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Question regarding legal drink drive limit


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This time of year with work partys and various other partys we are being told to watch how much we have to drink. Theres also those TV adverts warning us not to drink and drive but none of them actually ever tell you the legal limit.

Other people I talk to don't seem to have a clue either some say its 1 unit of alcohol others tell me 3.

Anyone know the correct amount I'm not asking for purposes of me watching how much I drink its purely out of curiosity

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Edit: I think


Yep. I'm right


I dunno if that's accurate, but it sounds like a measure of blood alcohol level which I think it is.

I usually think it's 1 unit, and just go by that, but I think the limit is measure by blood alcohol level so it really depends on you. Some people will be able to take their drink better, burn it out of the system faster etc so it's best to just stay off it in case you end up just over the limit by some chance.

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The legal limit in the UK is 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. But this cannot easily be translated into alcohol units as it can be affected by build, sex, whether food has been eaten, and a host of other factors.


On average your body will break down one unit of alcohol per hour, and each unit will increase your BAC by 20mg (up to 30mg for women). The UK BAC limit is 80mg per 100ml blood, allowing you to drink a pint to a pint and a half of beer, or one glass of wine at 13% without exceeding the drink-drive limit.


Standard (175ml) glass of wine - 2 units

Large (250ml) glass of wine - 3 units

Pint of standard lager - 2.3 units

Pint of premium lager - 2.8 units

Pint of strong cider - 4.7 units


Thats what the BBC website says anyway. If im driving I always have one pint.

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