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Fragrant future beckons for web



Within a decade the net will be able to deliver smells as fast as it does data, predicts a report.


The forecast came in a wide-ranging survey produced by the South Korean government to find out what consumers will want from future technologies.


It also predicted that by 2012 batteries in mobile phones will last perhaps two months between recharges.


The experts taking part in the survey said that by 2018 robots will be routinely carrying out surgery.


The long-range predictions in the survey came from interviews carried out with about 3,500 technology experts in South Korea.


The country has long been known for its dedication to hi-tech.


Net-using citizens enjoy some of the highest speed broadband connections in the world, widespread high-speed mobile networks and the country's education system makes extensive use of the net to teach and track pupils' progress.


The hi-tech panel behind the report believed that, by 2015, the net will be used to deliver data about smells to a fragrance cartridge sitting next to a computer or other device accessing the net.


By 2015 the report suggests that soldiers will wear bulletproof and waterproof battle dress that can also change its appearance to match its surroundings.


Available soon after, by 2018, will be robots small enough to swim along blood vessels in the human body finding, probing and healing any health problems they come across.






I thought this was quite interesting. However, I think what is important to remember is that just because it's there it doesn't mean it will be used.


The fragrant device for example; will it have much use at home? I mean, I can't see many people wanted to buy this device and "smell cartridges" to have the scent of apples when they visit a website about apples. But, I could see perfume stores (physical brick and mortar stores) having these and letting people sample perfumes this way (instead of having samples perfumes out on display) - but would it even be able to produce such complex smells?


Or maybe seriously gamers might want to smell device... so they could smell... smoke in Counter-Strike? Or people watching porn so they could actually smell ass? I dunno. You get the picture. Some of it is cool but I doubt would take off.


Anyway, interesting read - especially cause this forum is usually just help topics.

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I bet all of that stuff won't happen by then. I mean in the 50's they thought we would have flying car's :D Not to mention Blade Runner which was originally set in 1992.


Still it's intresting to see what the world's smartest people are doing...

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Ah you see that's what I thought.


But the smell device is already in R and D; so they'll have an estimate of when it will be released. And battery charging is constantly getting better, so it's merely a fact of predicting the current trend. The same applies to the rest.


However, flying cars were never in R and D. I don't think any sensible person would think that it actually work anyway...

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Yeah the fragrant device is really stupid if you ask me. I don't think the Battle Dress will be quite as good as they say it will be, either.


Robots swimming in your blood is a definite though. But I don't think people will be alright with robots performing surgery on them.

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Technology previsions are usually wrong. Sometimes for the bad side and sometimes for the good:




Also, we all know about that prediction where they thought that by 2004 computers would be as small as just a room. I'm glad they weren't right.


*EDIT* Found it:


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