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Guest Jordan

I've just bought an N95-1 screen off eBay with a screw driver to replace my cracked screen. I'm going to need a guitar pik however to prize parts of it open.

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flameboy i just upgraded to an LG viewty (silver, apparently they fixed the jog wheel) off my flext contract, only a tenner which is pretty good because it was over £50 a month ago. You get a 5MP camera and it's definitely good for the internet.


I suppose the only real downsides are no wifi and the black model is from late last year, so the improved model is due anytime soon. But I couldn't resist for a tenner....

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flameboy i just upgraded to an LG viewty (silver, apparently they fixed the jog wheel) off my flext contract, only a tenner which is pretty good because it was over £50 a month ago. You get a 5MP camera and it's definitely good for the internet.


I suppose the only real downsides are no wifi and the black model is from late last year, so the improved model is due anytime soon. But I couldn't resist for a tenner....


Yeah I've seen that kinda tempted...no wifi isn't a biggie thinking of getting web n walk anyway...which just uses the phones set up right?

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Flext35, free Nokia N95 or LG Viewty, £5/month discount making it £30/month


Except i think that was a May offer. They don't seem to have updated the website with the new offers yet. You could phone and ask, maybe even try to talk them in to giving you the deal that you want (especially if you've been a customer for a while)

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If you can actually get a free N95 I would probably go for that, especially if it's the black one with more memory. I'm on flext20 I think, so I don't get deals quite that good :heh:

Yeah I've seen that kinda tempted...no wifi isn't a biggie thinking of getting web n walk anyway...which just uses the phones set up right?
Mine should arrive before 1pm so I can let you know. I've had a go on Daniel's and thought it seemed very good, he's had his a while so you could drop him a PM if you wanted to find out something specific. As long as you get it straight from T-Mobile it will have web n walk built in so no probs there, and it's still one of the best HSDPA phones so I think it should do the job just fine.
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Guest Jordan

N95-1 with an 8GB memory card >>> N95-2 8GB.


It might be black and shiney, but it still lacks some features the base model has.

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Guest Jordan

Lacks flash support, camera lacks some of the stability features, you can't use all of the 8GB if you plug it into a PC, some less media features, web browser can't use the full amount of RAM (thus alot slower).


Also, the 8GB model doesn't work too good in the US. It lacks 3G support in the US, so forget about it if you ever go over there.

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Lacks flash support, camera lacks some of the stability features, you can't use all of the 8GB if you plug it into a PC, some less media features, web browser can't use the full amount of RAM (thus alot slower).


Also, the 8GB model doesn't work too good in the US. It lacks 3G support in the US, so forget about it if you ever go over there.


Most of that stuff would *probably* be fixed in a firmware update.


As for the 3G, as far as I know the N95-1 and N95-2 both lack US 3G support, hence the need for the N95-3 and N95-4 for the US market.


And also, how did your screen replacement go?

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Got the Dark Silver Viewty, loving it, but it didn't come with any memory. Just told myself I wouldn't spend anymore money but now I'm gonna want at least 2 GB micro sd ¬_¬ best place to buy them, anyone?

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Don't really need a convertor... I imagine I'll just be able to plug the phone in to the USB port and access both the phone's onboard memory and the SD card, like I could with my Sony Ericsson. Maybe. Actually I have a USB micro-SD card reader kicking around somewhere.


Play.com have one for £5.99... free delivery. Might go for that.


Thanks for the suggestion anyway, Jordan :)

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Got the Dark Silver Viewty, loving it, but it didn't come with any memory. Just told myself I wouldn't spend anymore money but now I'm gonna want at least 2 GB micro sd ¬_¬ best place to buy them, anyone?


what is camera and web browsing like?

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Web browsing is fine although I'm having problems turning off content lock so I haven't used it much yet. My credit card isn't being accepted as proof of age and the "My T-Mobile" site is down. The camera is great, 5MP, very clear, really nice using the touch interface with it.

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what is camera and web browsing like?


dunno why, but i read that geordie style. "what is camera and web browsing, like?"


thought you were asking what a camera and a web browser were (it's been a long day!)

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Guest Jordan

Any news on when the N96 is supposed to be coming out? As much as i love my N95, its a little chunky :) and the N96 looks like a great little upgrade.

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Oh man. The iPhone 3G is cool.


In the past I may have thought the iPhone 2G was crap and I still think it was too much money for too little. But the iPhone 3G just looks like it's tremendous value! I might be selling my iPod Touch and N95 on eBay soon :yay:

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Guest Jordan



Thats the N96. Its smaller, thinner than the N95. It has 16GB of inbuilt memory and the same 5mp camera the N95 has.


It also has more ram (128mb, rather than 64mb) and the new S60 feature pack. Its looking like a really solid phone.


It does however have the most busy front face buttons ever...

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I'm new to this thread so be nice! :p


Right, I'm getting a phone on contract this weekend. I want something with a 5MP camera if possible, good memory for a phone (and if not, a card slot), looks good, plays MP3's and records video and though not really needed - if it's able to access the internet to watch video's or check things that would be ace.


Any idea's? So far I'm thinking Viewty, Samsung Soul, N95 and LG Secret...but each of them have their drawbacks and the N95 especially is a little big.

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Lacks flash support, camera lacks some of the stability features, you can't use all of the 8GB if you plug it into a PC, some less media features, web browser can't use the full amount of RAM (thus alot slower).


Also, the 8GB model doesn't work too good in the US. It lacks 3G support in the US, so forget about it if you ever go over there.


"Nokia N95 8GB Software Update


Nokia N95 8GB Software version 15.0.015 released.

This software version includes Flash Lite 3 support which enables users to watch Flash video Web sites such as YouTube and improved power consumption allow you to do more for longer. Other improvements include WLAN and browser stability, email viewing and Nokia Maps startup."




Im not sure of when that became available, but it looks as if the 8GB does do flash and they have made improvements to its web browsing. Doesnt the 8GB have twice the RAM of the original N95? If so, I doubt its any slower and it has a bigger screen. It handles multitasking much better.


I'm upgrading to an N95 8GB this Friday. I kind of froze my E65 to death yesterday and cant wait for an N96.


EDIT: Yep, the original N95 only has 64MB, while the N95 8GB has 128MB of memory:





It seems like the N96 and N95 8GB share the same camera, memory, screen size and resolution. The N96 battery is also smaller... it will be interesting to see what it excels at. I prefer proper buttons on a phone.

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