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911 was a very tragic event and i have read tons of stuff that claims to expose a hidden agenda of sorts. The truth about 911 is there to find if you look wisely, i suggest you should find what you can about "project for the new american century" or read a quality book entitled "the new pearl harbor" by david ray griffin. Its a normal rule of thumb that anyone who gets close to the truth on 911 is automatically labeled a kook or a conspiracy theorist or (convieniantly now) unpatriotic . The book i mentioned does not deal in wild imaginings , it deals in hard fact. I know that hard facts can have the power to disturb people who enjoy a cosy world view but i would encourage you all to read it and realise that managing your own enemy to get what you desire is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

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Before saying that the conspiracy is a load of rubbish, look into the overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the conspiracy theory.


If the evidence was "overwhelming" surely everyone would have been overwhelmed by it and it'd be a conspiracy fact, not theory.

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My theory is that this was done by George Bush and Blair to allow the Two nations declare their 'War on terror' which allowed them to invade oil rich countries such as afghanistan and Iraq, and maintain ther place as world leaders. Don't forget that thses to Nations are the former and current World powers and are facing a big threat over world dominance from countries such as China. They have to do something to counter this threat and what could be easier than invading and taking over small shity countreis with miltary that pales incomparision but at the same time have lots of essential resoureces such as oil.

Its the same thing with the London Bombings. That was mearly a cover up and was designed as an excuse for us still being in Iraq. And don't give me all that bull-shit about innoocent pepole being killed, because do you really beleive Blair, or any other POlitician or world leader, gives a flying fuck about the us the "peasents" of society. As long as they are in power and at the top of the world "tree" thats all that they care aboutand everyone else is just a means to an end to get them and to keep them there.

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My theory is that this was done by George Bush and Blair to allow the Two nations declare their 'War on terror' which allowed them to invade oil rich countries such as afghanistan and Iraq, and maintain ther place as world leaders. Don't forget that thses to Nations are the former and current World powers and are facing a big threat over world dominance from countries such as China. They have to do something to counter this threat and what could be easier than invading and taking over small shity countreis with miltary that pales incomparision but at the same time have lots of essential resoureces such as oil.

Its the same thing with the London Bombings. That was mearly a cover up and was designed as an excuse for us still being in Iraq. And don't give me all that bull-shit about innoocent pepole being killed, because do you really beleive Blair, or any other POlitician or world leader, gives a flying fuck about the us the "peasents" of society. As long as they are in power and at the top of the world "tree" thats all that they care aboutand everyone else is just a means to an end to get them and to keep them there.



As much as you state some good points there, i find it mighty hard to belive.

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What is it that makes people think that the press/media are somehow immune and able to freely tell any sensetive story they like?. In the uk there is a gagging order called a D.NOTICE (defence) that stops any uncomfortable or damaging news from ever reaching the public eye under the grounds of national security. Ever since 911 this notice has been served on a number of publications that seemed to have strayed from the "official account" of the story. The idea that we enjoy a free press in the west is a total myth and quickly falls apart under careful scrutiny.

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