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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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It works for me :x


As for the save, to my knowledge it only unlocks some items and stuff, sidequest completion isn't a requirement. :)


Maybe that was me, then. We'll see if more complaints emerge :heh:


And I think I'll do some sidequests anyway. I don't like rushing through a game while blatantly ignoring sidequests that are there...staring at me...begging for me to complete them...

We'll see :p


Should we set an achievement point for tomorrow. I would say get as far as the first ranch.


The Palmacosta ranch? I think I won't get farther than the first seal, but maybe the first part isn't as long as I remember.

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Should we set an achievement point for tomorrow. I would say get as far as the first ranch.
This is a community playthrough so I'm not opposed to what you guys decide... But on my account I wouldn't turn this into some kind of race, more like a playthrough were each member plays at the pace they can, and then leave feedback of how their playthrough is going, thoughts and stuff. So I'd keep it open regarding goals and checkpoints.


Kinda like when the game came out 5 years ago, and we flocked to the forums to comment our experience alongside others. If we used to go to forums already, that is.

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Yesterday I made it as far as just after the first temple. I'm trying to get the gung ho title for Lloyd so finding it a bit tough going at the moment, but seems to be going ok. I feel like I'm trying to speed run it even though I'm not going at a fast pace. Only level 7ish now going into the Trail (Ossa?)

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Yesterday I made it as far as just after the first temple. I'm trying to get the gung ho title for Lloyd so finding it a bit tough going at the moment, but seems to be going ok. I feel like I'm trying to speed run it even though I'm not going at a fast pace. Only level 7ish now going into the Trail (Ossa?)
Yup, Ossa Trail.
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Humm...I didn't start it yesterday as planned (unexpected appointments), so I started it a short while ago. I decided to play Hard mode (and at a later point, Mania), so this may take a bit longer than expected.

I do plan on reaching the first seal as soon as possible, though. I don't want to lag too far behind.

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So far I've made it to just before the Palmacosta ranch. Got Lloyds Eternal Apprentice title so I don't have to use that stinking wooden sword anymore, which will help me to gain some ground. I think I might be falling in love all over again.

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Currently on the Triet Base (still). One thing that I remembered while replaying is the great job they do at storytelling. Cutscenes that aren't too long, and the occasional skits take care of the characterisation.


Anyway, I've been going with the Anti-Heroism choices (so that my "best friends" by the end are the ones whose Flanoir scenes I haven't watched yet). Torturing Genis and Collette for no reason makes me feel like a jerk, though.


And the Hard/Mania battles have been draining my patience, too. Can't wait to get Raine on my team so I can stop wasting items.

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Anyway, I've been going with the Anti-Heroism choices (so that my "best friends" by the end are the ones whose Flanoir scenes I haven't watched yet). Torturing Genis and Collette for no reason makes me feel like a jerk, though.


For Genis, maybe a bit harsh, but surely Collette being Collette is reason enough to torture her :heh:


I won't be joining you guys in this honorable effort, I have set myself a tradition of playing through this wonderful game once a year (any more might over do it and take the magic away from it), already finished it once this year back in January and will do so again this coming January.

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Sheena joined the party.


From reading the posts here I fancied playing a bit of ToS. :grin: So instead of playing Battalion Wars (which I finally started at the weekend) I got the GC to spin disc one of Lloyd and co.


My file was saved in the Balacruf Mausoleum which I fairly quickly finished with and I've just reached Luin where I've got Sheena. My party up to this point has been Lloyd, Colette, Kratos and Raine but I'm gonna now go against my heart and swap Colette out for Sheena, in the hope that I won't get the scene in Flanoir with Colette this time round. Can't see myself continuing and seeing this playthrough to a finish any time soon, but its nice to dip back in.

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I won't be joining you guys in this honorable effort, I have set myself a tradition of playing through this wonderful game once a year (any more might over do it and take the magic away from it), already finished it once this year back in January and will do so again this coming January.


Boo blasphemy, one of our brothers has turned his back on the Symphonic order. J/k


I'm hoping to one day do a run through of tos into tos 2. Maybe when Graces is coming out.


On a side note Mo, I saw you on tv the other day, was quite surprised.

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I was re-familiarising myself with the options and found that I could change the difficulty, so I cranked it up to hard. There was a definite lengthening to battles but nothing I couldn't handle. So I rattled through a few more story points and ended up face to face with Kvar. What a battle! :o It felt like it took me ages (plus tons of healing and reviving) to even beat those drones he had but with them eventually out of the way, atleast Kvar himself wasn't too bad. I still had to keep an eye on everyones health though. I got -8.98 Grade for that battle. :nono:


As a side note, at that part where you divide your party, I lumped Kratos, Genis and Colette into the group who go to deactivate the switches. I took control of Kratos in battle and found him to be very slow and lethargic! He was far more effective when the CPU was controlling him for me.


I've not really experimented too much with Ex Skills before, can anyone shed a bit of light on them? I'm the type who hordes stuff rather than uses them, lol. Seeing as its a New Game + I'm more willing to toy around with things now. I added a level 2 Ex Gem to Sheena just to see what it would do. I never got into the customisation stuff before too, can someone give me a rundown on it? I was always concerned about wasting my items on getting duff items crafted. :blush:


And is there any way to find out what you spent your grade on? I'm curious to see what I got myself when I first opened this file. :p

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I can give you the ex gems you need to unlock Lloyds ultimate combo, its one of my secrets but anyone could work it out if they tried hard enough. But basically it allows you to do at least a 32 hit combo using just Lloyd. But for the time being I would apply lv 2 ex gem personal to Lloyd.


Secondly according to what Ex gem skill you set each character will learn a different move set. Technical based skill set for Lloyd is made for number of hits over damage where as Skill based is more for damage.

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I was re-familiarising myself with the options and found that I could change the difficulty, so I cranked it up to hard. There was a definite lengthening to battles but nothing I couldn't handle. So I rattled through a few more story points and ended up face to face with Kvar. What a battle! :o It felt like it took me ages (plus tons of healing and reviving) to even beat those drones he had but with them eventually out of the way, atleast Kvar himself wasn't too bad. I still had to keep an eye on everyones health though. I got -8.98 Grade for that battle. :nono:


Oh boy. That battle was hard enough on Normal. I fear what will happen on Mania.


Secondly according to what Ex gem skill you set each character will learn a different move set. Technical based skill set for Lloyd is made for number of hits over damage where as Skill based is more for damage.


This is important. This is pretty much the only thing I checked before starting my playthrough (whether characters fit T or S better to my tastes). For example, I prefer Raine and Genis with "T" skills, while I like "S" Lloyd more, etc.

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This is important. This is pretty much the only thing I checked before starting my playthrough (whether characters fit T or S better to my tastes). For example, I prefer Raine and Genis with "T" skills, while I like "S" Lloyd more, etc.


Well the way the game is set up, that happens by default anyway.

Although I do want to spend more time with T type Lloyd, only did it once, didn't like it.

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I did what Ten10 said, putting a level 2 Ex Gem on Lloyd and selecting personal. A message popped up saying something about a compound something or another, but I'm not sure what changed/ how Lloyd developed. ::shrug:


I played some more tonight and I'm up to the Renegades base. I took the time to do the stuff at Lake Umacy and cure Pietro before heading to the Tower of Salvation. I'm gradually getting more and more back into the swing of things. :) Its all so cheesy yet so so good.

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Ok the personal Ex Skill allows the avatar to move faster around dungeons and towns. Can make certain areas less of a chore. A compound ex skill it an additional effect that occurs when two Ex skills have attributes that result in a third skill. Go to the ex skill menu to find out what it is an what effects they have.

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