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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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That Gamecube screenshot is actually from an earlier version of the game, you can tell by the health/ammo display. The water in the final version is not that transparent. But I think there is something amiss with those magazine screenshots. I can't imagine Capcom would do like this: "So, we made this game for the Gamecube and then for the PlayStation 2, now let's make a Wii version. Let's see, the Wii uses the same hardware architecture as the Gamecube, then let's port the PlayStation 2 version, and add Wii controls". This just doesn't make sense to me.


Well spotted


Well watching it in motion it looks fab. I don't see why it would look worse than the GC version.


I watched the latest trailer and thought it looked just the same as the GC version, but only time will tell, I'll wait for IGN review. If it turns out lower quality than the GC version, I won;t buy. I'm not buying a cut down product, if it has GC graphics or GC+ graphics with PS2 extras I will buy. Simple.

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Funny you should say that because I was playing this agin, and I thought it looked better than a lot of stuff on the 360, it truly is remarkable


It's suprising what developers can do if they put the effort in.

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Funny you should say that because I was playing this agin, and I thought it looked better than a lot of stuff on the 360, it truly is remarkable


It really is. The game is just so beautiful. I've seen great stuff on 360 but i reckon you could play resi on cube in a GAME store, hide the Cube and replace it with a 360 and people would fall for it.


It's a stunning game.

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Cool. One small thing I noticed, is, that the heads actually blow up when shot, in that version of the game. The heads did not blow up, until you actually get into the village itself in the Cube version.


I think this may be as it's the Biohazard range. I was advised to buy the jap ones for the cube etc as they were supposed to contain more gore.


Can someone confirm this?

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Gore? Original japanese version is actually pretty badly censored. All head explosions and more violent deadscenes were removed. :)


Ahh my bad:o


Some scenes of violence and gore had to be censored or toned down in the US version. The scenes missing include: Whenever your character was killed by an enemy, there was a cut scene which showed the enemy devouring, or dismembering you, as "You Died" faded over the image. Also, before you meet the first Licker, a dismembered head falls off the ceiling, explaining what happened with the headless corpse on the ground.


So is it the same in the jap versions?

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Cool. One small thing I noticed, is, that the heads actually blow up when shot, in that version of the game. The heads did not blow up, until you actually get into the village itself in the Cube version.



Although it makes the sound of the heads blowing up, the enemies heads are still intact. The youtube video is to blury to see.

Check out ign, it's of a better quality. :smile:

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Famitsu is totally not trustworthy, but I doubt it's messed up anyway.


Famitsu is the Japanese gamer's Bible! I think out of any games magazine on the planet their review scores are the most respected.


And don't say Edge, they are a bunch of sour-faced-up-their-own-arse tossers!

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Famitsu is the Japanese gamer's Bible! I think out of any games magazine on the planet their review scores are the most respected.


And don't say Edge, they are a bunch of sour-faced-up-their-own-arse tossers!


That was in the old days, that's why a lot of people still think of Famitsu as the word of God, but in the past few years they've began to suck imensely. I don't like EDGE's reviews either though.

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