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I feel like shit

Dark Wolf

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Man, I know how you feel. Yesterday I noticed I needed new shoes.


"Woke up cold one tuesday*,

i'm looking tired and feeling quite sick,

i felt like there was something missing in my day to day life,

so i quickly opened the wardrobe,

pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean,

topped it off with a pair of old shoes,

that were ripped around the seams,

and i thought these shoes just don't suit me."



I have nothing productive to say... sorry.




*I am aware that yesterday wasn't Tuesday...

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This particular girl then, we're in "houses" (4 different buildings) and she's in the same one as me in the year below. The problem is is that I've not talked to her since she came and if I do now she will be suspicious.


But if your interested in her isn't it ok if she gets "suspicious"?

Your quite lucky if you can actually meet her that easily. Just go to the TV room with the excuse that your TV is broken or something (and if you don't want to lie, pour water into your TV) so you won't raise any suspicion.

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here's the way i see it:


You remind me of me a few years ago. i didn't really talk to the opposite sex and i had a small group of friends. I found it really hard to talk to girls especially because i felt scared and shy, and i got worried that they would dislike me.


Now, when i was in year 10 it occured to me that you only live once and you should live life to the fullest (i owe that to Rocky..best film ever!), so i decided to, though i was shy, just be outgoing and talk to girls and new people (at this point i had never had a girlfriend and was only close to a few people). Now, what you need to do is just relax and try not to be so shy; it might sound hard at first because you're not used to it byt it will get easier. i did it and now i have a lot more friends, can talk easily infront of people and even got a wonderful girlfriend.


We're all different, and i can't just imagine you going up to her and telling her you really like her (because you barely talk to her). Instead, try just saying 'hi' and give her a smile when you see her. After a while, she'll start saying the same when she sees you around school, and you can try talking to her. Also, girls LOVE confidence, so don't seem shy and embarrassed; instead, hold your head high and just believe in what you say :)

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i have the same problem (well kinda)


Theres a girl i like so much but she has just got a new boyfriend, i know she used to like me too ( not too long ago), we have become really good friends, she tells me alot, i do the same, we also flirt a hell of a alot, but i cant bring myself to ask her out..(she knows i fancy her which is killing me more + she only started flirting with me after i told her)


Does she like me to? Lol i need help!


(i am going to a prti of hers in a few weeks, maybe when we get a little drunk i should talk to her, were both much more open then lol)

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Heck, I've never even spoken to her.

Wait, did I read that right? You've never even spoken to her, yet you're posting on an internet forum declaring your undying love for her? Lol. This is a silly schoolboy crush, get over it and get on with your fucking life.

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"Woke up cold one tuesday*,

i'm looking tired and feeling quite sick,

i felt like there was something missing in my day to day life,

so i quickly opened the wardrobe,

pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean,

topped it off with a pair of old shoes,

that were ripped around the seams,

and i thought these shoes just don't suit me."



I have nothing productive to say... sorry.




*I am aware that yesterday wasn't Tuesday...

I said, hey

I put my new shoes on and suddenly everything's alright


Right? That awesome song thing.

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Don't be a muppet, how can you like a girl you've never talked to before? You seem fine coming on here and talking to people, so don't think that there's a different way to communicate just because they can see you, just look em in the eye and say what you want, if nothing comes into mind, then don't worry, the most everyday, pointless things can be conversation starters, all you have to do is stop having this ideal conception of girls are like. It helps, of course, if your friends are willing to introduce you to their friends, and invite you out, but honestly, they're not going to give a toss either way unless you earn their respect and that means, however uncomfortable it may be, you look them in the eye for a little while and talk naturally. If you find it hard, it'll take some balls to do it, but you're gonna have to do it at some point or another.

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Jesus -.- I'm in the exactly same boat as you.


I find it really hard to make conversation, I mean I can talk about pretty much anything but when I'm next to a girl that I like... *silence*


There is actually a couple of girls that I really like but by the time I've thought of something to say she is already gone.


I'm not really going to give any advice because well I can't but at least you know your not the only one struggling.

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My problem is that when i chat up girls, we become too close, and end up being 'just friends', sigh. So i have an army of girls around me when I'm out and about usually, which can be slightly annoying, as some people then think I'm gay! I am in Love with one of my best friends too, but I kno nothing will happen, so I just get on with it. It sucks being single for almost 2 years now....sniff, and I hardly pull birds in clubs either.....*reaches for medicene cabinet*

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How often do you go out with your mates? The more you go out, the more you'll have to talk about. Even a simple "how was your weekend?" is better than nothing, and when she asks you the same you'll have a better reply than "I just sat at the computer" which is rather boring. You'll be able to say you went into town with your friends and went to the cinema or something. Then you'll be able to branch the conversation into what you saw, what you thought of it.


Girls love talking. Ask loads of questions and just smile, nod and say "yeah" occaisionally to show you're still alive.

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Wait, did I read that right? You've never even spoken to her, yet you're posting on an internet forum declaring your undying love for her? Lol. This is a silly schoolboy crush, get over it and get on with your fucking life.


well that's great advice



You obviously have very low self-esteem. I have that sometimes. But you must talk to her and get to know her.For all you know you might not like her at all. It's not all about looks you know

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Girls are a confusing and difficult type to deal with. Getting one is the hardest part, especially if you don't even talk to her you're starting from scratch. Although the one plus side of that is that you're not in the so called "friend zone" that many of us have fallen into on our pitiless escapades to get a member of the opposite sex to get with us so we can make booty time.


In other words, just talk to the girl. It may be difficult, hell, it is difficult, but you get nowhere from not trying.

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