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Starcraft MMO to be unveiled 19th May?


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Ever since we learned that Blizzard will be announcing a new game at an event in South Korea on May 19th, debate has been raging across the web. Is it Starcraft 2? Diablo 3? Something *gasp*... unexpected? Popular opinion has leaned towards Starcraft, especially given one Blizzard employee's remarks about wanting a new Starcraft released by the game's 10-year anniversary.


CVG is claiming that "well placed US sources" have revealed the game to be unveiled May 19 is indeed set in the Starcraft universe but not an RTS, nor a direct sequel. To the shock of everyone who expected the company to milk World of Warcraft for as long as possible, CVG says the new game will be a Starcraft MMO -- the oft-discussed World of Starcraft, if you will.


The company recently advertised for new MMO opening within their company, which suggests they're certainly planning a new MMO, but would they really be willing to create competition for World of Warcraft as the game continues to grow exponentially? There's good reason to be skeptical of C&VG's report.


It's worth stressing this is not confirmed and almost certainly will not be until May 19, but if true it's an interesting and, on some levels, surprising move for Blizzard. Might this potential Starcraft MMO steal from WoW's hefty subscriber base? Or will Blizzard have an ace up their sleeves to get people playing in both of their giant online worlds? And how exactly will we perform a zerg rush in an MMO? All questions we'll hopefully have answers to soon. Stay tuned, space cadets.




Well theres all the facts wonder if it will be anywhere near as successful as WoW?

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Guest Jordan

Which came first? Starcraft or Warcraft, originally?

I doubt people will continue to play WoW after another few years, they'll need something new. Besides, the whole turned based MMO needs to die...

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Warcraft came first, I think Starcraft came in between Warcraft 2 and 3


a new MMO makes sense, these things have limited shelf lives and done right can make a company a lot more money than a new RTS would

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It's almost certainly an MMO. Eventually everyone's is going to stop playing Warcraft, by which point the Starcraft MMO will be already hovering malevolently, ready to swoop upon it's hapless victims as they stand blinking in the light.

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What ever happened to Starcraft Ghost?


Well theres no simple answer it changed development teams, got cancelled on the cube (obviously).This got posted on 1up in 2004:


StarCraft: Ghost has been delayed until an unspecified date, Blizzard Entertainment announced today. Originally scheduled for release this fall, the console stealth action game spun off of Blizzard's RTS hit is now coming...well, one of these days.


Blizzard's announcement explains that the extra development time is needed to "expand and evolve the design" of the game. That should come as little surprise to players of the E3 demo version, which obviously needed improvement in several key areas.


"We are very committed to StarCraft: Ghost as a major part of our lineup," said Blizzard's Mike Morhaime. "As a result, we plan to build additional time into the schedule to polish the game until it meets the high standards that our customers have come to expect from Blizzard products. We are sorry to disappoint players with a delayed launch but are confident that we will deliver a great game with the additional development time."


More details on Ghost's eventual release and improvements to its gameplay are apparently to follow in the future, so we'll pass those on as soon as they arrive


And now as I said it has changed software houses... Swingin' Ape who made Metal Arms are co developing it, replacing Nihilistic Software, but even that change over was years ago so god knows...

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