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Video games are good for your vision


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The conclusion about searching something seems more reasonable than better sight. I thought that before even reaching her comment.


"She also said playing video games “gives you brain damage,”"


hahaha that's certainly not true and if you excuse my now the voices in my head tell me to go kill some aliens in the neighbourhood.

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Guest Stefkov

Pokemon ruined my vision. Excessive playing on that small GBA screen, now I need glasses.


I dont see how they can make these assumpotions of brain damage? Have they ever spoken to someone who plays video games, eg us/other people who go on forums. Not just us though, some peopelmight not go on forums, but if she thinks it gives you brain damage then I'm offended.

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Pokemon ruined my vision. Excessive playing on that small GBA screen, now I need glasses.


Snap brother. Vision is quite bad....oh well. I don't mind glasses so much :geek:


What I don't get is people who now want galsses because they're trendy ::shrug:

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In that case lets hope it fixes my lazy eye. Yeah realistic that. But in all fairness, videogames are no worse for your eyes than people make out, especially considering practically everyone watches TV and yet you don't get such stories on that.

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Guest Stefkov
It's only games with decent graphics that do it, as there's more to look at.

Well with the GBA with no backlight, and excessive squinting, caused my eyesight to go bad.

Snap brother. Vision is quite bad....oh well. I don't mind glasses so much :geek:


What I don't get is people who now want galsses because they're trendy ::shrug:

:geek::) To think I wanted to fly a helicopter aswell, now I cant without 20-20 vision. I can see why some people wear glasses for trendiness, sometimes it ooks good on some people, but what I dont understand is that Specsavers advert.

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