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Replace "Scientology" with "Christianity", "Islam", or "Judaism" and it still makes sense.

And yes, I know there are others, but these are the main offenders and the ones I am most familiar with.


As far as I know Christianity, Judaism and Islam don't ask for money to progress in the religion.


And for those that missed them...






http://www.whyaretheydead.net/ <-- this one especially.


<-- What are your crimes Mark!!!


<-- This ones just hilarious.
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Replace "Scientology" with "Christianity", "Islam", or "Judaism" and it still makes sense.

And yes, I know there are others, but these are the main offenders and the ones I am most familiar with.



I'm an Atheist, so I have issue with all religions, but Scientology is the worst one. (If you can call it a religion)

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As far as I know Christianity, Judaism and Islam don't ask for money to progress in the religion.


Since when was taking money the only crime?


All three of those religions are responsible for many, many, many murders and cases of brainwashing over the years, and that's just a start.


I'm an Atheist, so I have issue with all religions, but Scientology is the worst one. (If you can call it a religion)


Come to my school for 6 years, and tell me if you still think that statement is true...

When I say Christianity is a bitch, I don't say it without justification.


Oh, and I do know I will have a tainted view when it comes to "what religion is the most evil". I do think Scientology is worst than most, but in my experience, Christianity edges past it, if only for the sheer intensity and indoctrination of its followers.


For the record, I think Scientology is a cult. I define a religion as a belief system that most people are afraid to question.

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I don't hear about Christianity having (well, only unofficially nowadays) a policy like this.


"Fair Game" was introduced by Hubbard, and incites Scientologists to use criminal behavior, deception and exploitation of the legal system to resist "Suppressive Persons", i.e. people or groups that "actively seeks to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by Suppressive Acts". He defined it "Fair Game" as:


ENEMY — SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.[94]

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Since when was taking money the only crime?


All three of those religions are responsible for many, many, many murders and cases of brainwashing over the years, and that's just a start.


Yes, but what you have to consider is that the other religions have been around for so long, that when they got started, there was a lot of stupid stuff going on in those days. People who stupidly become fundamentalists in today's age and follow the Bible, Koran, etc literally should be blamed completely for any terrorism which happens today.


Scientology has only been around since the 50's I think, and the creator, L Ron, should have known better than to encourage the things he has.


So to summarize, all of the other religions were just stupid nonsense which was the norm back so long ago, I don't think they were intended to be malevolent. In the 50's, things were a lot more civilized, which leads me to believe Scientology is evil when you look at the tactics Scientology uses.

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Religion causes so much bother.



I need to create my own "religion" when I grow up, where it is declared that the existance of a god or higher being cannot be proven true or untrue, (so therefore no god is worshipped).


The only "teachings" will be a set of moral rules that should be adhered to (ie. Do not murder etc. - basically similar to the 10 commandments).


(Its a work in progress, lol, probably wouldn't work, but its wishful thinking)

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I don't hear about Christianity having (well, only unofficially nowadays) a policy like this.


Ok fair enough, Scientology is worse that Christianity in it's official policies.

However, Christianity is the worst of the religions - Scientology is a cult.


In the 50's, things were a lot more civilized, which leads me to believe Scientology is evil when you look at the tactics Scientology uses.


Scientology is not 'evil'.

The correct terminology is 'Bat-Fuck Insane'.

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I don't hear about Christianity having (well, only unofficially nowadays) a policy like this.


Exactly. People can pick apart the bible, etc, but the bible to me is just a sign of the times it was written in. Stupid and ignorant. A time when people believed in witches and burnt them, and stupid shit like that.

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Exactly. People can pick apart the bible, etc, but the bible to me is just a sign of the times it was written in. Stupid and ignorant. A time when people believed in witches and burnt them, and stupid shit like that.


"The religions of one age are the literary entertainment of the next" is a suitable quote, I feel.

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Google Paulette Cooper, and Lisa McPherson. You'll be shocked.


To be even-handed (or should I say "equally biased"?), Scientology is just doing what all other religions do at first: unify their ideas, and "get rid" of any of their own who disagree.


However, in this day and age it is even more unacceptable (as if it wasn't enough already...) now that it was when the other religions came into being.

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But the religions you mentioned mostly (If at all) don't do that nowadays. At least nothing I've heard of recently (Well, apart from ultra extremist suicide bombers and the like, but I think everyone agrees against that)


EDIT: They fucking deny the holocaust for fucks sake >_<


Scientology just plain makes me angry !_!

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Even the mighty Uncyclopdia have succumbed to Scientology's stupidity: "The truth is funnier than anything we can make up. Really. Therefore, we at Uncyclopedia have surrendered to this fact and have reproduced the Xenu story, unabridged, unedited, and in its entirety."


But the religions you mentioned mostly (If at all) don't do that nowadays. At least nothing I've heard of recently (Well, apart from ultra extremist suicide bombers and the like, but I think everyone agrees against that)


I personally feel brainwashing is just as bad.


Want an example? Ever been to an Evangelist church service, or even worse, an Evangelist church youth group?


But the religions you mentioned mostly (If at all) don't do that nowadays.


No, but they did when they where as young Scientology is.


They fucking deny the holocaust for fucks sake >_<


When I first heard this, I was not surprised. As I said before, they're Bat-Fuck Insane...

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But the religions you mentioned mostly (If at all) don't do that nowadays. At least nothing I've heard of recently (Well, apart from ultra extremist suicide bombers and the like, but I think everyone agrees against that)


EDIT: They fucking deny the holocaust for fucks sake >_<


Scientology just plain makes me angry !_!


They deny the holocoust?! How do you mean? ( do you mean scientologists do it?)

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They just pretend it never happened, IIRC.


Realistically, the only religion/s that actually interest me is Buddhist, or the old Greek/Roman/Egyptian pantheons. Those gods had stories and relationships, so one can relate more. They also often appeared as tangible beings in the stories, instead of a blue burning bush..?


In the end, i've experienced being christian, but unfortunately, my brain knows that "God" doesn't exist. There may be something/s out there, but in my mind's opinion, it's not the omnipotent man described by so many religions.


*leaves to ponder whether worshipping a pantheon of gods would be funny*

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Religion doesn't cause wars and brainwash people: humans do. Religion is just an excuse. What if I killed someone for having a PS2 when I like ninty? I'm sure nintendo wouldn't like it. It's the same with religion.

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The topic creator has actually said a couple of times that he is delusional, not an atheist.

As an atheist, I have no problems with Scientology becoming a religion as I don't believe, or adhere to, the "sanctity of religion", which makes religion a trump card.

I don't want to drag this thread off topic, so I will take that point no further.


I really don't want to get involved in this thread, as those of you who have been on this forum for a good while will no that it will result in me posting some mini-essays, and believers leaving with bruised egos...


Your literally a complete bigot

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Religion doesn't cause wars and brainwash people: humans do. Religion is just an excuse. What if I killed someone for having a PS2 when I like ninty? I'm sure nintendo wouldn't like it. It's the same with religion.


except nintendo exist...

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except nintendo exist...


You completley missed the point he was making. About indivdual responsibility and not being part of a group collective who attacks other groups although in a sense you demenstrated the point very well.



Man Ive had an absolute horrific day this thread is the last thing I need so I apologise if im short with people. Its just I cant stand the way teenage atheist members of this board get away with so much shit and abuse of other people who have religions and think they know the answers to life and they literally haven't lived at all. So many great thinkers in the past were theists and to have members of this board so assuradly without any reasons to back them up be so sure and aggressive with their beliefs is laughable.


Im not saying you cant be intellegent and be an atheist or your not allowed to have an opinion if your a teenager. But its just the sureness and aggression of some members which is awful. Lets remember this thread is about should scientology be a religion and instead of debate on that subject we just get what we usually get from this board. A delugue of anti religious posts its simply ridiculous and shows that the maturity needed to take part in a discussion about something like religion is beyond some members of this board.

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You completley missed the point he was making. About indivdual responsibility and not being part of a group collective who attacks other groups although in a sense you demenstrated the point very well.



Man Ive had an absolute horrific day this thread is the last thing I need so I apologise if im short with people. Its just I cant stand the way teenage atheist members of this board get away with so much shit and abuse of other people who have religions and think they know the answers to life and they literally haven't lived at all. So many great thinkers in the past were theists and to have members of this board so assuradly without any reasons to back them up be so sure and aggressive with their beliefs is laughable.


Im not saying you cant be intellegent and be an atheist or your not allowed to have an opinion if your a teenager. But its just the sureness and aggression of some members which is awful. Lets remember this thread is about should scientology be a religion and instead of debate on that subject we just get what we usually get from this board. A delugue of anti religious posts its simply ridiculous and shows that the maturity needed to take part in a discussion about something like religion is beyond some members of this board.


Yay, someone with a working brain on this forum. Personally I think Scientology is a cult im pretty sure Hubbard even said he started it to make money.

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To Haden:

I didn't miss the point, I agree with him. I'm not quite sure how I demonstrated his point though.

Just to clarify: I'm not a teenager, I was brought up Catholic, lapsed, lapsed further and then gave up on Catholicism totally. I used to firmly believe in a God (that is, a benevolent, omnipresent consciousness) but now I don't. To me, and many others, a personified God just doesn't fit. I don't believe in things that I have not seen evidence of. I cannot see how this could be interpreted as unintelligent behaviour.

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Your literally a complete bigot


You fail to take into account that I am a scientist. I work by evidence.


"Delusional: a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact"


All religious people are, by the definition of the word, delusional to some extent.


And while I may be a bigot, at least I can use "your" and "you're" correctly...

(it's hard to resist sometimes, isn't it Daft?)


A delugue of anti religious posts its simply ridiculous and shows that the maturity needed to take part in a discussion about something like religion is beyond some members of this board.


A discussion about whether or not there is an impersonal god or not is one thing, which I would (maturely) participate it. However, a discussion about whether or not the fundamentalist christians are right about the age of the earth or about intelligent design is not.


It's like trying to discuss the existence of the force of gravity, or the colour of the sky. It's an argument that the scientists of this world will always win.


I like the quote "trying to argue evolution with a creationist is like trying to play chess with a pigeon: it will knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and fly back to it's flock claiming victory".


So many great thinkers in the past were theists and to have members of this board so assuredly without any reasons to back them up be so sure and aggressive with their beliefs is laughable.


Ever heard of the term Moral Zeitgeist?


Look at Lincoln: I can't be bothered to find the quote right now, but he said how black people where inferior to white people. This is coming from an abolitionist, but pretty much every white person at the time thought this. If he existed nowadays, or more so in the time of Martin Luther King, he would probably (but there is no guarantee) be very much a pro-civil liberties and pro-equality.


Newton was almost definitely a Christian because it was the moral zeitgeist, and because not being so was very dangerous. There is also the factor of that there was little in the way of alternative explanations.


Religion doesn't cause wars and brainwash people: humans do. Religion is just an excuse.


I thinks it more along the lines of "religion is the trigger".


More recently it has been used as a flag to rally people around, but I find it hard to believe that some of the people I know at school have been brainwashed into believing the "earth is less than 5000 years old" crap just because someone felt like doing that. They people responsible do it because they believe it is fact, and others must believe it, as it is what is right.

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