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Radeon X1800 to power the Revolution graphics?

The fish

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I've heard an intresting little rumor that the Revolutions graphics will be based in the ATI Radeon X1K family of cards...

If u wanna to find out more about the Radeon X1K's go to http://www.ati.com/products/radeonx1k/

If this is true the revolution will blow the ps3 and the xbox360 out of the water graphics-wise, which is nice.



Meh... where you heard that? Even if it is true which I doubt it is nothing special about that ATI card. Furthermore it was developed for PC which means that it lacks features for consoles but has unneccessary ones a console doesn't need.

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If its the X1800, Nintendo will be very very underpowered. XB360 and PS3 have graphics capabilities quite ahead of our current ones.

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If its the X1800, Nintendo will be very very underpowered. XB360 and PS3 have graphics capabilities quite ahead of our current ones.


Yes, but Nintendo dont need to make the gfx look as good in HDTV. They need power to make it look good in SDTV.


Thus they should need less power...

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Indeed, do you really think nintendo will power the rev wih a card that cost twice as much as the rev itself.


It's probably not an off the shelf x1800 gpu in Revolution, but I guess there is something similar based on the R520 core that many people have said before.

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Exactly, it will probably be a modified version of the core, fine tuned to a console, without the extra waste that a PC graphics card suffers.


As for the price, Nintendo would get a better price because of the amount of GPU's they will be buying.

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Can't you people grasp something? The R520 core has been around for quite a while in development. It was internally made at ATi.


As Schpickles said, its probably not going to be developed in house, just like the flipper. Also, if Revolution can be developed on GC extended dev kits this just couldn't happen. Due to the fact that the flipper is a custom built GPU and not like the R520 in the slightest.


Also, the damn thing only just came out and its not that powerful as ATi said it would be. It's not going to be in Revolution, and if it does i'll eat my hat.

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Exactly, it will probably be a modified version of the core, fine tuned to a console, without the extra waste that a PC graphics card suffers.


As for the price, Nintendo would get a better price because of the amount of GPU's they will be buying.


cough controller rules cough. look at how hrd ti si to type on a kjeybaird

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I very much doubt it'll be a Radeon chip at all. I'd assume that it will come from the same stable as the Flipper chip in the Cube, developed by ArtX - a company that ATi bought out before the Cube was launched. I'd imagine they'll go on to make the new chip, providing some degree of backwards compatibility along the way.

Actually ArtX helped developing the ATI R300 chip, of which most cards in the Radeon 9, X and XI series are based, with some elements they used in the Flipper. So, the Flipper and Radeon series are not so different.


ArtX paved the way for the development of the R300 graphics chipset from ATi.


The graphics chip in the Xbox 360 is similar to the chip on the X1800 (both derived from the R520) only a bit slowed down (500 MHz versus 615 or so) and some other customizations such as a different shader architecture and embedded hyperfast memory. I'm thinking Nintendo or ATI will also customize the R520 for use in the Revolution, it seems a better choice than a brand new chip, with all the costs involved.

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