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One for the metalheads.


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Wich do you preffer?

Thrash, Death or Black metal? Please explain why.

(I am aware of the exsitence of grindcore, sludge, doom, stoner, etc... but those are not part of the discussion).


Although all 3 are great... I don't think anything can top Black metal, when it's at it's finest.

One need only look at Emperor's masterpeice "Anthems to the welkins at dusk" or Immortal's "At the heart of winter". Just the sheer brutality and majesty of every single chord, along with the way it makes you feel so bitter and alone... it amazes me, to this day. So, as much as I absolutely love Death and Thrash metal, I personally crown Black metal as King.

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As far as Black Metal goes, all I listen to is Rotting Christ, Emperor and some Immortal, and if you call Behemoth Black Metal, then them too. My taste in Death Metal is similarly limited, there have been some utterly stonking bands like Decapitiated, Vader, Death, Deicide etc, but the majority of the scene (I'm looking at the Cannibal Corpse crowd) sucked so bad it was hilarious.


So, taking that into consideration, my favourite is obviously Thrash (out of the ones available ;), I'm aware that Bodom and Killswitch for example belong to different genres...), there were so many ridiculously fantastic bands from that time...I don't even know where to begin:











just to mention the most prominent ones. Bands were spawned that were truly timeless. The sense of speed, technicality and pure visceral aggression is totally unrivalled in any other kind of music, and that I think is what people fail to understand about metal. Beautiful.

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there were so many ridiculously fantastic bands from that time...I don't even know where to begin:












Calling the band wich founded and invented Death metal a Thrash metal band is very very very bold, don't you think?


But yes, thrash is a many splendored thing. I don't see why you think Sabbat is such a great band. Maybe coz they're british they're hyped over there.

You missed some of the greats:






Suicidal Tendencies.

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I presume you're talking about Possessed. I don't know, I've always seen them as thrash. Saying that they invented Death is a bit bold in my opinion :heh:, and just because one of their songs is called Death Metal. Of course, you could be making the utter mistake of saying that Slayer invented death, in which case I'd have to slap ya :heh:


S.O.D suck pretty hard :heh:, but yeah, I said that it was just some of the more prominent ones. Out of those, my favourites are Megadeth...infact, my favourite anything are megadeth. Damn, I even have Dave Mustaines signature guitar (the good one, not the budget one :p).


As for Sabbat, you really have to hear some of their late demos to appreciate how damn amazing Andy Sneap was really getting. I have them on tape, I really should get digital versions.

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I presume you're talking about Possessed. I don't know, I've always seen them as thrash. Saying that they invented Death is a bit bold in my opinion :heh:, and just because one of their songs is called Death Metal. Of course, you could be making the utter mistake of saying that Slayer invented death, in which case I'd have to slap ya :heh:


S.O.D suck pretty hard :heh:, but yeah, I said that it was just some of the more prominent ones. Out of those, my favourites are Megadeth...infact, my favourite anything are megadeth. Damn, I even have Dave Mustaines signature guitar (the good one, not the budget one :p).


As for Sabbat, you really have to hear some of their late demos to appreciate how damn amazing Andy Sneap was really getting. I have them on tape, I really should get digital versions.


I hope you dont stick your tongue out that much in real life. Its rude!

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I presume you're talking about Possessed. I don't know, I've always seen them as thrash. Saying that they invented Death is a bit bold in my opinion :heh:, and just because one of their songs is called Death Metal. Of course, you could be making the utter mistake of saying that Slayer invented death, in which case I'd have to slap ya :heh:


S.O.D suck pretty hard :heh:, but yeah, I said that it was just some of the more prominent ones. Out of those, my favourites are Megadeth...infact, my favourite anything are megadeth. Damn, I even have Dave Mustaines signature guitar (the good one, not the budget one :p).


As for Sabbat, you really have to hear some of their late demos to appreciate how damn amazing Andy Sneap was really getting. I have them on tape, I really should get digital versions.


Up until Countdown to extinction, Megadeth were amazing. After that... they got bad, really,really bad.


S.O.D. are a "hate-it-or-love-it" band. :D


Possessed were the first true Death Metal band. They even named the genre. Seven Churches was the first death metal album.


However... those people saying Slayer did invent it are not that wrong. Hell awaits was the BEGINNING. Death metal started there. A sleeping giant it may have been, but a giant nonetheless.

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Eeeeh you are taking me back now......All that vinyl I purchased, all those gigs I attended, all those tour t-shirts I still own even though I wont ever wear them again.


Thrash was my favourite genre all the way through, too many good bands to mention in my collection.

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Up until Countdown to extinction, Megadeth were amazing. After that... they got bad, really,really bad.


S.O.D. are a "hate-it-or-love-it" band. :D


Possessed were the first true Death Metal band. They even named the genre. Seven Churches was the first death metal album.


However... those people saying Slayer did invent it are not that wrong. Hell awaits was the BEGINNING. Death metal started there. A sleeping giant it may have been, but a giant nonetheless.


That sounds rather epic :heh:


I suppose there is some truth to that. Show No Mercy was also a great album; Black Magic, when you hear it for the first time, it's totally spellbinding, holy shit, I can hear that riff...magic...I've always found Hell Awaits to be the most overrated of their early albums, to be honest. It really started picking up...well, of course you know what happened with Reign...it's brutal, dissonant beauty personified. As for Megadeth, yeah I totally agree with you there, Countdown had 2 or 3 great songs, and the rest was shit. After that they released the odd good song, but never really in the same vein. However you can't deny that Megadeth's first 4 albums, especially Peace Sells and Rust, were totally unparalleled by almost anything, regardless of genre. Btw, listen to Rotting Christ...brillaint...


Edit: This reminds me, you weren't here back in the day of my crazy metal threads were you? Maybe I should resurrect them...

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Eeeeh you are taking me back now......All that vinyl I purchased, all those gigs I attended, all those tour t-shirts I still own even though I wont ever wear them again.


Thrash was my favourite genre all the way through, too many good bands to mention in my collection.


Taking you back? How old are you?

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Ah, we have a true metalhead. *buys 4q2 a pint* :D.


Cheers :bowdown:

I still have the hair as well, It was down to my arse until I took the decision to chop it just below the shoulders 3 years ago.

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Thats about the same length as mine is now......Lol, I am waiting for the impending onset of male pattern baldness and looking like a throwback from Status Quo (I usually ponytail it for work).:grin:


I am promising myself I will hit some metal gigs this year...its been too long and I cursed myself for not going and seeing Slayer last year. I am pretty sure my neck will not thank me for moshing around these days though.

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Worst thing about Metalheads is they all think they have to have long hair.


Long hair just does not appeal to me.. but then again I do gel my hair into some mohawk.. O_o.




On topic, I kind of prefer regular Metal or Nu Metal, I guess I'm less hardcore.

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Worst thing about Metalheads is they all think they have to have long hair.


Long hair just does not appeal to me.. but then again I do gel my hair into some mohawk.. O_o.




I guess long hair is better for headbanging? And does this mean Im classed as a metal head?

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As far as black metal goes i don´t listen very much to it, can´t say if Venom is black metal... they may have been the first Black Metal band but they are more thrash then black in these days.

of these 3 things you said death metal gets the price, Melodic death metal to be exact

Death metal:

Amon Amarth

In flames


Arch Enemy




Probably forgetting something

Thrash metal (not a vey long list should listen to more)


Metallica (very little though)



Venom (i always refer them as Thrash)

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You know what I find funny about peoples attitude to metal music is that it's something only rebellious teens and fat bikers listen to and it's something you grow out of. What a load of bollocks. Anyway rant over. I'd have to go for thrash metal myself out of that choice. It seems the way all modern metal bands are going these days, just look at Machine Heads new album (which I fucking love). Also Lamb of god, though I think they were always heading towards that style anyway. It's a shame Metallica don't return to their new material they're not but it's better than St. Anger.

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Why no mention of pre Chaos AD Sepultura? Beneath the Remains especially.


Cause they blow :heh:. Nah, I'm kidding, I just tend to forget about them a little, they came in late and their thrash influenced stuff spans basically just 2 albums. The best being Beneath the Remains...they stole a ridiculous amount of riffs from Metallica and Slayer for that album :heh:. Heh, even the intro to the album sounds like the opening to Call of Ktulu. Basic thrash, but still pretty good.


I guess long hair is better for headbanging? And does this mean Im classed as a metal head?


I see Stone Sour in your last fm...so maybe :p.

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