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Yeah ive only ever met two, Summer Glau and Jewel Staite. This of course was because they're hot and im weak.


I did however get an evl from Ben Browder when I passed him in the corridor then double taked when I realised who he was. Did Goafer ever tell you about his experience with Nick Stahl at a Collectormania?


Noooo he didn't. *Googles Nick Stahl*

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Basically Goafer got asked by a friend to get Stahls autograph, he got to him Stahl asked him who it was to. Goafer said Rachel, Stahl said he didnt look like a Rachel so Goafer said "Fuck you Stahl, just sign the damn dvd case!" (I may have added that last bit for dramatic effect).

Anyway later in the day Goafer was in the queue for Adam West and I noticed Nick Stahl glance over, notice Goafer then he gives him a really evil glare.


My experiences havent been that interesting unfortunately, just a quick chat with Summer Glau about Serenity and a hi to Jewel Staite.

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Do you think the Iron Man movie world is gonna be negatively effected by the surrealness of The Avengers cast?


Many put Iron Man's success down to it's 'realness/this could happen', because Multi-millionaire, turned flying mech suit superhero is essentially a possible concept, all be it far fethced one...


But suddenly throw in the Hulk (who has never been realised perfectly), and a God from another Planet etc... Do you think it will have an effect?


Question: How does Tony Stark in the comics, react to finding out about all these other 'superhumans'... because let's face it, they're a pretty alien concept to both him and his alterego!


... surely he'd have a hard time buying it!

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Thor isnt from another planet (not that it really helps with the realism aspect)


At this point in the comics, superhumans/aliens etc are such common place that it shouldnt really phase anyone. I think at the start he didnt believe in it too much but I havent read too many comics from back then so im not sure.


I think Thor is gonna be the only one possibly a bit too out there in the Avengers movie but I think it should still work well. Personally I think its a good idea to start with a more grounded hero for people then when the more fantastical characters are introduced around him it'll be a bit easier for regular viewers. I much prefer this to say the Batman movies now where they just refuse to acknowledge anything outside their little bubble.

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Ah right ok,


I don't think all these characters will phase the audience as such, but perhaps those who had bought into Iron Man's world... which all of a sudden will be bought crashing into a total mindfuck of characters!


... well yeah, just Thor really!

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It might just turn out to be like the comics themselves. Those who dont want the more weird stuff will just stick with the Iron Man movies while the others can watch them all.


Im wondering what the team is actually going to be. Obviously we have Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. Then theres War Machine, Black Widow (maybe) and rumours of Hawkeye. Now will these extra guys be counted as Avengers or will they just appear as help. Im also not sure on the appearance of AntMan either, I know a movies being made but I dont remember hearing much about him in the Avengers movie.

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Not forgetting Hulk as well, whether with or against The Avengers.


I think Black Widow will definately be in the film (though again probably just a supporting role), because Scarlett Johansson has said she hopes people really like what she did with the character as she hopes to be included in the bigger story.


The problem I foresee is just HOW MUCH there is to fit into this film.


Are they all just gonna be together as a unit from the beginning, all already knowing one another and working as a coherant team?...

Because otherwise, you've got to introduce them to one another... introduce the concept of this superhero fighting squad, convince all the characters to join/that it will work, introduce a bunch of new characters (whether main roles, or supporting/cameos), introduce the enemy etc... that's already more than enough for 2+ hours in itself!


And that's without any characters disputing the team/setup and just going along with it (which would be unconvincing), and arguing with one another (which wouldn't be believeable to the concept at hand)...


Seriously how are they going to do it!

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Im expecting it to be a bit like the Ultimates. Fury putting the team together, finding Captain America, them all going on their first mission and most likely failing, coming together at the end for a big win.


Id actually really like to see the Hulk as the villian in the movie. As long as they make him suitably powerful I think it'd work well and as he's already established then you wouldnt need too much work to fit him in.

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Also, in The Ultimates (what the film will be based on apparently/hopefully) loads of people scoffed when Thor said he was a god. Many people thought he was just a mutant with delusions. I think.


I can imagine Avengers working well. Presumably they'd get to know each other/work together on missions, and I assume the whole thing'll be "Omg we all work differently we'll never gel!!!" and then over time (the course of the film) they work out how to make it all work fine and in sync.


I'd be interested to see what villain they do. A single "big" one would be good. loki was the first villain the Avengers fought/why they came together, but he's in the Thor film. Ultron could be interesting but another robot/battle-suit guy might be a bit tiresome after the Iron Man films.

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I have a feeling they may all be introduced to one another in a short scene at the end of Captain America. Given the film is called 'The First Avenger'... and then you'll see him, Iron Man and Thor introduced to one another at the end?


We could then assume they've gotten to know each other a bit between this film and The Avengers... which could open with a huge fight/action scene of them on thier first mission.


This 10/15minute opener could then be used to showcase a few other Avengers who have joined... with the team all shouting too/at one another, wanting to take charge, getting in each other way, trying to beat one another to the shot etc... and yeah ultimately failing as you said Happenstance!


Hulk as the enemy would make a lot of sense for this first outing (as we know him like you said Paj)!... and who could then go on to join in a sequel?

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Well there's loads of Avengers to pick from, just not a lot of big names.


I assume the MOST new memebers they'll include in the first film will be Wasp and Giant-Man, and then MAYBE Hawkeye and Black Widow. Hawkeye has the "cool" factor, and Black Widow will be established etc. That's based on the Ultimates comic.


I'd love to see Scarlet Witch and maybe Quicksilver too, but it seems unlikely due to X-Men copyright stuff.


After those kinda "essentials", there's very few that scream necessary. The Vision is a classic Avenger, but might be a bit of a chore to explain/include. And ones like Black Panther and Tigra would seem a bit token when there's already people with similar/better powersets. Actually Black Panther might be a good candidate...he's more stealthy and martial artsy than Captain America.

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Personally I think you are thinking too big with too many characters. For now it really does need to be just the main few with possibly a few reserves mentioned/shown that could be used in later movies if necessary. Especially if any of the bigger name actors drop out later.


I meant to ask as well, anyone else heard the talk about Bucky being given a bigger role now in the Cap movies? Apparently they are looking to bring the Winter Soldier in at some point. I think thats a great move, hes such a good new addition to the Captain America mythos.

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If they had Wasp and Iron Man, Giant Man wouldn't add anything new - he's like an overlap of those two characters.


Black Panther and Black Widow are the same bag aswell. I'd prefer to see Black Panther though, because then it's more jokes being added to the pot.


I'd like to see:




Iron Man


Black Panther




But then, that's massively gender imbalanced. So, swap Widow for Panther.

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I'd be interested to see what villain they do. A single "big" one would be good. loki was the first villain the Avengers fought/why they came together, but he's in the Thor film. Ultron could be interesting but another robot/battle-suit guy might be a bit tiresome after the Iron Man films.


I suspect that their gonna do a team brawl, as in a group of villains versus The Avengers.

The big problem with that, is that some of the villains might be shafted when it comes to screen time.

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I guess with them basically working for SHIELD that it could be some kind of HYDRA attack that they have to fight off but with the ending of the Hulk movie (which is supposed to be set after Iron Man 2) it feels like he's gonna be the enemy (maybe someone else influencing events like Loki)

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He's much better in The Ultimates. It's more about Banner being quite an unpleasant man to begin with, and Hulk kind of comes out of his instabilities. in Ultimates 1 he actually makes himself the hulk again on purpose from a pretty fucked up inferiority complex. That'd work perfectly well.


Basically, The Ultimates set in 616 Marvel is how I see the film taking shape.


I'd definitely like to see Hawkeye in the film- possibly in his more super-human Ultimate style. Black Widow is almost confirmed given her IM2 showing.


The more outlandish Avengers- Black Panther, Ms Marvel and so on could make a great showing in a sequel. I could see the first film ending with The Avengers being internationally recognised as heroes and in the sequel they expand in to a much wider group that covers the whole planet. That makes room for some great characters without having to go in to massive detail over origin stories (simply saying 'they're heroes, and we invited them to serve as Avengers' should be enough)


I really want it to kick ass :s

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Problem there is that the Hulk is already established in the Marvel movie universe as a sympathetic character to the audience, a sudden change in the way Banner acts wouldnt make sense. I can see them being sent in to stop him on one of his rampages though.


I'll be happy enough if they stay with the core group for a few movies, I dont think they need much of an expanded cast.

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on that note: you know they tried to retcon it in that The Hulk has never killed anyone recently? Apparently, Banner's inner genius mind made it so that every time he punches choppers out the air or goes through a building he does it with perfect maths so that nobody dies...


fucks sake, Marvel.

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