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  • ReZourceman


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  • Dan_Dare


Just wow, it's insane, its too good, its just outstanding, issue by issue talking time


52, Oliver killing the twins 'accidently' i was amazed, i was in shock, i couldn't continue for awhile. And i actually exploded during mark and olivers talk in the sky, and left stunned when he said sometimes. Which makes me think that the betrayel of cecil got to him alot more than i realised, as he no doubt see's himself as above the rest of the world because of it, as oliver does.


53/54 together because they are a continnum, the twin twats are back and the drawing/inking was incredible, i was well up for seeing invincible as the leader, but i was more happy with immortal especially with what he said. It's all pointing towards invincible turning, or doing 'whats best for the planet' later on, i can't wait. I was kind of suprised when he killed immortal, but i guess it doesn't really count, immortal wanted it and he can come back to life so...

Atom eve, i've come to love her so much, and how 54 ended was just amazing, really just loved it, my favourite two panels in the whole thing. I'm really rather happy they got together.

55. Allens back :D i like nolan alot more now (i did after the insect saga but more now) and at the same time, i feel abit disappointed that theres only 50 left.. it makes sense, they constantly kill each other but even so, makes the upcoming war seem...less significant maybe?


56. i was at first happy that they brought amber back, but i was just so shocked by what that guy (chris) had done that i was kind in support of invincible. But at the same time it seems to keep psuhing him towards the downward slope of that the world isn't good enough for him yknow?


57...um i couldn't get 57 so i don't know what happened =[


58. invincible inc... i'm not quite sure how i feel about that tbh, the phone thing seems abit..odd but i'll let it slide as it'll probably work out nicely. But the ending has me stoked for whats to come :) issue 60, do want!



ReZatron, i can't get 57,59,60 so reasons i shouldn't say, could i ask you a huge favour for you to send them to me? (plus any inclusions you wanna add =]) but not now, in a couple weeks? is that ok?

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Just wow, it's insane, its too good, its just outstanding, issue by issue talking time


ReZatron, i can't get 57,59,60 so reasons i shouldn't say, could i ask you a huge favour for you to send them to me? (plus any inclusions you wanna add =]) but not now, in a couple weeks? is that ok?


Yeah thats cool. It would have to be special delivery though, so it might be easier to obtain it from say....Dan has the....erm...you know. Of it.


57 is the Wolf-Man cross over and 59 is a stand alone issue. :)






Why another ongoing Deadpool series??!!?!!?!?!!??!

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Oh sweet, is that Invincible Iron Man, Dan? Its so fucking awesome.





And word. Gringo, you can download it if you buy it. Cos' you'll love it.


oh, yeah totally :D


Good series, though I prefered the first 6 because in between the two arcs they had Secret Invasion and i know nothing about that. It was a bit disorientating.


Norman Osborne- renowned psycho and super villian- is somehow the best candidate for the head of H.A.M.M.E.R? WHAT!?


also what the frak is up with Spiderman? he goes on telly and unmasks during Civil War and now nobody knows who he is? I smell some kind of filthy ret con



oh and finally: Invincible #61 is proving elusive online. I know it's not a huge book but c'maaan!


I think I'm going to do a trip to town and get it and TWD #60 (even though I read it)

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oh, yeah totally :D


Good series, though I prefered the first 6 because in between the two arcs they had Secret Invasion and i know nothing about that. It was a bit disorientating.


Norman Osborne- renowned psycho and super villian- is somehow the best candidate for the head of H.A.M.M.E.R? WHAT!?


also what the frak is up with Spiderman? he goes on telly and unmasks during Civil War and now nobody knows who he is? I smell some kind of filthy ret con



oh and finally: Invincible #61 is proving elusive online. I know it's not a huge book but c'maaan!


I think I'm going to do a trip to town and get it and TWD #60 (even though I read it)


Yeaaaah. Norman shot the Skrull queen is part of the reason (I know its stupid).


Yeah Spidey made a deal with Mephisto to save Aunt May from dieing and part of that was (which hasn't been fully explained yet) a psychic dis-jointation so peoples minds don't let them reach the conclusion that Peter Parker is Spider-Man happens, unless Peter full out tells them, in which they remember everything.


So the most ridiculous ret-con ever basically.

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Jesus Fuck.


that's awful.


Yep. You can imagine the fan reaction. YouTube videos with fans on toilets implying the comic was about to be used as toilet paper.


Google/YouTube "One More Day"




My comic shop havn't got Invincible in this week. No way I'm waiting a week, gonna have to download it.

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I Just got:


Invincible #61


obviously more of a talky talky bit after the crazy action from #60- it's very much dealing with the consequences. Really well written, really well drawn (there's a great new character you'll love) and FUCKING CONQUEST.



The Walking Dead #60

OK already reviewed this but I couldn't resist buying a copy. Sexual.

also: I think I know what's coming next.

Cannibals. Griiim!



Destroyer #1


fucking lol.

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Never read it personally.




I obtained Invincible and read it this morning. Loved it. It was another crumb leaver issue, mixed with AMAZING colouring. Seriously, how good was this issues colouring.


I LOVED the last panel artwork and colouring. I want to actually buy that.


9/10 of course.


And Conquest looks SICK.

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Anyone checked on "Battle For The Cowl"?

I´m acquiring it now but I was wondering if any had read it and how it is?


Its alright. Not amazing to be honest. And its all supposed to be a big mystery of who is going to take over Batmans role, when its obvious.


It's alright though. Nice artwork.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Yeah incredibly obvious...


Even the last issue related to it is called:

"The Gazette: Batman alive?"


I´m just looking to read because it sounds interesting and I´ve been wanting to get into some Batman recently

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Just finished reading everything "Battle For The Cowl" related stuff and it was pretty decent (except The Oracle mini series which is just shit)

It´s not something I´m going to look forward to continue reading but I will continue to read it.


A breakdown off it


Main series: It should just be called "Battle of the Robins" because in a nutshell it is an alright read but is majorly subtracted from the fact that Batman will return rendering all this pointless

Bit of a weird move to kill of Tim Drake which only furthers my opinion that Jason Todd should punted in the crotch and thrown off a cliff.

He was a major cock in FC and has become a bigger cock here



Azreal run: It´s pretty average has some cool moments but that is mostly artwork related rather.

I really liked the fact that it´s about someone wanting to fill the gap from Batman´s "death" and is not trying to become The Batman.

Also this run seems pointless of the obviousness that Batman will return


Oracle: Shit is the word, shit shit shit.

It feels silly and the plot is hard to take seriously "A guy hacks an MMO to piece together the anti-life equation which has apparently fractured and spread throughout the internet :blank:"

It seems stupider when you read (which you should not) it.


One shots: Arkham Asylum and Commisioner Gordon are easily the best so far because it deals more with the impact of Batman´s disappearance.


It´s mostly all readable stuff and Arkham, Gordon issues are good stuff but if your gonna read them it´s best to read the main issues to get the jist of what is happening.


EDIT: Oh and what annoyed me the most is that it seems like everyone just forgot the world almost ended a few weeks ago and Batman´s disappearance is more talk able then the fact that the world was brainwashed and nearly ended

Edited by Mundi
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Hmm this is either gonna be awesome or epic fail but, I was sorting through stuff today - having a clearout basically - and I found two comics, one of them is of the Transformers variety and looks pretty old and the other is of Masters of the Universe fame and is a mini comic from 1984...


Both are in used condition, not ripped but clearly well-thumbed, anyway I was wondering if anyone wanted them? like for free but obviously you'd need to pay w/e the postage cost would be - I'm guessing £1 or something if sent flat - so yeah... heres a pic.




So if anyone wants them then let me know, just that I didn't want to chuck them out if they are of use to anyone : peace: I also have a Batman one hanging around somewhere I think lolz.

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so after reading this thread I've now managed to get into Invincible, now read 1-60 in just over 4 days.


All I can say is wow


I'm now a slave to Kirkman, gonna start reading Walking Dead now as well.


New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen should hopefully hit the shelves this week as well, can't wait :)

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