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So, How Exactly Would A Footie Game Work?


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Here are my thoughts...


Nunchuck setup:

Analogue stick - Player movement

Nunchuck movement - Shoulder barge

C Button - Button modifier (like L1 on the PS Pro Evo games - giving you "one-two's" and chipped through balls etc)

Z Button - Sprint

A Button - Pass/Standing tackle (off the ball)

B Button - Shoot/Sliding tackle (off the ball)

D Pad Down - Through ball/Pressurize (off the ball)

D Pad Left/Right - Chip/Lob


Maybe even the Pointer (just a little thought) - Off the ball movement. The pointer could be used to highlight an off the ball player by pointing at him and holding C, you could then move the selected player independantly to the player you're controlling with the analogue stick, by "dragging" him with the pointer while holding C

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