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Football Season 2007/2008


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Can't Imagine Liverpool having him be able to play v Liverpool....


I have a feeling the Transfer will be formally completed after the Villa game methinks, If he where to be able to play he would have to be registered before 5pm tommorow....


If its a loan he cant play against Liverpool


Carson is ineligible for the game, but I'm not worried. Stuart Taylor played brilliantly against Inter and was unfortunate to concede against Walsall. Taylor is good, but Sorensen is better.

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Carson is better then Reina imo, but hes not spanish. Definetly can see him becoming the Liverpool Number 1 in the near future. Just a very good shot stopper, proved that at Charlton


As I said Carson would be Liverpool's number one if it wasn't for Reina..


We have the best GoalKeeper in the league I think, 2 Seasons in the league with 2 Golden Gloves says it all really.


Plus he is just 23/24.....People Gave him bad press for un-characteristic errors V West Ham and Everton last season...


Being Spanish has nothing to do with why he is being picked....


Only a couple weeks, but O'Neill wants to make sure we don't end up with another Goalie crisis, like last season when he ended up bringing Kiraly in on loan.


Be interesting if he Establishes himself at Villa, certainly has the potential

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Carson is better then Reina imo, but hes not spanish. Definetly can see him becoming the Liverpool Number 1 in the near future. Just a very good shot stopper, proved that at Charlton


I goalkeeper of a relagated team cant be that good

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Only reason Reina has the golden gloves is because of the defence he has in front of him. He is definetly not the best keeper in the league -


Cech, Given, Van De Saar and James are far better all round goal keepers.


Reina is good, just too prone for mistake and rash decisions. With that said, he is definetly the best penalty stopper in the league :)


I actually also rate Brad Friedal quite highly. He is one of my favourite goalkeepers.

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Only reason Reina has the golden gloves is because of the defence he has in front of him. He is definetly not the best keeper in the league -


Cech, Given, Van De Saar and James are far better all round goal keepers.


Reina is good, just too prone for mistake and rash decisions. With that said, he is definetly the best penalty stopper in the league :)


He's the Golden Glove winner in the league in his first two seasons at the club which speaks Volumes.


Granted he's had the defense, but so did Cech and people gave him alot of credit.


I Rather like his more direct aproach, he would come out for a ball out of anywhere, that being said it hasn't always come off for him but 98% of the time it does...And Of Course Penalty King in 2 Crucial Matches


Wouldn't Swap him for the World :smile:

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I actually also rate Brad Friedal quite highly. He is one of my favourite goalkeepers.


Seconded, Him Freidel and Dean Kiley where very good keepers....


Friedel improved imensely when he left us....


Mate, Charlton would have conceded 40 more goals without Carson there. There defence was fucking turd house, even the best keeper in the world would have left in a fair few.





Not Wrong there...

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Seconded, Him Freidel and Dean Kiley where very good keepers....


Friedel improved imensely when he left us....


I agree with Kiley, too (can never spell his name, though.)


To be honest, there's not many keepers I don't like in the league. At one point, Southampton had two jems in the form of Paul Jones and Anti Niemi. Yet they still managed to bollocks things up. :(


Only keepers I really don't get on with are Lehmann and Robinson. My two five in the league would have to be Van Der Sar, Cech, Jussi, Friedal and Given.

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I agree with Kiley, too (can never spell his name, though.)


To be honest, there's not many keepers I don't like in the league. At one point, Southampton had two jems in the form of Paul Jones and Anti Niemi. Yet they still managed to bollocks things up. :(


Only keepers I really don't get on with are Lehmann and Robinson. My two five in the league would have to be Van Der Sar, Cech, Jussi, Friedal and Given.


Lehmann makes me laugh...Crazy German...


Anyway my top Keepers in the league would be..





Van Der Sar


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Kiley has one of the worst goal kicks ive ever seen though, 2 times I saw him for Pompey he was horrible at goal kicks. He is the sorta keeper that could only ever perform at a bottom 3 club.


He was at Charlton when they where challenging for Europe...


Thats when he was incredibly brilliant to watch had a powerful hand on him and very underrated...

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and yet none has mentioned Shay Given


Only reason Reina has the golden gloves is because of the defence he has in front of him. He is definetly not the best keeper in the league -


Cech, Given, Van De Saar and James are all technically far better all-round goalkeepers. Alot of other keepers are up for debate when compared to Reina too


Reina is good, just too prone for mistake and rash decisions. With that said, he is definetly the best penalty stopper in the league :)




He actually mentioned it in a post right above yours on the last page. :heh:

I also actually mentioned him a few posts up, too. In my top 5.

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Cech is easily the best keeper in the league for me, although that said hes shocking at penaltys.


While hes not amazing Rob Green is pretty underated, if anybody saw the Arsenal - West Ham game last season at the Emirates withouht him in goal Arsenal would have won that 5-0 easily.


He was awesome at Norwich as well, him and Ashton easily the two best players on the pitch when I was at uni and went to the odd Norwich game. The league is full of class keepers now though, trying to think of a truely dodgy one and Steven Bywater at Derby is the only iffy one I can think of. But hes unproven at this level rather then necesarily shit.

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Saying that, Lehmann's kicking was pretty poor when he arrived at Arsenal. It still isn't too great now, but it's improved. The ball actually stays infield now.


Did anyone else ever play that football game, must've been about 10 years ago now, where the keeper could only kick the ball to 3 different places? Out the left touchline, down the middle, or out the right touchline. :heh:



Craig Gordon is a great keeper, I'm sure he'll do really well at Sunderland.

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He's the Golden Glove winner in the league in his first two seasons at the club which speaks Volumes.


Jens Lehmann won European Goalkeeper of the year after our Champions League Final defeat.. And I don't see him appearing in anyone elses posts (being rated)? Henry never won any European player of the years when he was with us, but he was by far the best striker in the league. See where I'm going? These awards sometimes mean nothing.


As for Carson he is quality. Saw him against us last season, yeah we pumped Charlton 4-0, but if it wasn't for him it could've been double. He was quality.


Edit- ;)

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