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Final Fantasy


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The junction system got on my tits, I mean I was only 8 or 9 when I got it and when I got to a hard boss I played the game over again to build my strength up...


Either way FF8 was a graphical master piece, storyline was unbelieveable, and it was addictive despite being fustrating in times...

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The graphics are out dated, if you played the game now it wouldn't be up to scratch graphically, but the game really got the most out of the console, the cinematics where incredible and the in game graphics where among the best around...


If you cannot acknowledge the quality of graphics from different era's considering the technological advancements then I feel sorry for you...


FF8 was a graphical masterpiece...No Question...


The battle system however is all down to a matter of personal preference, I think it was needed to be played by people willing to put the time and effort into it...

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If you cannot acknowledge the quality of graphics from different era's considering the technological advancements then I feel sorry for you...


If your going to tell me a year old MGS3 doesnt look amazing on the ps2, then i feel sorry for YOU

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you confuse yourself.


where are people up to?


no where, but i have until my mate rings me to get further :D


i'm just after the parade thingy at the start so like i said nowhere!


oh and all this which FF was better and why stuff is more appropriate Here

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The breakthrough character of FFX, compared to the rest of the cast Auron was amazing, he kept is cool, was a good fighter, and his look was simply badass.


And Auron in all of his badassness also managed to make a fantastic transition to Kingdom Hearts 2, where he was still very cool.

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