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I feel like shit

Dark Wolf

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Wait, did I read that right? You've never even spoken to her, yet you're posting on an internet forum declaring your undying love for her? Lol. This is a silly schoolboy crush, get over it and get on with your fucking life.


'Fancy like hell' hardly sounds like declaring his undying love, I say fuck off if you aint gonna be helpful, or at least tactful. No wonder Bard hates you, you're an idiot!

At the same time, Fields kind of has a point, I was that age once and I was kind of the same.

Here's the skinny, you need to get some magic courage, all of you in 'a similar situation', and just go upto whoever that girl is and talk to her/ask her out/whatever you want. I bold that all, because there is no exception in your situation, there are no exceptional circumstances making it different to anyone else. Go on, next time you see her, talk to her! Say hello, start a conversation about something general.

If you don't, you'll get nowhere, you have absolutely zero chance, and I mean that, 0% chance, not even a slight sliver of hope, of getting anywhere with that girl. Admittedly, if you talk to her/ask her out/whatever, you don't have a 100% chance of getting somewhere, but you have a much greater chance than if you don't do anything at all.

You also need to be fully prepared to accept the fact you might get nowhere in order to get somewhere, otherwise you'll never try. If it turns out nothing happens, so what? You've lost nothing and gained an experience, which is more than you had before!


As for Herr Dark Wolf, if you're struggling for conversation talk about whatever the hell is on TV! If you don't know what it is she's watching, ask her!


Well, thats my take on things anyway, do what you wish. The fact of the matter is, I'm not gonna convince you to do anything you don't really want to, nobody on here is, you're just all stupiudly hoping that somehow this'll solve your problems, when the only real solution to them is written 4 paragraphs above.

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As for Herr Dark Wolf, if you're struggling for conversation talk about whatever the hell is on TV! If you don't know what it is she's watching, ask her!


That's a really good point. If you've never spoken to her before, its going to be weird striking up a conversation with her. I think the best thing to do would be to sit down and ask her what it is, then say "k thx m8" (or similar) and maybe a comment about the programme and just leave it as that. She may want to carry on talking about it, if so, score, if not don't worry. Say hi to her the next time you see her too.

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Although the one plus side of that is that you're not in the so called "friend zone" that many of us have fallen into on our pitiless escapades to get a member of the opposite sex to get with us so we can make booty time.


Gah, don't remind me of the friend zone.. Its like a pit and they've cut the rope ladder out, I need either a small miracle or inspector gadget to fall in to get me out.

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Don't know how to describe how I feel really. There's this girl who is incredibly fine who I fancy like hell but I have no chance. Heck, I've never even spoken to her. You see, I'm not really that popular at my school, there's about 18 people who I regularly talk to and quite a few of them I would consider quite close freinds. I'm not unpopular because I'm annoying it's because I don't talk to people. I just feel really nervous about it and have no idea what to talk about. I have hardly any confidence in myself, and even my friends have pointed out to me that when we talk I hardly look at them.


I have no female friends, and I never have since primary school. I just feel incredibly nervous about the opposite sex and have no idea what to talk about. Sometimes in the class I join in the conversation, and when I'm talking to that girl or she to me I always look away, as if I shouldn't be looking at them.


This particular girl then, we're in "houses" (4 different buildings) and she's in the same one as me in the year below. The problem is is that I've not talked to her since she came and if I do now she will be suspicious. There's a TV room she's often in, which I could go in and just chill during break, but I never usually go in there. I have no idea how I should approach her for the first time either. I probably have no chance anyway because she's becoming quite a famous actress.


Any ideas?


Dead easy mate, just instill the idea that the worst thing that can happen is she doesn't like you. Whatever embarrassment you'll feel at the time will mean nothing in the long run. Just pull yourself toegther lad and go for it.

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I got off the school bus at the same time as she did. I was walking with her, I was well nervous and didn’t know what to talk about. Then we started to have a well good conversation. Then I woke up :( I actually had this dream last night :( I thought it was real, then I was like, "ahh.. shit!"


Look, just talk to her and stop being a wimp. Life is about shaping situations, not letting them shape you. Just open your mouth and say hi, honestly, what is the worst that can actually happen?

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Count yourself lucky you're not dealing with adult relationships yet. They're a right barrel of laughs... NOOT!. As for advice, well I was in the same situation when I was in school. Didn't help that I was fairly overweight so naturally I didn't think any girls would be interested, and i'd be right anyway they weren't. I know how hard that first step is though even if most people on here don't. I gained my confidence through getting fit and making myself feel better. Just be proud of who you are and find something good and unique about yourself no one else has. If you get an opportunity to talk to this girl take it. If you get rejected it's not the end of the world, it's life and it happens.

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