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Revolution: The Big Brother?


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Well, first of all, i'd like to welcome you all to the Revolution Europe boards. We are being flooded with members, and we haven't been open for a full day yet! Absolutely incredible.


Now, we've all seen it, haven't we? The controller i mean. If you haven't seen it...then where have you been? :heh:


So, i was reading about the controller on this very board, and noticed that there are quite a few similarites between Nintendo's consoles and handhelds. A running theme, if you will.

It seems to me that the theme is "feeling". Or better still "touching".

What has made me think this?

First of all, the touchscreen for the DS. When i first read about this, i was a bit iffy. I didn't know what to expect. However, after reading many impressions and hearing a lot about it, it seems the DS is marvelled upon. Which is excellent.

So, after hearing about the touchscreen and dual screens, i thought to myself "hmm, how could the Revolution controller be yet more innovative than the DS?It's not possible."


How wrong i was.


Just reading about it today, it seems that the television has "become" a touchscreen, in a way. We've heard how the controller is like a mouse in real 3d space. This seems to be following on from Nintendo's theme with the DS. Touching is good.


Now, there is also the tilt factor. This, combined with the other features, come with the possibility to add more flare to gaming. We are not being restricted to buttons or sticks, which i was worried about. We are moving above that. The PS3 and Xbox360 may be next generation, but the Revolution has the potential to go beyond that.


So, about the title. Big brother? Well, it seems to me that the Revolution is carrying on from where the DS started. Touching. Interacting. The Revolution is aiming to do better what the DS started. Imo, i actually believe it can do better. I must admit, i am excited. And i hope all of you are, as well.

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My first post on the new look Revolution-Europe, starting afresh with Nintendo and the site. Its really a nice step!


Fierce_LiNk, I see where your coming from, the DS has given us a taste of what Nintendo are attempting to achieve. They have given us some truly groundbreaking portable gameplay (and we in Europe, nevermind the world are yet to get the best from the DS. Weve not got games like Advance Wars or Nintedogs yet which are top notch titles yet theres still so much more to come from the DS apart from the looming Mario Kart and Animal Crossing) but now Nintendo are expanding upon this and giving us a more elaborate set up for our living rooms (in my case, bedroom - still only a poor student!).


I havent had the chance to watch the videos yet but the news and photos have me very intrigued. I came online this morning to check my gmail and I came over here very briefly to find the new site and the Revolution news. Its wonderful, I cant get my head around it... the possibilities are really endless! I feel like I did when I first got my old Gameboy and Tetris way back when... its a new chapter that is unfolding before our very eyes.


Call me a fanboy and all but if gaming hadnt already got stale... it definitly would be next gen if Nintendo had just gone down the path of upgrading the GameCube. For me gaming isnt stale at this very moment, but I dont play my Cube like I did the N64 or Snes... this can be put down to growing up... but it can also be put down to games having a huge element of been there and done that in them now. Ive had no desire to really play games as crazily as I used to... the ever talked about "jump to 3D" was new and exciting on the N64. Nintendo created 3D games with all the charm and love that they had their 2D ones... theyve continued to do this on GameCube, Im not faulting them but this Gen has just been about consolidating the 3D gameplay.

Because didnt we have a thread before Fierce_LiNk where we talked about how the new aspects of the GameCube controller havent been put to use to make the games different and new?


Im getting a Revolution. I would anyway, I wont pretend I wasnt already getting whatever Nintendo put out to us... but yes, this is new. This is exciting. This will put the fun back into gaming and will rekindle my desire to sit and play and play into the night. DS was already starting to revive this spirit in me... but Revolution? It cant be worded, I just keep remembering playing F-Zero on the Snes for the first time, rushing home to play Mario 64 and play the Battle of Hoth in Shadows of the Empire and then rushing home a few years later from school to play Luigi's Mansion.


This is what Nintendo's all about. Standing and being true, fighting the good fight.

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That they made all those things touchalbe means that they can't be more realistic, if ppl want to have more realisitid games they should go to nintendo, if you want casual games go to another system, I mean if you saw the vid in how to use it, isn't almost the most revolutionairy thing they gonna bring out?


the thing I don't get is: how to play Snes and N64 Games on it with out a Snes controler of N64 controller, I saw on a other board the suggestion about the Gamecube controller. I don't like that one cuase then I'm gonna ask myself where's the SNes/N64 feeling? aw well question of mine that still remain open.


This is what Nintendo's all about. Standing and being true, fighting the good fight.


Something I must agree

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That they made all those things touchalbe means that they can't be more realistic, if ppl want to have more realisitid games they should go to nintendo, if you want casual games go to another system, I mean if you saw the vid in how to use it, isn't almost the most revolutionairy thing they gonna bring out?


the thing I don't get is: how to play Snes and N64 Games on it with out a Snes controler of N64 controller, I saw on a other board the suggestion about the Gamecube controller. I don't like that one cuase then I'm gonna ask myself where's the SNes/N64 feeling? aw well question of mine that still remain open.




Something I must agree


from what i noticed if u tilt the remote side ways it resembles an nes controller, notice the small a and b buttons n u have the directional pad, for N64 snes n even cube there will be attachments. I understand n64 n snes but the cube it has ports for cube controllers, but theres always a but they say when u get the cube attachment u can still use the tilting n pointing action of the remote which is sweet, the function and all the buttons u need.

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I agree with what you're saying. I think the whole connection between handhelds and home consoles started with the GC and GBA. The actual basis for connectivity was a solid idea, unfortunately it was never taken advantage of and so there were little benefits for connecting your GBA to a GC and vice versa. Games such as Wind Waker where the GBA could be used as a radar to find secrets were good enough but we needed more, however developers simply didn't want to take the risk.


It seems to me that Nintendo has taken a good long look at their mistakes in the past and learned from them. They've realised that connectivity is a good idea if it's done well, hence the DS and Revolution.


As for the innovation of the two consoles, well Reggie said himself that the DS was only the starting point. I think the DS and Revolution were conceived at the same time. Creating two consoles, which will provide gamers with a completely new and fresh experience. I hope Nintendo capitalise on the DSs' success and come up with some decent advantages of owning both a DS and Revolution. Possibly downloading game demos, using the Revolution as a hotspot etc.

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So connectivity, a quick thought I just had. I was showing this guy I know the pics of the controller (I linked him to revo-europe ;)) and I was just thinking over the video again of people using it. I thought of Zelda, swinging a sword, throwing boomerang... I thought of tennis games... one just came to me, footy? Throw ins and throwing the ball as the keeper? And I had this other idea.


Yeah typical Nintendo dweeb, loving his cute wittle cuddly Pokemon.

Well I thought of petting your 'mon? Then thought it wouldnt be that great, even though Fiercy said it was like turning your tv into a touch screen, its just not. Then I thought throwing a Pokeball to catch something! Its like the cartoon! And you could use it to point the Pokemon out into battle just like Ash does! Ok, admittedly Im getting carried away but come on, your getting to be IN the game like never before. Any game. Take your pick and you can think of things that you've always wanted to do instead of just pressing the button.


This lead me to the thought I was going to put here. I cant really think of how it would work but just imagine the level of connectivity we now can have? DS is all touchy feely, Revolution is gonna be like a darned gym session so imagine how these two can be combined... I can barely fathom it but Ill be back with any thoughts.

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Talking about conectivity...didn't they say that the classic games on revolution will be downloaded onto SD cards? There's an attachment out for the DS called the "play-yan" that also uses SD cards. Maybe it will be possible to download all these games and play them on the DS...just a thought...

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Link, thats a fair point! I dont know what the technicalities of it all but yeah, wouldnt that be great? Because the old skool games (Im talking 2D ones here, not all the 3D ones from N64 we'll be getting) are great for on the go... Im suprised no ones seen this as the way for GoldenEye to be on DS but Ill be happy enough if its up for download and online play on Revolution.

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Well, there are a lot of theories going around at the moment. Now, the rumours are all about what more surprises nintendo have in store and what the controller shell will be like. I would welcome the option to be able to play downloaded games on a DS as well as the Revo. But, we'll have to wait and see.

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