayhem as I expected though lol)


I think the title "most evasive player" goes to Dyson. I think the mafia tried to kill him 3 or 4 times, and he managed to survive.


The Sony Mafia Family


Paj Meen Ah was The Godfather

jayseven was The Prostitute

McPhee was The Con Artist

Strider was The Daughter


They could communicate with each other via PM.


They would win when they dominated the town.



The Godfather's role was exactly the same as The Godmother's role.

The Daughter's role was exactly the same as The Son's role. However, when Strider was drafted into the mafia he gained the same power as The Con Artist instead.


The Prostitute could sleep with someone every night, and prevent them from using their night power.


The Con Artist could trick another player, and cause their target to be randomised.


I must say, apart from having an obsession with trying to kill Dyson, they actually played quite well, but luck was against them heavily.

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Well i survived longer than i thought i would.


You survived about 3 days longer than realistically you should have lol.


There was a day when no-one was lynched!



MoogleViper, why didn't you get everyone to lynch Mundi? You knew he was a torturer...


However, it did seem to work, you survived till the end by not drawing too much attention to yourself, but you did lose :heh: : peace:



That was a pretty fun game to GM guys, thanks!

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MoogleViper, why didn't you get everyone to lynch Mundi? You knew he was a torturer...


However, it did seem to work, you survived till the end by not drawing too much attention to yourself, but you did lose :heh: : peace:


1) I didn't want to attract too much attention to myself.

2) There was already somebody else that I suspected in the lynchlight.


By that time I think it was pretty much too late for the townsfolk. There were too many good players dead. The only chance was voting off the other mafia but as we didn't know who was in the mafia or which one they were in it wasn't very likely.


The game was lost for us near the start.

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How come no one lynched Mundi after knowing he was from the mafia? He should have been forced to give info everyday! Why did it took so long to lynch Strider after it was so obvious he was covering for another mafioso?


I must say Gaggle played it good, and I expected him to be good at this but being the godfather completely screwed my plans.


Great game chairdriver! Will we have another one?

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Oh man what a game! I loved my role, I seriously think it was the best there could have been. I had no idea I was such a marked man! :(


But I'm glad my suspicions were correct on the part of Paj Meen Ah and Strider.


Also, I partially forgot I was neutral and kept working for the town to try and get them to win. Whoops! My bad.



Can we do another one in the future? Havn't enjoyed a forum game as much as that :P


Edit: I never suspected gaggle, and also, I got false information on Cube's alignment :( So they wouldn't have had my vote anyway. Brilliant!

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I think I'll sit the next one out. I found actually slightly stressful. Incredibly fun, but stressful. Got way too into it I guess. :heh:




Some people have been known to become medically paranoid through playing this game!


It all adds to the fun though, praying you don't die.

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