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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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I've just bought a Gamecube pad for it on a recommendation from another forum, and I have to say I do think it improves the game a bit. But what a sad day though. I thought the whole idea of bringing NiGHTS back was to take advantage of the new controls? :confused:


Once you've beaten the game, it's much nicer to play it as you like. You don't have to put up with the naff cutscenes and awful characterisations, and you can just dive into any level as you see fit - which is much more fitting the NiGHTS ethos - and hammer your scores. The new proper NiGHTS levels are often quite lovely. What a shame Sonic Team didn't just polish up the good stuff, instead of wasting time and effort sticking crap in. But nevertheless I can say now that I am enjoying the game very much.


It still feels like a sequel that should have come out on the Saturn, but yes there's fun to be had. I reckon the scores so far have been mostly accurate - about 6 out of 10 is fair.

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Rented this from Lovefilm last week and it was honestly awful. Sega continue raping all that was good in my childhood :( Why give Knights a voice, and such a fucking annoying one at that. The owl managed to be even more annoying.


Perhaps im looking back through rose tinted glasses but I couldnt bare to play any more once I had done the first level and sent it back. so glad I cancelled my pre-order and didnt waste money on this tripe. I wouldnt even say it controlled that geat either personally.

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I actually got it at the weekend but it's getting traded right back in as soon as possible.. it has been a lot worse than I expected. The graphics are awful and, although it'll probably get a bit better later on (I would hope it would!) it just isn't very fun to begin with :hmm:

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You can get this for £19.99 when you purchase anything else at GAME stores.


Unsure if you can claim it with those cheap Birthday cards they sell :heh:


That's exactly where I got it from.. I bought 2 as it worked against itself- so that was 2 for £39.98..


The main reason was I took one to CeX for £24, basically a way of me getting the money that was left on my GAME gift card into my wallet ready for No More Heroes, which I'm getting on Play.com..


I took the other one home to try it out.. wasn't a bit impressed so it went back today.. for £24 again in CeX..


It worked out well.. I got the money off my giftcard, I made £8 profit and I got to try out the game..

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You can get this for £19.99 when you purchase anything else at GAME stores.


Unsure if you can claim it with those cheap Birthday cards they sell :heh:


When bought with anything. Including the 98p Wii RF adaptor I bought it with.


Although, dunno if I should try considering its getting such bad press.

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  • 1 month later...

Bumpidybump, because I bought this yesterday for chea-heap.


I was actually very surprised by this! I played the original Nights a lot, and after the bad press, I decided to skip this one, but this is easily as good, if not better than the original. The graphics, which have been slaughtered in several reviews, aren't that bad at all! And I'm having no troubles with the gameplay. I play with the Nunchuk, although I do think the pointer-controls have their charm. That last one is great for just flying around and getting through rings, but not very responsive for loopings or last-minute-manoeuvres. But the nunchuk does me fine.


Can't say the VO are Oscar-material, but they're not as bad as I was led to believe. Then again, I have been playing a lot of House of the Dead lately. :heh:


I'm very happy I purchased this, and for anyone in doubt to get this, if you find it at a bargain price (very likely if you look around), this is recommended.

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Bumpidybump, because I bought this yesterday for chea-heap.


I was actually very surprised by this! I played the original Nights a lot, and after the bad press, I decided to skip this one, but this is easily as good, if not better than the original. The graphics, which have been slaughtered in several reviews, aren't that bad at all! And I'm having no troubles with the gameplay. I play with the Nunchuk, although I do think the pointer-controls have their charm. That last one is great for just flying around and getting through rings, but not very responsive for loopings or last-minute-manoeuvres. But the nunchuk does me fine.


Can't say the VO are Oscar-material, but they're not as bad as I was led to believe. Then again, I have been playing a lot of House of the Dead lately. :heh:


I'm very happy I purchased this, and for anyone in doubt to get this, if you find it at a bargain price (very likely if you look around), this is recommended.


Now imagine if you'd paid £35 for it! You might be less forgiving then! ;)


For your general info, it's going for £15.95 at Blah DVD. I've used them loads of times and they are extremely reliable and well recommended. So if you were clever like Strange Cookie and held onto your money, you can now pat yourself on the back!


EDIT: Here.

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  • 4 months later...

Just buy a Saturn and the original. The gameplay is better, the level design is better, and the story is better. Plus it has widescreen.


I haven't got anything against this game, it was okay, but playing the original (and I shouldn't have to say this) spoiled me. I still play the original every now and then trying to beat my old scores 11 years on, which is a hell of alot more than I can say for Journey of Dreams.


Its a really good game. But I would recommend not bumping any more old threads. Depending on what moderator is online at the time (and what mood they're in) you could get yourself into a slight bit of trouble.

It's hardly worth making a new thread for though, is it?

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This is the kind of game where you need to give it time. Pass the absurdly ridiculous cutscenes and "story" and the game is very good. It's tight and pretty much follows the spirit of the original. Totally doesn't deserve all the bad mouth it got.

Also, bumpity bump.

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  • 2 years later...

So big bumping! Only because I both played this recently and was looking through old threads I started (didn't realise I started this!) and to the two correlated in some fashion.


Basically I stopped playing this due to shitness....which is something I do often but I just couldn't play it anymore. I think gameplay and mechanics have moved on since this and even though its a bit old now in 2010 I still don't think it stands up at all. I know it harks back to a previous generation but even in playing homage to that I think its full of fail and should have tried to modernise its a bit more to make itself more relevant in todays market.


Coupled with the fact that at times it looks downright awful and there isn't much to play with I think. I know there were people on here who loved it, me I'm glad I didn't pay over a tenner for it thats all I can say!

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And do you know, just to be opposite I've been playing it recently and have been really enjoying it! Which has surprised me after my earlier rants at the game. I was mightily disappointed when I first got it. It really ought to have been a budget release. Yes it's a true retro game, offering much the same as the old Saturn game, but it still has a lot of fun in there even today. It makes a nice companion title for Sonic Colours which I got recently too. It does look a bit dated I suppose, but it does have it's fair share of gorgeous levels too that still look the part.


I dunno, I think I was a bit harsh. I've had a lot of play out of it, even though my criticisms still stand about the presentation standard. I hate the voice acting with a passion, it's just totally unnecessary and tips the atmosphere off the wrong end for me. But the soundtrack is probably the very best on the Wii imho. It's just a stunningly evocative and dreamy mix. I love it.


If only they'd spent more time refining the gameplay and challenges. It could have been perfect. As it is it's a fan letter to the original game, that misses the originals enigmatic appeal.

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I think I stopped playing it mostly because it required so much trial and error to just find out what you were supposed to be doing. Graphically it was fine for a 3rd party Wii game at its time of release, and once you actually figured out what you're supposed to be doing it was playable, but it had some really annoying bits too (the platforming part that you had to do on foot). From what I remember, the story was incredibly annoying though.

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I think I stopped playing it mostly because it required so much trial and error to just find out what you were supposed to be doing. Graphically it was fine for a 3rd party Wii game at its time of release, and once you actually figured out what you're supposed to be doing it was playable, but it had some really annoying bits too (the platforming part that you had to do on foot). From what I remember, the story was incredibly annoying though.


Yeah I guess visually its par for the course for the time. However your right it has a ton of very very annoying bits that just don't stand up by modern standards. People don't expect such problems in these times.


It's a shame I started it as something a bit different from the usual, I like to play something bright and different as a palette cleanser from all the dark gloomy shooters/open world games...this wasn't it. I started playing Assassins Creed 2 instead lol. Which kinda defeats the object.

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