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Star Trek - Of Gods and Men


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I'm not normally into not official stuff, but i've watched and enjoyed New Voyages, so i'll give this a try I suppose.

EDIT- The trailer looks rather good. Awesome looking CGI work, and Garry Graham! He was great as Soval. He needs to be more well known.


new voyages?

I've just this week finished watching all of ST:Voyager very good :hehe:

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I'm totally excited for this project.


There are so many well known ST actors in it and Tim Russ is directing. I think he also directed some Episodes of Voyager so he should bring enough experience to this project.

The Trailer looks very promising and has a lot of substance to it. I'm also glad they got the sets from New Voyages because it wouldn't look that convincing if everything was made on a blue-screen (--> Hidden Frontier).

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This isn't really on-topic, but it's so utterly immpressive I had to show you guys.

Shots from the remastered Doomsday Machine.


The Remastered Constellation:




The old Constellation:




Remastered Ent vs. the Doomsday Machine:




Old Ent vs. the Doomsday Machine:




Remastered Ent towing the Constellation:




Old Ent towing the Constellation:




Remastered Shuttle leaving hanger bay:




Old Shuttle leaving hanger bay:




Remastered Constellation entering the Doomsday Machine:




It airs this weekend in the states.

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I havent got around to seeing one of those remastered versions yet, I really should. Hopefully the Sci-Fi channel over here will actually start airing them at some point.


They are ace. Only a few scenes have different camera angles, but other than that (and fixing common problems like phasers) it's mostly similar, bar visual upgrades (backrounds, ships, planets, etc). It's the most faithful remastering so far.

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Isn't there some new Star Trek magazine with a free DVD with the remastered versions?


It's the original remastered versions (the ones on Sci-Fi- basically the DVD is the original ones with a cleaned up-image. Other than that, no changes (so, no CGI, no new backgrounds, no HD, etc)

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well used to watch star trek loads when I was a kid have kind of grown out if but watched this, was kinda funny, lack of budget is obvious. like the comms woman from TOS (uhrua or something really can't remember) acting like some kind of oracle, but one thing the matrix music made it seem cheesier rather than tense!

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