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Todays trade purchase:




My comicbook guy asked me if I was enjoying the series with a kind of grimace on his face like he would have hit me if id said yes :p I let him know though that I enjoyed the first two trades but I know it goes way downhill after that and im just buying this for completions sake.


Also I think he was really hoping id buy Transmetropolitan or Bone today but im very low on money and as I much prefer superhero comics I want to get all the ones id like to of those first. Plus Countdown Vol.4 is quite hard to find.

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Does it actually tie into Final Crisis at all? Does Grant Morrison have any say in it? I haven't heard anything of the like. I asked for a reading order for Final Crisis on another site (including stuff (of his, but not exclusively) that ties-in, like Seven Soldiers, and that wasn't even mentioned. :p


Finished Volume 4 of Invisibles! Though strangely short, only collected 4 issues IIRC, the others are generally longer. Hmmm. My favourite concept though - each Invisible Cell (group - the titualr Invisibles of the book you follow are just one "cell" of many) base their group structure around elemental symbolism, and then every so often, they swap elements, giving them new roles in the group. I love. Reminds me of Final Fantasy or some joke RPG. Ragged Robin was Fire I think and generally floated about doing useful things in the background, but then she got Air (off King Mob, the leader up until now, who got Earth, the worst one), and she has to wear a leather outfit and lead the team in combat, being great. And Lord Fanny (<3) gives Water to Jack Frost, which could stun. Considering Jack Frost was too powerful being Spirit.


I know no one else cares, but it's my fave thing. I needed to fangasm.

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It was supposed to be the big tie In with final crisis but apparently about half way through things got changed and a lot of what happened in countdown was just forgotten.


Some things stuck though, it explains some of the monitor stuff, Mary marvels turn to evil, the new gods stuff as well.




Oh god the end to OMIT was just terrible, its like im right back when OMD happened.


If Joe Q wanted to justify his rediculous choices he should have done it back when this all began. Leaving it this long so people finally start to forget then bringing in a story that is just as badly written as the original just proves how much of a fool he is.


Im back hating him and dropping ASM and its trades.

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Im so weak, once again I am tempted to start collecting single issues.


Over the past months to maybe a year I just dont seem to have the same enjoyment/excitement when reading comics that I used to have and I think that may partially be because of the way I read them these days. I think next week I may order my comics and see what happens.


EDIT: Of course saying all that I did reading Batgirl #14 this week and really enjoyed it. Was just a fun team up issue.

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A stunning thing.


More thoughts on the week:

Batgirl was entertaining - it always raises a laugh, and it's nice to have a straight up sturggling superhero comic (i.e lots of self-contained stories) to read. Supergirl seemed a bit powered down, but you deal.

ASM was hilar, but I can't really judge it yet properly.

Batman and Robin was awesome, I think I might go back and read 13 again, think I've forgotten bits here and there. Frazer Irving might just be my favourite artist currently on a monthly title. It's AMAZING.

X-Force: Sex and Violence - End of a nice mini, but just strikes me as a bit unnecessary overall. The art was amazing though. Just a bizarre thing to make. There wasn't that much more sex and violence than elsewhere.




Reading Generation X for the first time, cause I was in the mood. I love how Chris Bachalo's style clearly changes after like 3 issues (more in line with his style now). It's like keeps abstracting more and more over the years. I quite liked style in the first issue of Gen X, quite detailed, but lovely. Seems well written, balancing genuine characterisation with intriguing plot.


I just stopped at issue 8, they replaced Bachalo with the atrocious Roger Cruz, and now Tom Grummet (just boring), it seems. I'll see if he returns and read from there. Roger Cruz's art just looks like it MUST be tongue-in-cheek, but you know it isn't. Ridiculous poses and proportions, REALLY off-putting styling (Banshee's short-shorts?), horrible faces.

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Hahaha! Now if only it was based on her role in Lake Placid!! :laughing:


Its part of a range of 'Femme Force' comics detailing the lives of some of the most important women today such as Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, and even unimportant women today such as Sarah Palin and Lady Gaga.

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Its part of a range of 'Femme Force' comics detailing the lives of some of the most important women today such as Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, and even unimportant women today such as Sarah Palin and Lady Gaga.


Someone came into my local comic shop and asked for the Lady GaGa comic. *Shakes head disapprovingly*

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Oh god, I saw the Michelle Obama and Lady GaGa ones on...the shelf of...that..shop..I go to for my comics.


Evoking the "purse lips, dart eyes away from subject, awkward silence".




I'm going to be sick:


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All those comics dont really bother me, its not making any difference to the comics I actually read.


Just read the new Red Robin issue, not the best issue in the world but like the other Bat Family comics this week its mostly getting ready for the return of Bruce Wayne.


Dunno about you guys but im quite looking forward to that. Not just for his actual return but quite a few things have changed since he left so its more how he reacts to them that I want to see.

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