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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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Seriously, stop playing the innocent by saying 'you're entitled to your opinion' every second sentence. It's so excrutiating to read your comments i cant put it into words. As for my age... Is that all you have to say for yourself? You dont point me into the right direction and show me where i was wong, you just say 'well at 14 years of age anything that comes out of his mouth will be a barrage of rubbish'.

Some of your opinions aren't opinions, they are just things you want to believe are true.


football hardly has any tactics.

you're treating that as fact

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Your Personal Judgement is football is shite...Sound No Problem


HOWEVER My opinion does counter yours, it always has , I have had and continue to true experiences, I have been matches experienced football and Have done for many many years. I know that you are wrong because the rubbish you have found on the internet has put this view into your head of football, it's fans and it's players being the spawn of all evil...


Your opinions are based on stories you have heard in the paper which is stereotyping all football fans...


I understand you don't like the game but don't go posting how football is a haven for hooligans and racists etc, because you quite clearly do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about




Yes I do, because if...your experiences were true and your opinions weren't flawed then you would understand how wrong you are...


You are so full of bollocks it's crazy. I don't like football, my opinion on football is JUST as valid as yours. I dare anyone else to disagree with that.


Ever heard the saying everyone is entitled to their own opinions? This 'countering' bullshit you keep spouting is just that, bullshit.


Seriously, stop playing the innocent by saying 'you're entitled to your opinion' every second sentence.


And why not. Are you telling me I'm not allowed to hate pro football? That I'm not allowed to have an opinion?


Get over it.

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And why not. Are you telling me I'm not allowed to hate pro football? That I'm not allowed to have an opinion?


Get over it.

was i saying you werent allowed to hate football? no. you're allowed to hate football. read the rest of my post

i give an example of how your opinions arent opinions, they're just plain stupid things that need to be put at rest

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There are two things that I've been going on about.


- My opinions on football: I don't like it, I think the crowd are hostile, I think a lot of the players are overpaid diving idiots, I think a few of the players are bigots and homophobes...


- And what I believe are facts: Hooliganism, violence, corruption etc is present to a fairly big degree on football etc...


Feel free to disagree and challenge me on the latter... but Ant-Shimmin has been arguing that I'm not allowed to have my own beliefs (the former) which of course is completely wrong.


In terms of the second thing, 'I' don't think those comments are stupid and I stand by them, but feel free to disagree. You won't change my mind, just like I won't change yours.

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Actually right, i think im gonna just get over this lunacy. This is so sad, arguing to each other in this virtual forum. Waste of time and energy, sweating to get our own opinions over to each other across the net. Let's all just calm down and stop being sad. Breathe out.



Edit: thanks for the above post, you were really annoying me but thats cleared things up a bit. You were bringing it onto yourself though!

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There are two things that I've been going on about.


- My opinions on football: I don't like it, I think the crowd are hostile, I think a lot of the players are overpaid diving idiots, I think a few of the players are bigots and homophobes...


- And what I believe are facts: Hooliganism, violence, corruption etc is present to a fairly big degree on football etc...

Right, there. You've made your point.


Now go away.

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- My opinions on football: I don't like it, I think the crowd are hostile, I think a lot of the players are overpaid diving idiots, I think a few of the players are bigots and homophobes...


- And what I believe are facts: Hooliganism, violence, corruption etc is present to a fairly big degree on football etc...


Feel free to disagree and challenge me on the latter... but Ant-Shimmin has been arguing that I'm not allowed to have my own beliefs (the former) which of course is completely wrong.


In terms of the second thing, 'I' don't think those comments are stupid and I stand by them, but feel free to disagree. You won't change my mind, just like I won't change yours.


How do you know the crowd is Hostile...?


People are People reguardless of their occupation, wether it be a superstar footballer, Every sport including Rugby will have it's Dodgy Chracters



- And what I believe are facts: Hooliganism, violence, corruption etc is present to a fairly big degree on football etc...


A big giant heap of shit....All of them are in their minority, they may have been bigger in the 80's but not now


And you are allowed to have your own beliefs, Im just not having someone who obviously knows nothing about the sport posting lies and sensationalised journalism about the sport and claiming them to be your own opinion, when your own dislike of the sport is fuled by such Garbage which You have posted throughout this thread...


Don't Act Innocent Motion you have been stereotying the players, the fans of this beautiful game, and I don't like it...

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How do you know the crowd is Hostile...?


Because I've experienced them when I've been to internationals and premiership games and I see it on TV and I hear about it all over the place.



A big giant heap of shit....All of them are in their minority, they may have been bigger in the 80's but not now


I disagree.


And you are allowed to have your own beliefs, Im just not having someone who obviously knows nothing about the sport posting lies and sensationalised journalism about the sport and claiming them to be your own opinion, when your own dislike of the sport is fuled by such Garbage which You have posted throughout this thread...


I know more than you think about the sport, and I stand by my opinions. Me versus you. Who wins? No one, that's the beauty of debate, everyone has a different viewpoint.


Don't Act Innocent Motion you have been stereotying the players, the fans of this beautiful game, and I don't like it...


Beautiful game? Hardly lol. (in my opinion of course)


I don't really give a monkeys if you don't like it. I have been saying what I feel is present in the sport (in the stands, on the pitch, and off it). You'll not convince me my feelings are any less valid or important than yours.

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Motion disregarding your argument, what is your purpose in this thread? Is it to persuade and convince us footy heads that it's shit? Because you should know that we're obviously not going to change our opinions. So it seems to me your only purpose here is "the troll", seeing as this argument is way off topic. Thank fuck you haven't ruined the other football thread.

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When people spout crap about my arguments and viewpoints, saying that they're not valid, I reply. I would have given up long ago if people hadn't called me a moron, told me to shut the fuck up and shouted that my comments didn't matter/weren't important/valid.


They clearly need to learn the meaning of a discussion board.

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Because I've experienced them when I've been to internationals and premiership games and I see it on TV and I hear about it all over the place.



May I ask what Premiership games you have been to and what internationals?

I disagree.



On What Evidence?



I know more than you think about the sport, and I stand by my opinions. Me versus you. Who wins? No one, that's the beauty of debate, every has a different opinion.



You don't know nothiong about the sport,you read it up and claim you know



Beautiful game? Hardly lol. (in my opinion of course)


I don't really give a monkeys if you don't like it. I have been saying what I feel is present in the sport (in the stands, on the pitch, and off it). You'll not convince me my feelings are any less valid or important than yours.



Feelings?, your nothing more then a mouth piece, a puppet playing along to the tune of sensationalism (If their is such a word)


Your feelings on the matter are plastic, they are not you own and you are simply believing what you read....


I feel sorry for someone who can have such a bad outlook on a game which is loved by so many around the world


When people spout crap about my arguments and viewpoints, saying that they're not valid, I reply. I would have given up long ago if people hadn't called me a moron, told me to shut the fuck up and shouted that my comments didn't matter/weren't important/valid.


They clearly need to learn the meaning of a discussion board.


Oh Please.....Don't get upset now, you posted in a thread which I asked does anyone seriously follow football?, You replied with a point of view which was always going to be criticised, you got slated it's like someone posting that Sony is the greatest Gaming Company of all time on these boards....Imagine?

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May I ask what Premiership games you have been to and what internationals?


I was going to answer until I read the last bit of your last post



You don't know nothiong about the sport,you read it up and claim you know


Right I'm done being as polite as possible. SHUT, THE FUCK UP. You have no idea how much I know about the sport, you have no right to tell me that I've only read up on it. You stupid little wanker, I've had enough of your holier than thou attitude. I'm telling you I know more about the sport than you think. DEAL WITH IT.


Feelings?, your nothing more then a mouth piece, a puppet playing along to the tune of sensationalism (If their is such a word)


Your feelings on the matter are plastic, they are not you own and you are simply believing what you read....


I feel sorry for someone who can have such a bad outlook on a game which is loved by so many around the world



You my friend are a stupid little brat who has a hissy fit everytime someone DARES to challenge your views that chavball is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Again, I don't give a fuck if you think my feelings are plastic. I think yours are plastic quite frankly. There you go, another stalemate.


"They are not your own"


More bullshit, keep it coming, this is funny.


And I feel so sorry that your love of the game has twisted your appreciation for differing points of view.


Oh Please.....Don't get upset now, you posted in a thread which I asked does anyone seriously follow football?, You replied with a point of view which was always going to be criticised, you got slated it's like someone posting that Sony is the greatest Gaming Company of all time on these boards....Imagine?


You should try this

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Great read:




What? What the Hell is going on, by the Flame of Persephone?


This wanker is telling me I'm not allowed to have a viewpoint on football, and that his opinion is more important/valid than mine.


If there isn't racism in football, why are there endless organisations like this one?



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Why won't you answer???? :idea: Maybe you never really went to one


You have no idea how much I know about the sport, you have no right to tell me that I've only read up on it. You stupid little wanker, I've had enough of your holier than thou attitude. I'm telling you I know more about the sport than you think. DEAL WITH IT.


.....If you did know alot about the sport then i thought you did then you would be speaking sense, not rubbish, the rubbish alot of people participating in this thread believe is the case....


You my friend are a stupid little brat who has a hissy fit everytime someone DARES to challenge your views that chavball is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Again, I don't give a fuck if you think my feelings are plastic. I think yours are plastic quite frankly. There you go, another stalemate.


"They are not your own"


More bullshit, keep it coming, this is funny.


And I feel so sorry that your love of the game has twisted your appreciation for differing points of view.


I don't believe football is the greatest thing since sliced bread, however It plays a huge role in my life, it is a passion


My feelings plastic, what about the tears I cried when Liverpool Won the European Cup, is that plastic?, I'm not ashamed to admit that...


You have a hatred which is blinded by sensationalism which you have read, you just hate football and are finding things to pick out at it just to make your arguement more credible, well I got news for you, it doesn't...


Oh and as for the love of the game and by appreciation for differing points of view, well thats why I will never support any other team....


The Let's Kick Racism Out of Football campaign Motion 2000, do you even know what this campaign is about?


It was set up to try and settle the racial differences in football, and they beat racism, racists are now banned from football matches and have been for many a year...


The organisation now plans to extend its input into Eastern Europe were it is rife sadly


Don't go googling stuff, which you know nothing about because it's so clearly evident

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Glad you feel passionate about it. I have a similar passion for rugby union.


I hate pro football because of the following points:


- Corruption/Racism/Homophobism is present (not everywhere, but present)

- Hooliganism

- Disrespect/Swearing to refs

- Segregation of fans (what a joke lol)

- Hostile atmosphere

- Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like

- Prissy prima-donnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)

- Boring 0-0 scorelines

- Many players are complete thugs off the pitch

- Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'.

- Simple rules and tactics.


Get over the fact that I don't like football and admit that my opinions are just as valid as yours and I won't say another word.

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Glad you feel passionate about it. I have a similar passion for rugby union.


I hate pro football because of the following points:


- Corruption/Racism/Homophobism is present (not everywhere, but present)

- Hooliganism

- Disrespect/Swearing to refs

- Segregation of fans (what a joke lol)

- Hostile atmosphere

- Overpaid footballers, who's gfs are usually page 3 models or the like

- Prissy prima-donnas on the pitch

- Diving and faking injury even after the slightest touch (if that)

- Boring 0-0 scorelines

- Many players are complete thugs off the pitch

- Some supporters chanting to the opposition manager calling him tumor-boy (he suffered from one years ago) and singing 'Why couldn't you have died 3 years ago'.

- Simple rules and tactics.


Get over the fact that I don't like football and admit that my opinions are just as valid as yours and I won't say another word.


Motion...Seriously You Do know nothing about football

Boring 0-0 Scorelines says it all for me....You don't understand the game and never will,

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Great read:






This wanker is telling me I'm not allowed to have a viewpoint on football, and that his opinion is more important/valid than mine.


Everyone has a right to an opinion, provided that it is an informed one. If it is uneducated then it is less valuable in the sense that it is not as ill informed, but more valuable in the sense that is unbounded by preconceptions. Unless. of course the education is based on hearsay, conjecture and the unrefined opinions of others.


Let's keep it clean, chaps and think about what we say prior to expressing ourselves. Make sure our opinions cite individual examples relevant and pertinent to our opinions, and most importantly agree that there are multiple points of view.

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Motion...Seriously You Do know nothing about football

Boring 0-0 Scorelines says it all for me....You don't understand the game and never will,



I know a great deal about football and I don't like it.


I wish I didn't though because pro-football is shite.


(in my opinion of course ;) )

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Their are multiple Points of view.....


I understand where he is coming from, but his view point has been manufactured by the media which halts his understanding and generates a stereotypical and a hatred towards a sport he quite clearly doesn't understand....


"What you have not seen, you will never understand"

Liverpool Flag...

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