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  • 9 months later...

Tis a bit of a bump here, dude :P


... But my favourite xkcd has to be http://xkcd.com/24/ . I like the author's idea of what life is, and how we ought to just do as we please.


The last part of that link says "there's too much and so little feels important. What do you do?" ... and we cling to whoever we can find for love. I don't really deeply know whether I agree completely with that, but it makes me think about just what I think life is, and love is, and makes me look at loads of aspects of my life - which is quite powerful for a few words and lines!


The strip, while still funny, doesn't seem to do as much in that way as it used to - look at the "barrel" strips at the start.


... Ok it's just late and i'm looking for excuses not to go to sleep so I'll shup!

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