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Green Lantern #67


Wasn't this supposed to be double sized finale?




Unfortunately it has got FOUR inkers on so the art is affected.


Anyway, pretty epic conclusion to the war


Hal Jordan kicked out! WHOA! Explains the front cover to #1 though. Sinestro in. Wowza. Well we knew it was coming but I had assumed it happened in Flashpoint/spun out of that.


Thought Ganthet was dead for a second. Hal killing Krona was EPIC.


AND! We found out Indigo-1 is actually called "Iroque" or something...and it again hinted that she has some kind of connection to Abin Sur, and the way she acted seemed to indicate (or Indigate lol) that she has been an Indigo Lantern probably since before Abin died?



However GLC and GLEW were...ugh. Probably the most forgetable issues of GL I have ever read.



Guarding the Globe #5 was "good", however the penultimate page double spread is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The rest of the issue also has a couple of inkers so quality is up and down also. Still. Forgiven for that last spread.

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A theory on the Indigo tribe I just read:


does anyone else think that the Abin Sur founded his own corps before he was killed on Earth? No one believed that the Blackest Night was coming, and even Sinestro felt that Abin was out of his mind. However, Abin had already seen the prophecy written in the books of Oa...


I think he founded his own corps using the Indigo light of Compassion. They have purposely stayed hidden as Abin's only post humous weapon against the Black Lanterns. Abin's sister knew who Indigo-1 was and Indigo has expressed some familiarity with Sinestro although he does not seem to know her. (GL #46-#47), Obvious Abin is mentioned in the Indigo oath (BN# 5), and given that Sinestro has his own corps, it wouldn't be all that surprising that a GL founded their own corps. Way back at the beginning of BN, Ganthet told Saint Walker that the Blue Light of Hope had to work with the Indigo Light of Compassion. Another poster reminded me, but Indigo-1 also stated that Abin found her when she was selfish. So we already know that through Abin, Indigo-1 was able to presumably become the first person to wield the Indigo light of compassion. Abin most likely mentioned his plan to form a new corps to Ganthet who just kept silent.


The Indigo Tribe... I think they are the corps to watch. Abin is going to wind up being the hero somehow because he thought ahead. They are the ones who knew how the universe started, before the emotional spectrum separated... and they were the only ones who knew that it takes Willpower + another color to sever the connection of the BL Rings.


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That is a god damn awesome theory.




Ultimate Fallout #1 = Pretty awesome to be fair.


Erm. Not a MASSIVE amount happens, it is essentially each character gets a few pages, but it is really great. I actually personally found it a lot more emotional than the death issue - that was a bit more....action packed/took me out of it, but this is great stuff.

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I wanna read that soon ^


I finished Secret Invasion. I can see why it's regarded as so "...". Like...such a cool premise, but it really is just a massive anti-climax, though it feels like it fails to build-up to much mid-way either. It should have been a longer event where the repurcusssionsss of the invasion/takeover were actually felt. I know it had tie-in issues, but they were just fighting weren't they?


Felt like it didn't elaborate enough on some bits, too much on others. Wasp's death felt slightly unclear/un'FUCK'. And Mockingbird's return? Um. It was done well when it was the Skrull who THOUGHT it was her, but then when the REAL one returns, it's like "Oh Hey Hawkeye.", "Oh hey dead wife.".




Stunning art though of course.

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I agree completely.


Heck even in Green Lantern this week


Ganthet was dead. My jaw literally dropped and I was like "Holy fucking shit, they killed Ganthet!!!!!" then he isn't in it for about 5 pages, then he pops up and he is fine and I was like "oh..."



Slightly strangley done, but meh.


Basically everything should follow Invincible. If you get impaled/hole in chest/your skeleton explodes then you die. Unless you're a Viltry/Allen.

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Yeah, it literally didn't show Thor killing her/ending her pain. She was like going all crazy and big and then he says his peace/'I will avenge thee' and then it's a shot of her kinda...leaning sideways and Ms.Marvel looking indifferent. While I love Yu (lel), I wonder if it's his fault for not making it visually clear. Or if Bendis wanted it like that.


And for such an important/long-lived character like that to die so unclearly is a bit "...". I actually, in all seriousness, preferred her Ultimatum death. [discounting my 'love' of Ultimatum]


At least it slapped you across the face, as opposed to just kinda tapping you on the shoulder and shuffling away.

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Marvel-wise? I guess...House of M/Decimation/whaturrr. World War Hulk, if that counts. Not overly interested in that though.


Read Civil War extensively, Dark Reign/Siege etc. All of the accompanying stuff for that like Utopia too. What else is there?


Not read any DC events of recent years except Final Crisis.

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For the moment id say to read Avengers Disassembled and then House of M. World War Hulk isnt bad but is not necessary.


If you do eventually want to read some of the DC events then let me know. If you are invested in the DCU then they do tend to be quite good and usually more at stake than Marvels.

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Yeah, it literally didn't show Thor killing her/ending her pain. She was like going all crazy and big and then he says his peace/'I will avenge thee' and then it's a shot of her kinda...leaning sideways and Ms.Marvel looking indifferent. While I love Yu (lel), I wonder if it's his fault for not making it visually clear. Or if Bendis wanted it like that.


And for such an important/long-lived character like that to die so unclearly is a bit "...". I actually, in all seriousness, preferred her Ultimatum death. [discounting my 'love' of Ultimatum]


At least it slapped you across the face, as opposed to just kinda tapping you on the shoulder and shuffling away.



isn't it that she's not actually dead? I think she's just continuously expanding in a pocket dimension using booby trapped pym particles. She'll be back eventually.

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isn't it that she's not actually dead? I think she's just continuously expanding in a pocket dimension using booby trapped pym particles. She'll be back eventually.


That wasn't her, that was Korvacs wife pretending to be her



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I must say, Schism was everything I could have hoped for, everything I didn't expect and more. AAron is on top form!


All hail Kilgore! Hah awesome new villain, and sentinals and quire AND a very tired wolverine

:) all points to a fantastic event


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Yeah id just been reading the soicits for the Lantern books. Im looking forward to reading the main book and the New Lanterns one, both seem pretty interesting.


Heres the solicits for anyone who hasnt read them:





Oh and I just read the latest Superman issue. Obviously this entire Grounded arc has been one of the worst ever in Superman but this issue was definitely one of the worst in the arc. It was just so unbelievably cheesy, poorly written and preachy towards what they say Superman stands for.

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I'm sure it's been asked before multiple times, but can anyone give me some suggestions on where to leap into the X-Men comics again. Preferably something with a long run, I've already done all the Whedon/Astonishing arc. I prefer the classic team but would be willing to give other angles a try.

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