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Umm, Paj, I hope you're sitting down:


A quick flick of NME TV and I stumble across some thing about Bjork vids "from the beginning".

Now, you know I don't like the shush one and the full of love with the robots one and all the others I can remember, but there was one in there that was...alright (Honest).

Well, that's to say I didn't not like it. However, the name of the song has slipped my mind but I think the video involved your favourite Icelandic singer in some sort of forest...that's the only lead. Any way of you helping me...I'm probably hallucinating but if you know the vid and the song, let me know so I can hear it again and see if it wasn't actually too bad...gwah.

  The Villan said:
Umm, Paj, I hope you're sitting down:


A quick flick of NME TV and I stumble across some thing about Bjork vids "from the beginning".

Now, you know I don't like the shush one and the full of love with the robots one and all the others I can remember, but there was one in there that was...alright (Honest).

Well, that's to say I didn't not like it. However, the name of the song has slipped my mind but I think the video involved your favourite Icelandic singer in some sort of forest...that's the only lead. Any way of you helping me...I'm probably hallucinating but if you know the vid and the song, let me know so I can hear it again and see if it wasn't actually too bad...gwah.


It'll have been Human Behaviour. Which was her first solo single, and everyone likes that one. :heart: Might have been Isobel as well, that's in black & white. And is lovely.




No normal version on YT, so the video here is accompanied by the version featuring Carcass.


Isobel isn't one of my favourite Beej songs in the first place. Doesn't really go anywhere. I like it enough though.

  The Villan said:
Umm, Paj, I hope you're sitting down:


A quick flick of NME TV and I stumble across some thing about Bjork vids "from the beginning".

Now, you know I don't like the shush one and the full of love with the robots one and all the others I can remember, but there was one in there that was...alright (Honest).

Well, that's to say I didn't not like it. However, the name of the song has slipped my mind but I think the video involved your favourite Icelandic singer in some sort of forest...that's the only lead. Any way of you helping me...I'm probably hallucinating but if you know the vid and the song, let me know so I can hear it again and see if it wasn't actually too bad...gwah.


*recovers from initial shock*


You do realise Paj is gonna have a fit when he see's this Villan? :heh: I had a quick look on You Tube and the only one I could see that was Forest-like was HyperBallad and if that's the case then you may be out of luck because the audio is disabled on YT for some reason, probably available elsewhere though.




Seems I couldn't have been wronger... anywho, seeing as I've been thinking about giving Bjork a listen soon *watches video that's just been posted*


My god, SCG, you could potentially be a fellow lover of The Trion (Peej, Beej and Torr).


Razziatoire almost made it, but hates Bjork. :(

  Paj Meen Ah said:
It'll have been Human Behaviour. Which was her first solo single, and everyone likes that one. :heart: Might have been Isobel as well, that's in black & white. And is lovely.


I'm guessing it was this one. Seems most likely as it was her first solo single, like you said, and I think I flicked over when the slot had only just started.


I'll just point out now that Bjork came across as 'Meh!' to me because I was never too fond of the songs I'd heard (I honestly despise that Shh one.) and her vids are just too much of a weird mindfuck for me to watch. They make Radiohead's Knives Out video look normal...


And on the subject of the "Trion" - I don't like PJ Harvey and I don't like Tori Amos. Jussoyaknow!

Posted (edited)
  Paj Meen Ah said:
My god, SCG, you could potentially be a fellow lover of The Trion (Peej, Beej and Torr).


Razziatoire almost made it, but hates Bjork. :(


I think you could be right there because I was genuinely captivated by Human Behaviour... both the song and the video were excellent, no word of a lie. :)


  The Villan said:

I'll just point out now that Bjork came across as 'Meh!' to me because I was never too fond of the songs I'd heard (I honestly despise that Shh one.) and her vids are just too much of a weird mindfuck for me to watch. They make Radiohead's Knives Out video look normal...


This I can relate to... I recall seeing the video for Hunter and for some reason at the time I just really didn't like it, but now that I'm starting to get into more similar artists I think my perspective may have changed somewhat, so I'd be willing to give that one in particular another try.


One I did like from the first viewing some time back was Earth Invaders I think it was called... now that one is weird, but I really liked the song.


Edit - video of Hunter *watches it again*

Edited by S.C.G
Automerged Doublepost
  The Villan said:
I'm guessing it was this one. Seems most likely as it was her first solo single, like you said, and I think I flicked over when the slot had only just started.


I'll just point out now that Bjork came across as 'Meh!' to me because I was never too fond of the songs I'd heard (I honestly despise that Shh one.) and her vids are just too much of a weird mindfuck for me to watch. They make Radiohead's Knives Out video look normal...


And on the subject of the "Trion" - I don't like PJ Harvey and I don't like Tori Amos. Jussoyaknow!


It's Oh So Quiet from Post is a cover of a very old song, and was almost a novelty on the album. It was released, as she and Spike Jonze liked the idea of doing the video, for a bit of fun. Of course, it ended up being her most famou ssong and what she's known for, despite never doing anything else like that since!


Not liking PJ Harvey is denying yourself pleasures. Bjork and Tori I can accept people not liking, but Peej? :wtf:




You mean Earth Intruders, SCG. It's pretty cool, yeah. Timbaland production, believe it or not. She managed to get some decent stuff out him.




Hunter is AMAZING. Probably my favourite Bjork song and video, maybe just under All Is Full Of Love.

Posted (edited)
  Paj Meen Ah said:
Not liking PJ Harvey is denying yourself pleasures. Bjork and Tori I can accept people not liking, but Peej? :wtf:




You mean Earth Intruders, SCG. It's pretty cool, yeah. Timbaland production, believe it or not. She managed to get some decent stuff out him.




Hunter is AMAZING. Probably my favourite Bjork song and video, maybe just under All Is Full Of Love.


Agreed, I'm actually really into Peej atm, I listened to Stories from the City / Sea and it was really... really good to say the least.




Yes that's the one... I realised my mistake upon YouTube searching a few moments ago




Fuck... :o I watched it again and all I can say is that I was truly wrong, Hunter is indeed Amazing, I'm glad that I can actually appreciate it now. :)

Edited by S.C.G

Oh So Quiet was a cover? Fair enough. :smile:


Thing about PJ Harvey is that I've heard some of her stuff and none of it sits well with me at all. I didn't even like the stuff she's done with Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age, who, on the other hand, are immense in my book.

  S.C.G said:

Fuck... :o I watched it again and all I can say is that I was truly wrong, Hunter is indeed Amazing, I'm glad that I can actually appreciate it now. :)


HQ version + Headphones = Screams. Orgasmic screams.

Posted (edited)
  The Villan said:
Thing about PJ Harvey is that I've heard some of her stuff and none of it sits well with me at all. I didn't even like the stuff she's done with Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age, who, on the other hand, are immense in my book.


Hmm there is one collab song from her that I have a feeling you would like Villan, I heard it for the first time today and I loved it, it's Peej + Thom Yorke - from Radiohead - singing the track This Mess We're In seriously, please give it a listen.





And of course from the same album I loved We Float...


Edited by S.C.G

Hmm...I dunno...I'm undecided about that one...it's alright when it's just Thom Yorke, but at the 3 minute mark I'm thinking "Shut up, Harvey, and keep to the background."

  The Villan said:
Hmm...I dunno...I'm undecided about that one...it's alright when it's just Thom Yorke, but at the 3 minute mark I'm thinking "Shut up, Harvey, and keep to the background."


They work really well together though... it's an excellent duet Imo as it's split equally down the middle, like it should be :) I loved it from first listen but it did take me a few more to realise how well it works but... if you're unfamiliar with Peej's voice then I can understand why she may annoy you at first.


Believe me though, I've listened to her from the start - am about 2/3 through her albums - and she does sound pretty damn awesome once you get into her :D I'm relistening to Dry atm just to remind myself of how good it is.


Anyway... I'm not saying go out and buy all her albums but, do you have Spotify? if so then have a look sometime and see if there are any tracks you like from her earlier albums such as Dry, you might be pleasantly surprised. ^^ *shuts up now and keeps to the background*


  Dyson said:
Couldn't listen to more than 55 seconds of that Bjork song before getting pissed off with it.


Hunter? that's how I felt about it when I first heard it months ago... not now though.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
Dry is amazing.


I take it you're on "Stories" atm, SCG? Can't wait till you're on Uh Huh Her onwards! :)


*relistening to Dry right now*


I finished Stories earlier today... and lol you can't wait? neither can I if I'm being completely honest, but I will save it for the journey into / back from work on Saturday, it'll be worth the wait. :heh:


  Dyson said:
@SCG - Nope, Human whatever it was!


Ah shit... sorry to hear that :( but *shrugs* everyone has their own tastes and at least you gave it a try, as did Villan which is pretty awesome really.


Have to say that that was the first time I ever listened to 'We Float' by PJ Harvey the whole way through. Think I tried listening to it before and just switched it off to listen to something else. It's not bad but I did find the chorus a little grating but I think that that feeling is something that would go away from further listenings.


Dear god... am I really contemplating listening to PJ Harvey? What have I become.........:o

  Ganepark32 said:

Dear god... am I really contemplating listening to PJ Harvey? What have I become.........:o


It's nothing to be ashamed of really, if anything it's something to be celebrated :) I had similar feelings towards Peej before I gave her a proper listen and now I love a lot of what she's done.


If you're really contemplating possibly getting into her GP then I'd advise starting off with Dry - her first album - as it really is amazing, you might listen to some of the tracks first off and think "wow... this is... weird..." I know I did :heh: but on reflection and further listens it's just brilliant and I'm really glad I decided to give her a chance. :smile:


Exogenesis actually could be the greatest song ever, it is incredible. I just pray that preview doesn't hype it too much. USofE was a bit spoilt like that. Then again uprising was made better because the preview for that was poor.

  stuwii said:
Exogenesis actually could be the greatest song ever, it is incredible.


Glad to hear that the song is at least decent then but I highly doubt it being 'the greatest song ever' I mean come on... lol if that isn't overhyping it to the point of stupidity then I don't know what is. :heh:


Fair enough if it is genuinely amazing etc, it should be yes for the amount of time they have spent on it but not as good as you say, it could maybe be 'Tha bessst song Evaaaaar!' e.g in the same way that people with quite 'variable' music tastes casually bestow the title on their favourite track of the moment but certainly not on the genuine scale of greatness...


Anyway, how / where have you heard the full version?

  Ganepark32 said:

Dear god... am I really contemplating listening to PJ Harvey? What have I become.........:o


Interested in exploring rock musicians who actually push themselves artistically and musically in new directions, and create brilliant music?


We Float is a very un-PJ Harvey song. Very soft and mellow. As I said before (and SCG) go listen to Dry or Rid Of Me (the albums).


It's not like she/they are considered to be great artists worthy of commendation for no reason.

  S.C.G said:
Glad to hear that the song is at least decent then but I highly doubt it being 'the greatest song ever' I mean come on... lol if that isn't overhyping it to the point of stupidity then I don't know what is. :heh:


Fair enough if it is genuinely amazing etc, it should be yes for the amount of time they have spent on it but not as good as you say, it could maybe be 'Tha bessst song Evaaaaar!' e.g in the same way that people with quite 'variable' music tastes casually bestow the title on their favourite track of the moment but certainly not on the genuine scale of greatness...

Anyway, how / where have you heard the full version?


I have not but the reviews are rave

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