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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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what's up with the fucking cake-layerd platform in the middle of lake hylia and the drag queen asshole with his giant canon. talk about polluting the view. I loved the natural feel of lake hylia in OoT. lake hylia in TP is a complete fuck of a horror because of these monsters! and for what? some treasure chest if you manage to float there with a chicken. woopty-fucking-doo. seriously. some asshole sat at nintendo hq during a zelda designersmeeting or whatever, the entire lake was designed and approved and then that motherless dickhead put up his yellow little hand and said "hey, let's put a gigantic platform in the middle of the lake to completely fuck up the aestethics and bust a couple of million balls of all fans". and what's worse is that all the other ones said "hey, that might just be a good idea!". i can't believe this shit. and why can't I jump of the bridge into the lake? that's all I would ever want to do if anything in the entire game. jump of the bridge, real-time, no loading crap. just jump and dive in. even if it kills me on the spot, even if all my rupees and items and what not get scatterd around the entire map and i have to collect them all back, even if tingle then came to kidnap my fairy-ass and made me listen to his confetti-speeches for three fucking hours, i would still want to jump of that fucking bridge. remember OoT? jumping of that bridge? that felt great. the first time i jumped, i thought i was going to die right there. but i didn't! i just landed in the water, and there was some beef to milk, a crate to bust, and a chick to dig. that's great! that's zelda!


I understand why it technically wasn't possible to jump of, because the wii couldn't keep all that information of that much data in memory or what not. so here's my answer to that; bullcrap. find a way. i'm still talking to nintendo right? work the magic. get some 500 euro add-on package out there that provides extra ram. like for the n64. i bought that red piece of crap. then, on the zelda-cover it should read "warning, assholes. if you want to jump of some bridge into some lake in this game, you need 500 fucking euro and buy some expansion pack". and then i would buy that and have a great bridge-jumping experience.


also there should be a special version of tp, both for wii and gamecube, that is published specially for people who have problems with drag queens, platforms and giant canons blocking there much-treasured view.


to sum this rant all up; no canons operated by drag queens, no giant ballbreaking platforms that pollute my view, more happy bridge-jumping, more chicks to dig, and a cow that gets me some milk if i play my flute.


i have some more issues with TP that i would like to adress later.

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the platform in the lake is for when you jump out of the building with the chicken (you can let go and just fall into the lake if you want) and you can land on the platform to get better prizes depening on how high you land


you remind me of the avgn


Thankfully, they change this in Phantom Hourglass. It's actually quite a fun minigame, too.


i never really missed the fishing rod in ww

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Moving over from other thread


...and take out the triforce hunt, make the sailing more interesting, re-do the last dungeon (you know ganons layer), take out that rediculous photo thing and do something with the GBA-link, then we'll be talking.



- Triforce Hunt wasn't that bad. Made a nice break - its the 3rd pearl thing that's the problem. The Triforce hunt had many cool sections.


- Ganons Tower. Partly agreed. I think they should expand each section leading up to the re-encounter with the boss, then it'll be fine.


- The photo thing should still be there, just with a few changes. They should re-work it so you can do it all in one playthrough, add more images to the camera and remove the wait for the statues to be made.


- GBA link was useless, yea. They should put the enemy descriptions from that into the main game.

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well as I said was going to set about playing WW again, one thing that certainly has struck me about it is how great it still looks. Not how well it has aged, thats something different, but how gorgeous it looks and how it still stands up against most modern games, the art style is so brilliant, I am falling in love with this game all over again. OoT has always been my favourite Zelda game and I never really gave WW much a chance up against it, but now I am enjoying as it own game.


On the subject of boss battle personally found both of the final boss battles in WW and TP a piece of piss, isn't there that wierd spider thing in WW? remember thinking that was a pretty naff boss.

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what's up with the fucking cake-layerd platform in the middle of lake hylia and the drag queen asshole with his giant canon. talk about polluting the view. I loved the natural feel of lake hylia in OoT. lake hylia in TP is a complete fuck of a horror because of these monsters! and for what? some treasure chest if you manage to float there with a chicken. woopty-fucking-doo. seriously. some asshole sat at nintendo hq during a zelda designersmeeting or whatever, the entire lake was designed and approved and then that motherless dickhead put up his yellow little hand and said "hey, let's put a gigantic platform in the middle of the lake to completely fuck up the aestethics and bust a couple of million balls of all fans". and what's worse is that all the other ones said "hey, that might just be a good idea!". i can't believe this shit. and why can't I jump of the bridge into the lake? that's all I would ever want to do if anything in the entire game. jump of the bridge, real-time, no loading crap. just jump and dive in. even if it kills me on the spot, even if all my rupees and items and what not get scatterd around the entire map and i have to collect them all back, even if tingle then came to kidnap my fairy-ass and made me listen to his confetti-speeches for three fucking hours, i would still want to jump of that fucking bridge. remember OoT? jumping of that bridge? that felt great. the first time i jumped, i thought i was going to die right there. but i didn't! i just landed in the water, and there was some beef to milk, a crate to bust, and a chick to dig. that's great! that's zelda!


I understand why it technically wasn't possible to jump of, because the wii couldn't keep all that information of that much data in memory or what not. so here's my answer to that; bullcrap. find a way. i'm still talking to nintendo right? work the magic. get some 500 euro add-on package out there that provides extra ram. like for the n64. i bought that red piece of crap. then, on the zelda-cover it should read "warning, assholes. if you want to jump of some bridge into some lake in this game, you need 500 fucking euro and buy some expansion pack". and then i would buy that and have a great bridge-jumping experience.


also there should be a special version of tp, both for wii and gamecube, that is published specially for people who have problems with drag queens, platforms and giant canons blocking there much-treasured view.


to sum this rant all up; no canons operated by drag queens, no giant ballbreaking platforms that pollute my view, more happy bridge-jumping, more chicks to dig, and a cow that gets me some milk if i play my flute.


i have some more issues with TP that i would like to adress later.



lol. You have a point. It seems that Nintendo is focusing more on gameplay aspects for Zelda these days instead of the great experiences we had with past Zelda games. They've almost completely destroyed the exploration aspect as well. Why would Nintendo do such a thing? In my opinion, it was because of the whiny little bitches who constantly complained and didn't love Zelda for the memorable experiences it brought, they only cared about gameplay. So we get Zelda games that are focused too much on gameplay aspects, with little or no memorable experiences. Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass, in my opinion, are prime examples. Especially the latter.


Aonuma has stated he'd like to make a Zelda game that would ultimately surpass Ocarina of Time. Sorry, Aonuma, but if you focus solely on gameplay, you'll get nowhere.

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You have a point. It seems that Nintendo is focusing more on gameplay aspects for Zelda these days instead of the great experiences we had with past Zelda games. They've almost completely destroyed the exploration aspect as well. Why would Nintendo do such a thing? In my opinion, it was because of the whiny little bitches who constantly complained and didn't love Zelda for the memorable experiences it brought, they only cared about gameplay. So we get Zelda games that are focused too much on gameplay aspects, with little or no memorable experiences. Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass, in my opinion, are prime examples. Especially the latter.


Aonuma has stated he'd like to make a Zelda game that would ultimately surpass Ocarina of Time. Sorry, Aonuma, but if you focus solely on gameplay, you'll get nowhere.


Isn't jumping off bridges (and memorable stuff like that) part of the gameplay too? I'd say focussing primarily on gameplay would be better than stuffing it with cut-scenes taking half an hour each.

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Isn't jumping off bridges (and memorable stuff like that) part of the gameplay too? I'd say focussing primarily on gameplay would be better than stuffing it with cut-scenes taking half an hour each.


I wasn't talking about cut-scenes. I'm talking about the memorable, visual experiences, and yes, they are part of the gameplay, but it's the gameplay itself (like combat, transportation, etc. etc.) that Aonuma is focusing too much on. We need more personality. We need more soul. We need a larger overworld. Nintendo needs to understand that there are other things that have made the Zelda franchise important other than just gameplay. OoT, MM, and TWW were the only 3D Zelda games I've played that were truly memorable.

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Moving over from other thread

- The photo thing should still be there, just with a few changes. They should re-work it so you can do it all in one playthrough, add more images to the camera and remove the wait for the statues to be made.


Im sure you can get all of them on your first play through, thats what I did.

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I wasn't talking about cut-scenes. I'm talking about the memorable, visual experiences, and yes, they are part of the gameplay, but it's the gameplay itself (like combat, transportation, etc. etc.) that Aonuma is focusing too much on. We need more personality. We need more soul. We need a larger overworld.

Nintendo wanted to create that on TP but they couldn't because of the memory space on the GC disk. Well that what I believe anyway ^_^

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I wasn't talking about cut-scenes. I'm talking about the memorable, visual experiences, and yes, they are part of the gameplay, but it's the gameplay itself (like combat, transportation, etc. etc.) that Aonuma is focusing too much on. We need more personality. We need more soul. We need a larger overworld. Nintendo needs to understand that there are other things that have made the Zelda franchise important other than just gameplay. OoT, MM, and TWW were the only 3D Zelda games I've played that were truly memorable.


Could be me but I thought TP had quite a few memorable visual experiences. It was the *style* of the graphics that gave it a really unique feeling.

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If the next Zelda game combines the strengths of both TP and TWW...


We might just have a perfect Zelda, maties.


The perfect Zelda to me will probably always remain Link's Awakening. It was the first game in the series I played (and my first adventure game on top of that), so that kind of sticks.

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First Zelda game was OoT.


OoT and TWW are probably my personal favorites. TWW really grew on me because I've always found the ocean fascinating and mysterious, and it's quite nice to explore that and play an adventure game on the high seas. TWW is the best oceanic exploration game ever.

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First Zelda game was OoT.


OoT and TWW are probably my personal favorites. TWW really grew on me because I've always found the ocean fascinating and mysterious, and it's quite nice to explore that and play an adventure game on the high seas. TWW is the best oceanic exploration game ever.


Out of curiosity, apart from the 4 3D Zeldas and PH, which other Zelda games have you played?

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Out of curiosity, apart from the 4 3D Zeldas and PH, which other Zelda games have you played?


Everything except the Ocacle series and Minish Cap. I just wasn't interested in the Oracle games because numerous people have told me that if there's any such thing as a bad Zelda game, it would be those. Plus, the 8-bit graphics didn't really have anything going for them either (despite the fact that I played both Zelda and Zelda II, and Link's Awakening as well). Minish Cap, on the other hand, I've been meaning to play for a while, but I've just been busy with other things and games. Aren't both of them the only Zelda games to be developed by Capcom? Ha, what a coincidence.

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Everything except the Ocacle series and Minish Cap. I just wasn't interested in the Oracle games because numerous people have told me that if there's any such thing as a bad Zelda game, it would be those. Plus, the 8-bit graphics didn't really have anything going for them either (despite the fact that I played both Zelda and Zelda II, and Link's Awakening as well).

Thats a load of crap, Oracle series was one of the best zelda's of all. Who ever told you they were crap are full of shit. You really are missing out on something big. Not to mention that it's one of the few games that is set somewhere besides Hyrule.

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