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Halo 3 Beta Thread


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Yeah it is kinda lame that the driver gets no credit... obviously i wasnt gonna drive upto people to try and run them over because you only end up getting blown up.. but the guy who was on the back of my hog got atleast 10 kills quite easily.


Hmm i wont be on untill like 9-9:30 but even then i might be playing Gears

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Getting backers off people (Do they call them that down south? You know when you got two people on a bike when you were a kid?) is well funny. Had some kid on the back of my car yesterday shouting at me for driving like a madman, doing flips and crashing into walls. And was on the back with some guy from a newcastle board driving later on, bombing around shouting "WEEEEEE!" and invariably both ending up deed after a horrific collision.

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Guest Jordan

Personally i'm incredibly impressed that XBL didn't go down at any point during this thing. I mean, wow.

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That what Nintenchris, and somethimes me when I wasn't getting my face introduced to the butt of a gun, were just doing, awesome strategie except the driver gets sod all credit for the kills which is kinda annoying.


Does anyone think the Trip Mine is a bit lame/redundant?



The driver gets an assist. It's a team game, it doesn't really matter who gets the kills at the end of the day.


I think the Trip Mine is great. Maybe not so much in Slayer games, but in Skirmish you can lay it in the strategic positions that are needed for the Skirmish. On territories put it next to the territory and the chances are someone from the opposing team will hit it.


Try putting it at the bottom of the man cannon and people will hit it when they go off it.

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The driver gets an assist. It's a team game, it doesn't really matter who gets the kills at the end of the day.


I think the Trip Mine is great. Maybe not so much in Slayer games, but in Skirmish you can lay it in the strategic positions that are needed for the Skirmish. On territories put it next to the territory and the chances are someone from the opposing team will hit it.


Try putting it at the bottom of the man cannon and people will hit it when they go off it.


Yea, you have a point. I tried launching the mine with the man cannon and it worked the first time. The second time it didn't want was stuck they so I walked over it so my team mates didn't get any nasty suprises!:heh:


Where does it show the assists?


The other thing that slightly annoys me is changing grenade type. I just wished the icons were a bit clearer cos during a firefight I generally just lob any of them. Its not a big thing...its just a little niggle.


I'll be around then, assuming my Internet connection speed isn't stupidly low again.


Cool, I should be on then barring any unforseeable problems!




My 1month of gold just ran out. Anybody have a spare 48hour I could steal? Pretty please? :)


I'll just PM you a code, hold on!

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Where does it show the assists?


In the post game carnage report. Press RB and you can scroll along and see other things than the final game scores. Press back when you are looking for a game and you can see all the stats from the previous game, including the MVP. Assists count for MVP, one game my bro got 17 assists (he was driving) and 11 kills, I got 17 kills and he still got MVP.

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Guest Stefkov
Dual wielding is the way to go, chinning someone John Woo style and then calmly reloading both guns at once.

Dual wield 2 SMGs are the best I think, just awesome firepower.

Killed a few people with them.

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Guest Jordan
Dual wielding is the way to go, chinning someone John Woo style and then calmly reloading both guns at once.


Dual wield 2 SMGs are the best I think, just awesome firepower.

Killed a few people with them.


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. :D


Seriously, single weapons are far more powerful. The assualt and the battle rifle with a combination of a grenade and melee attack is unstoppable.


Oh and the Brute Spiker does seem more powerful than the SMG over long range.

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I finally found the Spartan Laser...I was crap with it the first time but the second time I used it I could see its merits with the duble kill I pulled off!


Favourite bit so far was my kamikazi jump which resulted in 2 frags from "beyond the grave"! :grin:


p.s.What does everyone think of my new avartar? Stefkov inspired me to change!

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And could someone explain the whole rank/point/military badge thing please!



Your rank (the number next to your name) is specific to that particular playlist and goes up or down depending on whether you win or lose.


You military badge is based on your Rating Points (RP), I'm not sure how you get them, but I think you get more depending on how well you do in a game.


Go to http://www.bungie.net/stats and you can see how close you are to the next level and loads more stats about how you play.

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Guest Stefkov

I like how it updates it to the bngie website, however I'm annoyed it doesn't show my dot inside the diamond. On the last game me an Nintenchris got our dot in the diamond...:(

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