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Played it for about 5 hours now, and I have this to say:


It is everything that Zelda should be, and has everything that Zelda lacks these days.


Hehe:laughing:, well, that's a bit of an over-exaggeration, but it did have me enjoy these hours more than the first few hours of Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess.

Maybe it is because of all the Japaneseness though, ...


Also, while playing, I came up with the best 2 ideas ever:

  • Amaterasu and Wolf Link in 1 awesome cross-over game!
  • Amaterasu and Wolf Link playable as characters in Smash!


No need to thank me, I'm a regular idea machine, I am:D

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's a joy! And would you believe you've barely got going!


I would believe that!


I loved the fact that one could basically defeat The Orochi of Legend after about the first twenty hours of the game. I was second-guessing myself whether or not this could really be the end, but I knew better in my heart, because so much of the world remained unexplored.

After that, you're really left with that sense of mystery as to who that '???' is who instructed Waka.


I have this hope that a new Okami game for the WiiU will be made.


I already adore the style to death, but it coming together in HD would be even more of a treat.

And hey, I still have Okamiden to look forward to :D


All this Japanese stuff is just making me fill up bucket after bucket and its FUCKING AWESOME!

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Nearly up to the city now and,





And so you'll have experienced the awesomeness that is this song, if I've remembered correctly:





I'd kill for a new game in the Okami universe. Prequel perhaps, mainly for a reason you'll find out later Fused King (even though it is elaborated on in Okamiden, to a degree, but not enough!!!)


Really need to sit down and play this again (and Okamiden!). Been so long but I still listen to the soundtrack every now and again.

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It really is an amazing game. People were at the time of release comparing and arguing which was better, Twilight Princess or Okami? I can't say. It's definitely better than Skyward Sword. Okami has it all going for it. Great characters, graphics, music and gameplay. Not to mention it's epicly long. I'd love another one.

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I just have this feeling that, after I've finished it, this game will easily stand side-by-side my favourite Zelda game The Windwaker. To me, it already is better than most Zelda games, but I guess I'm a bit biased because of my love for Japanese mythology.


I'll try my best to squeeze some criticisms about the game out of myself once I am finished.


I'm also pleased that it is yet another title I've played in recent years that I can add to my favourite games of all time.

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The last third of the game is absolutely incredible... IN-CRED-I-BLE!


Agreed. Although, the run up to the final boss is ridiculous and is probably the biggest low point in the game. Having to trudge through those bits puts a dampener on the end sequence, though the final boss does make up for it :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm up to the whole part with Orca at Ryoshima coast.


The whole Sei-an City episodes op 'till now have been superb!

Especially becoming smaller and meeting Kasugami (the god of mist)

Damn that was funny :laughing:

And meeting 'yet another babe' :D


And also seeing Issun in his true form.


This game continues to be a treat!

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The Emperer whose stomach you went inside of... make sure you go back and see him (it's easy to think you're done with him now), because he has a couple of items to sell you, one of which is an awesome God like ability that opens up new areas! Think it might be pricey, so you might not be able to get it until later on, but it's well worth it!

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The Emperer whose stomach you went inside of... make sure you go back and see him (it's easy to think you're done with him now), because he has a couple of items to sell you, one of which is an awesome God like ability that opens up new areas! Think it might be pricey, so you might not be able to get it until later on, but it's well worth it!


Oh, I haven't forgotten about him.


He indeed trades in awesome things for those fangs.

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Managed to purge Oni Island of its master yesterday.


Most tough boss battle yet, I'd say, and truly creepy as well.


Queen Himoko was killed.

And am I to understand that Rao (the busty babe priestess) was always this shapeshiting fox or did that just happen after she got the fox rods?



Anyway, to the North!

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You're flying through it @Fused King!! No?


Are you doing the side quests and hunting for beads etc...? Have you done the spaceship side quest? and the stuff on the sunken ship?


Ninetails is an amazing boss IMO.


Hmm I can't quite remember, I think it may have been the case that she was decieving us all along, or was she just possesed?


OK, The North in Okami, is one of the best sections of any game EVER IMO.

The areas you play through and characters you meet during this section are incredible.

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You're flying through it @Fused King!! No?


Are you doing the side quests and hunting for beads etc...? Have you done the spaceship side quest? and the stuff on the sunken ship?




OK, The North in Okami, is one of the best sections of any game EVER IMO.

The areas you play through and characters you meet during this section are incredible.


Are those side quests? I thought they were part of the story:laughing:


Don't worry, Fused King the gamer is a gamer who goes through everything thoroughly before advancing in the story. Sometimes I advance a bit further, but I always return to check for secrets and stuff.


- I did the Spaceship side quest (of which we recently had to translate a text, because its part of a 'myth' in Japan)

- I went to the sunken ship with Rao, and I believe that was part of the story, no? Or do I need to return now because I can find stuff?

- Completely humiliated Hayazo (the thief) in Sei-an city (I believe I spent one playing session just doing stuff in the city:) ), thereby returning all the items he had stolen and picking up on some juicy gossip about Capt. Waka from one of the Tao Masters.

- Also found a power up for my Cherry Bombs (I can now summon 2)

- Also helped out Chef Umi at Northern Ryoshima Coast by helping a fisherman catch a marlin which Umi then could turn into some taste food.

That way, I learned a new wind brush technique whereby you need to draw three stripes: a brush stroke which the game somehow finds difficult to read.


I feel like I have somewhat of a clean slate in regards to side quests.


Of course, there are secrets everywhere and I may need to retrace my steps to find another cat statue or a pile of leafs, but I believe I've helped all people out up 'till now.


Those stray beads are something though, some of them are pretty well hidden I reckon.


Can't wait to go to the North now, but it'll have to wait, because exams are coming up and me and the Queen have bought Rayman Origins for our new Co-op fun times:D


(Don't worry, I shan't abandon it, Okami receives full attention usually every week. Yesterday I played it for 5 hours straight, I believe.)


In all likelihood, this game will be my favourite game of all time, surpassing Little King's Story and replacing Little King as the center of my signature once I get going in the North, right?

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You aint seen nothing yet!! :D


Yeah I guess those 'sidequests' are part of the main story.

Have you done the bit in the City that relates to the drawings on the T-shirt?... though I can't remember what that is exactly... whether it's part of the thief sidequest or to get a bead or what... but anyway...


Also can't remember if you go to the ship twice, maybe you don't, but you can get on the deck.


Finding all the beads is a mighty task, but a really enjoyable one!

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Yesterday, I entered the North, had a show off with Oki and did some fishing with that little Kid (who is on a quest to become a man).


Its darn cold, but at least I found the 3 remaining animal species to feed: Bears, sheep and cranes :D



Thanks for the tip about that ship.

I indeed went on the deck and found myself another stray bead:)

I'm not sure if I'll hunt them all down (because of the backlog and all), but if I'm close to getting them all near the end, I might give it a try.

I'm mighty interested as to what the reward will be.

I'm also mighty interested in what the 'upgrade' of the 'peeing on baddies' move will be:laughing:

I've been peeing on everyone to get those Demon Fangs so I can do some tradin' with the Emperor.

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I'm also mighty interested in what the 'upgrade' of the 'peeing on baddies' move will be:laughing:
... umm ... yeh ;)


Yep, Emperors treasure in a must.


Regarding quests in the town, have you been back to the Clock Tower...

I also remembered what the T-Shirt side quest is. You done that one yet?


Oki is an amazing character!

That first time you meet him in the tent is tense stuff!

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... umm ... yeh ;)


Yep, Emperors treasure in a must.


Regarding quests in the town, have you been back to the Clock Tower...

I also remembered what the T-Shirt side quest is. You done that one yet?


Oki is an amazing character!

That first time you meet him in the tent is tense stuff!


I went to the Clock Tower right after I got that power from the Cat God, but the guy inside it said he needed a 'Gimmick Gear' or something, which I didn't have.

However, I believe he was doing something with electricity, so perhaps I should go back there.


Regarding the 'T-shirt' side quest: I made a few patterns on the kimono, and those patterns become all the rage in town. But all I can remember is receiving 'praise' from the Kimono shop owner.

Is there a connection between them and the electric ghost, or is there a connection between the shop and that girl who can keeps drawing my patterns on the street and think she has the power to predict the next fad?

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