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Mass Effect (2)


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What is everyone's Mass Effect team?


I'm a Vanguard and at the moment I normally take Garrus and Ashley around with me and they both have full stats on the assault rifle.


Do you normally keep the same two members with you on your missions or do you chop and change?


I wish there was a bit more real time dialogue between your team because they seem a bit lifeless. i know the dialogue is already built in. because you have to press A to interact with them, but I reckon it should be said automatically when there is a quiet point. Also when they do talk I wish they spoke louder.

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As a Techie, I usually bring lovely ladies Ashley and Liara, giving me a perfectly balanced team that can deal with most situations, but I do occasionally swap them around when the situation necessitates. If I come up against a lot of, say, robots, I'll generally swap Liara out for Garus or Tali. Sometimes Rex and Garrus will come along if I need a blunter but still varied force to properly hit home. Kaiden is a bit of a spare wheel, but he'll be useful support character when I replay as something like a soldier class.

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I'm a Vanguard, and usually take Garrus and Ashley with me, unless something else is needed. Although I sometimes take someone relevant (plot-wise) to the level with me.


I think I'm getting towards the final stages of the main plot. You can do the side-quests once you've done that, right?

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I'm a Vanguard. I'm usually bringing Tali and Ashley along with me, but i've recently switched Ashly for Liara. She handles the biotics side of things, i handle the gun play and some minor biotics combat and Tali does the hacking and electronics work. A nice little combination. If i'm facing a combat heavy mission i'll bring Ashley along. I've pretty much forgotten about Rex, Kaiden and the human guy with me at the start and they have all probebly racked up alot of tallent points due to my completion of alot of secondary missions.

I've hardly done any of the story, i think i'm about half way through the third chapter, trying to get in to the parking bay to get to peak 15.

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I think I'm getting towards the final stages of the main plot. You can do the side-quests once you've done that, right?


Some of the characters keep suggesting something similar to me, though I suspect that something that looks vaguely like an ending will be suddenly and violently dumped on by a big final twist. Still, I'm taking time out from the main objectives to get some good ol' exploration in anyway.

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You should always keep a backup save file handy so if one screws up you've got the other


I had three, I now have six. Its ridiculous though that my manual save AND the auto save left me screwed!



Great quote! "Every idea must touch another mind to live"

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I do get the impression that Bioware were forced to rush final development to meet Micro$soft's deadline demands, resulting in the rather uncharacteristic bugs in the game. The Halo 3 campaign also feels left hanging, levels and ideas dropped in the rush to release.

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I do get the impression that Bioware were forced to rush final development to meet Micro$soft's deadline demands, resulting in the rather uncharacteristic bugs in the game. The Halo 3 campaign also feels left hanging, levels and ideas dropped in the rush to release.


Yea, Floating NPCs, people changing position in an elevator in a single frame (i.e. standing behind Sheperd then suddenly in front of him/her the next frame), probably a few more I've forgotten about, too.


I had three, I now have six. Its ridiculous though that my manual save AND the auto save left me screwed!


Saving overwrites the autosave/checkpoint position.

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Saving overwrites the autosave/checkpoint position.


I saved just before it autosaved.


Is there any benefit to collecting the promethean data discs? Or is it just for completionists?


What is kind of annoying me is how my team sometimes end up standing in front of each other shooting each other in the back.

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Looking over the Bioware forums, it appears that there are others suffering from the same elevator bug. Bioware say they're on it right now, hopefully it's something they can fix in an update.


I'm a paranoid saver so I only had to go back about 2 minutes! :heh:


Does anyone know what sort of downloadable content is going to be released and when?

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Noveria is a bitch. Im around lv. 16 and found it challenging to get past all the troops that protect Benezia. I then get to her, talk, and fight. There is a block in the way of the stairs so I have to go all the way round, I get stormed by armoured troops before I can move

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Noveria is a bitch. Im around lv. 16 and found it challenging to get past all the troops that protect Benezia. I then get to her, talk, and fight. There is a block in the way of the stairs so I have to go all the way round, I get stormed by armoured troops before I can move


Yeah, I got blocked off as well at that point. This is one of the bits where the combat and stupid cover system is really frustrating.

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I just had to add in, I'm LOVING this game! I love how the decisions actually effect, almost everything!


But, I need some help regarding Garrus:


When I talk to him, he always says he wants to "Thank Me" and then goes on to say he wants to re-apply for the Spectres. Is there anyway I can help him to do this? Or just to make him talk about something else? As he's pretty much my favourite character, (with Joker of course, who doesn't like him?) and I just wish he'd talke to me!





(If you haven't already..)

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I just had to add in, I'm LOVING this game! I love how the decisions actually effect, almost everything!


But, I need some help regarding Garrus:


When I talk to him, he always says he wants to "Thank Me" and then goes on to say he wants to re-apply for the Spectres. Is there anyway I can help him to do this? Or just to make him talk about something else? As he's pretty much my favourite character, (with Joker of course, who doesn't like him?) and I just wish he'd talke to me!





(If you haven't already..)


I don't know about reapplying for the Spectres, but...


If you haven't already, you can follow through a conversation with him about an evil doctor he used to track and eventually he'll ask you to help him track him down. Just as nice bit of backstory.



Anyway, just about to enter the final battle for the galaxy I think. It's going to kick ass.


Also, new shirt from Penny Arcade:


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Massive spoiler


That stupid bitch killed Wrex!! What a f*cking cow!! But what goes around comes around. I sent her to her death and saved Kaiden instead...even though she was a much more useful team member! You should have been able to shout at her more, Sheperd lets her off WAY too lightly, like "Man, look what you've done. He's all dead and that...oh well." Oh well, shes dead now! MWAHAHAHA!!!!



EDIT: Just completed it. Its a mass letdown imo.I like the music in the credits though. I just really hope BioWare are allowed more time on the sequel because I can see that this game isn't really what they wanted to release.

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I finished it a couple of days ago, I thought it was simply mesmerising. It's just been years since I played anything quite so utterly immersive. It's not perfect, but you don't have to look too far past the technical foibles to bask in the glory of Bioware's vision.



How come Ashley shoots Wrex? I calmed him down and then blitzed the facility along side him and Ashley.


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WTF I stopped Wrex from going ballistic over the cure for his kind, are you saying ashley kills him at that point? I sent Kaiden to go with the Salarians caus i Love Ashley. I was confronted after that mission to choose which one of the female members of the team i loved.... well you cant really like a blue alien can you?... espeicially when ashley is soooo hot

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