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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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How have they killed the game Dwarf? You've not played it.


Yeah it would be great if they gave this the Smash Bros treatment, but really, other than the track editor (great idea) it won't radically change. I feel the Wii version changes things the most out of all the versions - bikes, stunts, a great online set up! People expect too much!

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^ We don't, we expect value for money and MK Wii isnt an example of this. Ok there are many games like this but it still aplies.


They have killed the game. Bikes and Karts make the game too variable and it should be fair for all competitors. Tracks have been watered down.

I don't want 12 karters I want good, solid courses.

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How doesn't Mario Kart represent value for money? I don't understand.


And what are you on about bikes and karts make it too variable! WHAT? You don't make sense, so you would like it if every character and every kart were EXACTLY the same so it was "fair for all competitors"? Insanity!!!

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I didn't say I'd like it exactly the same, my point being that there will be too much variation between bikes and karts, meaning people wont be able to play as the kart they like the look of because its crap.


The only good thing about the game is that Boo is playable.

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The only good thing about the game is that Boo is playable.


That's the ONLY good thing about the game :D The game you haven't played yet? And you can't play as the kart you like the look of because it's crap? You're hilarious! I have no idea of your logic but it makes me laugh!!

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Yeah because I can play online against 11 other people on the other version, or be bikes, or play all the new courses, or play the revamped retro courses; or experience the most comprehensive online features for a Wii game, or play with motion controls..........


If you don't think it looks good, fair enough; but to say it's the same as the other versions just isn't right.

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Yeah because I can play online against 11 other people on the other version, or be bikes, or play all the new courses, or play the revamped retro courses; or experience the most comprehensive online features for a Wii game, or play with motion controls..........


If you don't think it looks good, fair enough; but to say it's the same as the other versions just isn't right.


Highlighted points I don't agree with, but I guess the motion controls and 12 players is quite good.




be bikes: what does that add? what makes that a defining feature?

new courses: obviously there are going to be new courses, but my point is is that they've watered the difficulty down and added straights to make them easier, which is pathetic

retro courses: this can't be considered new. one, because they are retro and two, this was done on DS

online features: they've missed a trick with online modes and offline modes. The things that you think would be standard for play aren't. Not acceptable.

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Just got back from the Grand Wii Mario Kart event at GAME. It was less busy than I expected, in the end after many tries i managed to get onto the 3rd spot of the leaderboard with a time of 1:40:91 for 3 laps around the Luigi course. The only controls there were Wii Wheels which is a little uncomfortable, i got used to it but for one drifting is impossible to do, I literalyl didn't do a single one, some new power ups are fun (there's only about two tho) and all in all, a good day. I got a certificate with my time on it and i got a wii wheel keychain too.

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You can say any sequal to a game is the same as the last. Brawl, Mario, Zelda. Your points pretty vague and bad dawrf. The experience will be different and not really 'the same' as previous ones as dazzy stated above.


The online mode sounds much better than Brawls. Also you said the difficulty is lowered, playing with real folk will negate that easily.

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But Mario Kart needs more change. Mario, Zelda and Brawl are still great and they have added features, whereas Kart has gimmicks.


Playing real people doesnt negate the simplicity of the courses. I don't want to be driving down a huge straight against good oppostition and being left open. Ever played Baby Park on vs mode? It goes down to luck.

Wait until the right moment on the straight and red shell/blue shell them.


We've had Mario Karts which can do practically everything this can. Riding bikes isnt revolutionary, but adding final smashes and having multiple game modes (fleshed out adventure) in brawl keeps it refreshing. Plus there has only been 3 smash bros games.


Mario did well because huge mechanics such as flood and gravity became parts of his games.


There have only been 3 3D zeldas and so it is still new as well as having better graphics in TP along with different story, both of which kart doesnt/can't have. Kart needs a change and the 'but kart shouldnt have a story' isnt good enough. It should at least have something.

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What exactly has changed in Mario, Smash Bros in Zelda that's made it that different?


The gravity and F.L.O.D.D however you spell it didn't change that much in Mario series, you could say the changes in Mario Kart Wii are better than that. as for Zelda we've had 4 3D games. OOT, MM,WW, TP. Had it for over a decade now, hardly new or fresh is it? As for Smash Bros, Classic isn't all taht 'refreshing' anymore once you go through it for the challenges, all they did was change the mechanics, add a story for the adventure part. Exactly what is new in it that they didn't expand already?


If Mario Kart had a silly story, i'd hardly want to do GPs to know what was going. Mario Kart doesn't need one, like Smash Bros. It's down to fun.


If you want a series that hasn't changed, look at Mario Party. Also you can dodge red and blue shells, and Baby Park is damn fun with a load of people in it, that's what's for.


The coarses in MK are all simple, none are really challenging since you just need to drive round curves.

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I've got to say that I'm with Dwarf on this. Bikes make sod all difference really as they are almost entirely superficial and as he said, the courses don't look that great.


Motion controls, cool (if nothing defining), online with 11 others (online done already on DS) but still there is nothing that actually makes it stand out.


Each SMK game has had fairly large changes, handling, gameplay or aesthetic. Apart from maybe SMK:DD, which was starting to get a little on the "clone" side.


The next SMK game is even worse for this! Anyone who owns another 3D SMK game (especially either DS or DD) are getting very little new at all.


I'd like to see how Shadow thinks that the actual playing of this game will be very different.

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I don't care for bikes, I probably won't use them ever. As for motion controls, i'll doubt i'll use them much but i'll wait till I try it first then see from there.


I'll be getting this for the enjoyment of game, like any other Mario Kart game i've ever bought. For the new courses to play through and the expanded features, and mostly for the online. Yea MK: DS was online, but it sucked. That much we can agree on. Even searching for friends was terrible. Now we have 12 folk online, loads of items to throw at each other,better lobby system and new courses to drive through. And also another big thing, more laughs. I'm getting for the fun and enjoyment of the game, easy as that.

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I have to say I agree with Dwarf seem as it was first me who started it off...it simply hasnt had enough added to make it a must buy...


For example Wipeout HD adds very little to the series other than adding online play and a fresh lick of paint and thats a cut price downloadable title and will without a doubt be better than this...

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Who says the online wont suck balls this time too? And what "expanded features"?

Fun? Lets talk about fun shall we... how about the fact that I can still have PLENTY of fun with all of the other MK games that I own.


Also the other game franchises you mentioned. Mario: The gravity, pointer, motion controls, new characters, fantastic fresh design, new major character, brilliant new power-ups and an ass load of new gameplay mechanics did make a huge difference. In SMS, FLUDD was the first example of Nintendo dropping the ball with a major franchise (pretty much well, ever) but one game of repetition you can get away with.


Zelda: OoT added in a hell of a lot of features and gameplay due to the intro of 3D and the creation of the 3rd person targetting system. MM used some of these mechanics again but each of the masks added a lot of new stuff to the game, not to mention the fantastic of event based gameplay, allowing them to CRAM Termina with content and personality. Lets not forget that although graphically similar, it had entirely it's own feel and mood. WW was a very good move, graphically completely different; Link had quite a new personality, new fighting mechanics, boat was interesting, some really good dungeons but the personality of the universe just shone. Starting to get a bit repetative with the weapons already though. Then comes TP. Massively overhyped and had very little new in the way of features and personally I felt it was quite empty compared to most Zelda games. Almost all the same weapons with a few worthy mentions but the mechanics were EXACTLY the same as all of the other games. NO new puzzles and MEDIOCRE dungeons, the crux of what Zelda is about! And the wolf? Definition of 1 trick pony.


I could criticise the Metroid franchise similarly but even with similar weapons they still manage to pull fresh puzzles and gorgeous environments out of the bag EVERY time.


So what are you saying Shadow? That MK is stale but not as stale as all of Nintendo's other, completely stale series?

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I think 12 player online IS a major addition and an awesome one at that. Also downloadable ghosts, now we've always been able to do it, but to transfer them over wifi and download the best players in the world ghosts is also a great addition.


You say the new courses LOOK bland. LOOK. LOOK. LOOK. Do you get my point on this ridiculously inane comment! YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THEM!! They may be amazing! Do you think baby Park ride LOOKED good? No.


Downloadable missions? And I bet we don't have to pay for them. Isn't that a postive thing.


Also about the bikes, well I;m sure they WILL handle differently so it isn;t just cosmetics and also the boost system is completely different, again so your point, like most of them are COMPLETELTEY unsubstantiated.


PS Flameboy your Wipeout comment is also moot, because arent they just old tracks too? It's literally just in HD and online. Mario Kart has WAY more going for than that!!


Edge have never liked Mario Kart.

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^^^^ Im glad you said all that for me because I had almost given up hope.


I don't see how Mario and Metroid games have changed little during the series when much more has changed compared to kart.


Daz, My arguments aren't stupid, but you can keep making them seem it by saying they are however much you like.


And I didnt like the look of baby park and didnt think it was that good.

When I saw the DD courses they looked quality and were quality, yet, when I look at the new ones they have nothing that interesting and contain little detail. Previews confirm this.

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I think 12 player online IS a major addition and an awesome one at that. Also downloadable ghosts, now we've always been able to do it, but to transfer them over wifi and download the best players in the world ghosts is also a great addition.


You say the new courses LOOK bland. LOOK. LOOK. LOOK. Do you get my point on this ridiculously inane comment! YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THEM!! They may be amazing! Do you think baby Park ride LOOKED good? No.


Downloadable missions? And I bet we don't have to pay for them. Isn't that a postive thing.


Also about the bikes, well I;m sure they WILL handle differently so it isn;t just cosmetics and also the boost system is completely different, again so your point, like most of them are COMPLETELTEY unsubstantiated.


PS Flameboy your Wipeout comment is also moot, because arent they just old tracks too? It's literally just in HD and online. Mario Kart has WAY more going for than that!!


Edge have never liked Mario Kart.


Its not moot at all as Wipeout HD is not a full priced product but pretty much does exactly what Mario Kart does...yes it has the same tracks but has new game modes etc...Mario kart just doesn't fill me with the same excitment...it does include some new tracks but other than that....there is nothing great that makes me think I must own this next version...

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I think everyone will agree that the game will probably be fun, but there are better games around and there isn't enough change. Telling from the reviews and previews the new courses aren't good so what chance does the game have of being worthy of purchase? 'But you can play with 4 more people on retro tracks?'

Give me a break.


Some series can get away with a bit of repetition, but this one can't and is taking the piss.

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