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Pokemon RPG Wii


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Well, we'll see how Nintendo reacts to Microsoft's new MMORPG later this year.


I think without a doubt, Marvel Universe Online is going to completely revolutionise how we play online games.


If Nintendo is really thinking about the future, they'd be developing/re-developing a franchise to rival it. And Pokemon would be such a franchise.

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There are too many people who hate pokemon games though just because of that stupid anime show. Many of them own a 360. If nintendo wanted to compete with them by releasing a better mmorpg than they will probably find something else.


Not according to how much Pokemon has sold though. Pokemon has all the elements to be a potentially great MMORPG. I mean Pokemon battles are just so addictive...And this is coming from a relatively 'cool' 21 year old.

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Zelda was made to be played at home, did that stop the portable versions? Phantom Hourglass, imo, is better than the last home console offering.



Doubt, such as "it was developed to play on the go", isn't really an excuse.


Exactly. Nintendo takes huge liberties with its franchises. Seriously, Mario RPG? Metroid as a FPA? Link in a lightgun game?


Have you naysayers even been paying attention the last decade?

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Exactly. Nintendo takes huge liberties with its franchises. Seriously, Mario RPG? Metroid as a FPA? Link in a lightgun game?


Have you naysayers even been paying attention the last decade?

None of those removed the old ideas of the franchises. Metroid still got (gets with Dread) 2D games, Mario is still platforming whilst being milked, and the Zelda series has very few escapades. This Pokemon idea would be the future of the series, and that's not the right direction.


The fundamentals of Pokemon don't lend themselves for any of these ideas. The franchise needs innovation, but not this generic (MMO)RPG BS. Nintendo could use Golden Sun or any of Monolith's new inventions for that.

Well, we'll see how Nintendo reacts to Microsoft's new MMORPG later this year.
Nintendo hasn't cared half an arse about Microsoft's software in the past, and especially won't care now they're selling them out 1:2 :laughing:
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That's not particularly funny. Wii sells more, but severely lacks in the number of quality 5* titles. And they obviously cared enough to copy the Live Arcade.
Nintendo copied the Live Arcade :laughing: Seriously, that is a twisted view on things.


For your information, the VC was announced at the same E3 Microsoft announced the XLA for the 360.


Anyway, that 5* thing is disputable, and would not be 'solved' by a Pokemon MMO, or any MMORPG for that matter.

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Xbox 360. As a disclaimer my brother owns one, I wouldn't buy one as I think the PC versions of it's games are much, much better but I've nothing against the machine - it's undeniably good. (If you can stomach analogue sticks for FPS control.... shudder). It's 5* games in two years?


Bioshock (also on PC), Halo 3, Oblivion, Gears of War (also now trumped by a superior PC version)


Wii's 5* games in one year?


Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy


Let's also bear in mind microsoft has had it's best software lineup ever this year. The Wii's problem is not a lack of the "special" top notch games it's the stuff behind them that people play in between stellar releases.

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Xbox 360. As a disclaimer my brother owns one, I wouldn't buy one as I think the PC versions of it's games are much, much better but I've nothing against the machine - it's undeniably good. (If you can stomach analogue sticks for FPS control.... shudder). It's 5* games in two years?


Bioshock (also on PC), Halo 3, Oblivion, Gears of War (also now trumped by a superior PC version)


Wii's 5* games in one year?


Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy


Let's also bear in mind microsoft has had it's best software lineup ever this year. The Wii's problem is not a lack of the "special" top notch games it's the stuff behind them that people play in between stellar releases.


Your missing Mass Effect and Orange Box from that Xbox list, and RE:4 from the Wii list.

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If that's your definition of deep and intriguing anything could happen.


Anyway, Pokemon will always have to appeal to kids, there's no way they're going to make any sort of unpredictable story. For the same reason, there won't be an MMORPG.

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If that's your definition of deep and intriguing anything could happen.


Anyway, Pokemon will always have to appeal to kids, there's no way they're going to make any sort of unpredictable story. For the same reason, there won't be an MMORPG.


A reason? More like an excuse. It won't happen because Nintendo can't be arsed.

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No, it won't happen because it's bad business. That, and you'd be attacking the charm of the game. Pokemon taps nearly everything out of its own charm, it's what defines the franchise.


Just because you would, and they wouldn't, doesn't mean they can't be arsed. They don't want to make a Final Fantasy game with Pokemon characters.

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I'm sticking with DCK right through the thread here.


King_V, not only does Pokemon not need a story, it shouldn't have one. Hell, it should rid itself of the whole 'Team' (galactic) thing. In fact, if you're going for MMORPG there should be no story at all.


And although I don't like to disagree with Serebii on Pokemon (since he knows more about Pokemon than all the other people on this board combined) I do think an MMORPG can co-exist with the handheld games, and even enhance it. Functionality between the two would be incredible.


But there is a very good reason why Nintendo won't do it. They don't have to. Pokemon sells well whatever it is. Making it MMORPG would just waste money needlessly.

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