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what the hell is going on?

mcj metroid

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Well excite truck is a title I still play, along with Wii sports when friends are around but that is it.


If devs want to put in shiit graphics OK, but charge a budget price, not the same price (or close to it) as PS3 titles which cost much more to develop for and ATM has a smaller user base.


The Wii is capable of excellent graphics, but so far devs are following the Gamecube and releasing games not up to the capabilities of the machine.


Hopefully things will change, but for not it looks like its following gamecube, only with more support from third parties with many poor quality titles.


Ok, it's time for another moan from me.


Last generation, gamers moaned. "why can't our console be more like the PS2. We need support!"


We've got support. We're getting more of it, too. We're four months or so into the Wii's lifespan, support is getting bigger and stronger, and there are plenty of titles on the horizon. Why are we still moaning about support? We're getting it, it will get better, and in time we'll have greater third party games.


Another point: If you expect every game to be released for the Wii to be a system seller or truely awesome third party effort, you are naive. Every console gets its filler. I find it incredibly convenient how nobody points out that the 360 has filler, too, yet they will only mention. "GEARS OF WORRRR!" or "GRAW". The 360's lineup didn't occur overnight, and neither did the PS2's.


Put up, or shut up.

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Ok, it's time for another moan from me.


Put up, or shut up.


True. You can get £180 cash for your used wii at cex or more on ebay. so its not too late to quit the nintendo scene and get that xbox 360 that you really need.


This is the most sane advice i've ever given and deserves its own thread

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True. You can get £180 cash for your used wii at cex or more on ebay. so its not too late to quit the nintendo scene and get that xbox 360 that you really need.


This is the most sane advice i've ever given and deserves its own thread


Nobody cares what you do with your money.

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Every one under 25. Or older than Generation X, which I'm told I can just scrape into, despite being 20 and therefore of the 'Playstation Generation'.


And I do wonder about why people say there is a games drought? There's quite a few games being released now.


And as someone said above, what would be the point of bringing out a new killer app now? Killer apps are called that because they sell consoles. Zelda was one. Mario will probably be one, as will Metroid. All the other games are just fillers. Most Wii owners will not own Super Paper Mario. Most Wii owners will own Super Mario Galaxy. But there is no point in releasing a killer app when there are no consoles to sell. End of story.


And even if there was a draught, it's an easily predictable one that happens in every consoles life no matter which one. The launch games have one or two GREATS and 5 or 6 mediocores, and there won't be another great one for around a year. This is because those who produced their launch games were given the dev kits WAY before everyone else and sworn to secrecy about the console in order to generate hype. Everyone else gets their kits later, and so their games take longer to get released. It happens with every console launch. The order (over-simplified) is like this:


Lauch/1st party >> 6 months >> 3rd Party ported titles >> 6 months >> 3rd party good titles >> 6 months >> 1st/2nd party great titles.


They come in clusters. Expect the great stuff to start arriving November.


ARRRRGH, I'm 26, what generation am I in! I was the first of the 80s kids, so I rule. The 80s were the best.

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Well, I'm not sure why some people expect everything to happen right now.


The Wii is only four months old. Games take time to develop.


I'm certainly not complaining and am happy with my Wii. :) Granted, it's not perfect, but give it time. When we're a year or so on from launch, we can start to judge.


Usually, I'm very fussy when it comes to buying games. But Wii has encouraged me to open my mind and try out all sort of new things. Right now, I have:


Zelda (Completed)

Wii Sports


Rayman Raving Rabbids

Wii Play

Excite Truck (Almost complete)

WarioWare (Completed)

(Had Red Steel before trading it in)


Those games and the VC have kept me happy so far. :) I work a full-time job and also study, so it's not like I'm in any danger of exhausting my library anytime soon. Right now, I'm trying to decide between:


The Godfather

SSX Blur


(maybe) Metal Slug Anthology


I think you'd only call it a drought if you had plenty of time to play each game to death, or you weren't interested in ANY games in the first place (as in you only buy Nintendo or Big Megaton Title).


The Wii is already starting to get a decent range of genres in its software library. The only thing I'd want to see more support for would be the traditional epic RPG genre (think games like Skies of Arcadia, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, that kind of thing). But we know that RPGs are already being worked on.


In short, Wii is looking to have a healthy range of games, and I'm already worrying about not being able to complete games before buying new ones. :lol:


I'm interested in the Xbox360, but there aren't any games that made me WANT to buy it so far. There is definitely a severe lack of RPGs on that console, which is a shame. Some interesting games, but nothing (so far) that makes me want to tear down to the nearest games shop and slap down £300.


Playstation 3? Well, I'll wait and see for a couple of years.

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There are more great games than you mentioned, like Excite Truck and SSX Blur. Whilst I'm not saying that there haven't been a good few mistakes, I think one of the factors is that some reviewers are simply not spending the increased time it takes to 'get' some of the new control schemes.

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There are more great games than you mentioned, like Excite Truck and SSX Blur. Whilst I'm not saying that there haven't been a good few mistakes, I think one of the factors is that some reviewers are simply not spending the increased time it takes to 'get' some of the new control schemes.


I think another problem is that the software that we are seeing is not quite 'there' yet. I think developers haven't quite managed to get the best out of the Wii and thus some of the games feel rushed/unfinished.

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Well excite truck is a title I still play, along with Wii sports when friends are around but that is it.


If devs want to put in shiit graphics OK, but charge a budget price, not the same price (or close to it) as PS3 titles which cost much more to develop for and ATM has a smaller user base.


The Wii is capable of excellent graphics, but so far devs are following the Gamecube and releasing games not up to the capabilities of the machine.


Hopefully things will change, but for not it looks like its following gamecube, only with more support from third parties with many poor quality titles.

Why exactly do good graphics have to cost any more? You can't hang up the quality and effort put in a game on the graphics only.


Hell, nobody is close to pushing the limits of the 360 and PS3 and those games still cost a ridiculous 70 euros sometimes.

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The Wii is very much mimicing the life of the DS. It appears to be starting off rather slowly, and as people say, lots of minigame fests.


Thing is, I think these mini-games collections are just demonstrating what the controller can do. Games like Rayman and Wario Ware are not perfect, but they are showing what the controller has the potential to do. It is only now with racing games, such as ExciteTruck, or sports games like Tiger Woods or SSX Blur that we are seeing the controller actually applied to specific genres of games. We've seen how it can be applied to First Person Shooters, and the basis is there as groundwork for the future, it just needs polishing up.


What we've had so far is good. I'm enjoying the system very much so, and the DS, I can only dream about what sort of games we shall we seeing next year.


I'm a little bit surprised that people are not purchasing games as we speak, as there are some games out there worth playing, imo. Zelda was great, I loved it and I'm going to start a second run, too. But, the likes of SSX, Sonic, Koropina (short game, apparantly), Madden and Tiger Woods are also appealing to me, too. I'm excited about playing these games, whenever I get to play them, as I feel they should be experienced.

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