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Worst one has got be that 'Talk to Frank' one with the little sod that runs around after various junkies spouting 'what does that stuff actually smell like' , 'what's wrong with your face ?' and 'how long you going to be like that for ?'.


Jeez , that kid irritates the crap out of me , and I would be tempted to indulge in various narcotics just to escape the little shit , although you could argue that if I stay clean then he would't feel the need to follow me.

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I currently hate with great passion the kids from the Butlins advert. When the one with the floppy emo haircut and glasses says "Kids love a treat" with the smuggest grin ever to cross a human beings face I feel such inexplicable rage.


Yeah, annoying as hell.


Worst one has got be that 'Talk to Frank' one with the little sod that runs around after various junkies spouting 'what does that stuff actually smell like' , 'what's wrong with your face ?' and 'how long you going to be like that for ?'.


Jeez , that kid irritates the crap out of me , and I would be tempted to indulge in various narcotics just to escape the little shit , although you could argue that if I stay clean then he would't feel the need to follow me.


The brain warehouse one is even worse. In fact the government seem to be having a real anti fun drive at the moment, apart from the talk to frank one's there's the anti drinking ad with the superhero rescuing some tarts balloons and the condom ad which tries to make sex look dirty in a bad way. They may as well put more ads on for the Samaritans, as life without drink, drugs and sex isn't worth living.


Ads I do like at the moment, the HSBC one with the Bulldog climbing into the Chinese couples bed and the husband having to sleep on the sofa, the new Fiesta ads with the robot dog are quite good too. And it's good to see Michael Winner back doing the Esure ads, that Mr Mouse was annoying as hell.

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