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Blue Dragon


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SP grinding ftw.


Need to get this completed before Eternal Sonota gets released, but with Halo 3 out, kinda hard to find time to play Blue Dragon xD


Thats the technique I was going to use but I found my character kept running into a wall so I just let them stand right at the spot where the moles spawn and it worked a charm. As soon as they ran out of SP I switched to another charcters shield.

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I didn't see that happening great twist

:D Zola was so mysterious yet I didn't realise she would betray me! And Dethroy I never suspected he would turn out that big and evil. Dammit Kluke pick Shu not Mr Boring :p.





The job system has good depth and the turn based battle system is quick enough and the power gauge makes things nice and strategic, it's a very enjoyable turn based system. The storyline is pretty good better than most average RPG's.

Graphics are stunning truely next gen apart from the slowdown now and again.

The music is EPIC thanks to Nobuo Uematsu he's done a fantastic job capturing the whole style of this game.

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I didn't see that happening great twist
:D Zola was so mysterious yet I didn't realise she would betray me! And Dethroy I never suspected he would turn out that big and evil. Dammit Kluke pick Shu not Mr Boring :p.





The job system has good depth and the turn based battle system is quick enough and the power gauge makes things nice and strategic, it's a very enjoyable turn based system. The storyline is pretty good better than most average RPG's.

Graphics are stunning truely next gen apart from the slowdown now and again.

The music is EPIC thanks to Nobuo Uematsu he's done a fantastic job capturing the whole style of this game.


Im glad you enjoyed the twist, as did I. It was a shame the game had to end as I really enjoyed playing it, bring on Eternal Sonata!

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Got this game just over a week ago and am really enjoying! About 35 hours in and I've just got the Blue Barrier control thing from Baroy Town (It's gonna be one hell of a long game). Made the mistake of not unlocking the Generalist Shadow for most of my characters (at the moment only Jiro and Zola have it) so my equipped skills aren't as good as they could be, thankfully my character levels are all 29 so I'll be able to unlock it soon!


Have spent some time using the field barrier trick and have unlocked all the skills for the current classes and have now got myself 5 black belts (very tedious task of stealing them from the big Corrosive Poo) so the rest of my levelling up will be even quicker!


Gonna crack on with it some more this afternoon!


Since I haven't started Blue Dragon yet, I was wondering what the actually picture is displaying. I mean all it seems to me is a lass with a orange shield around her, how's that level you up :o


I will play after I've finished Grandia 3 and Eternal Sonata.


You have character levels and Shadow levels (think Final Fantasy job system) so every time you win a battle you get Experience Points and Shadow Points. That orange shield is called field barrier and if you use it then any enemy that you have already defeated and is weaker than you will be automatically killed, at the expense of MP, saving you from having to fight it every time. Defeating them this way gives you Shadow Points, allowing you to level up all the different Shadow Classes with ease. Although you have to go the old fashioned route to get the character level up to 99 as doing this has no bearing on that!

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Im glad you enjoyed the twist, as did I. It was a shame the game had to end as I really enjoyed playing it, bring on Eternal Sonata!


Oh yea, the Deathroy/Destroy boss theme is so damn epic.

It's the perfect final battle theme, it really felt like "Crap I've almost finished this game"

Then to be followed by a beautiful credits theme. :cry:


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Well I've collected are the Mystery parts finally and got the achievement, the Golden Mecha Robot is very very quick and powerful but when you fight him there's no boss music.


I never realised there was another cube other than the Primitive Cube, I'm talking about the Mecha Cube. Using the space time warp to go back in time is interesting.



The achievements in this game are tough but they're REAL achievements rather than awarding you for progressing the game. I don't know if I'm anywhere near 100 back attacks nor which Barriers I haven't unlocked (I'm down to 1 blue and 3/4 Black).

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Anyone got any good leveling spots for character levels? Heard the Golden Poo Snakes was a good one, but they don't seem to be respawning for me...


Golden Poo area is the best area in the game for power levelling. Just walk around that little island and it will respawn. make sure you have high agility and the Poo Bracelet equipped so you get first attack and kill it with 1 shot.

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You're on disc 3 already I'm guessing? The sidequest areas are great and one of the other islands has a colony of Poo snakes they give you massive amounts of SP when you gather many of them into a multi monster battle, also one or two platinum ones appear which gives even more SP than the usual snakes.


Also in the underground river there's a barrier you have to remove to get to a ton of Kelolon's there that give alot of SP, five or six of them at a time will get you alot of SP for ranking up.

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ARGH! Just discovered that I've missed a couple of items, at the end of disc 1 and in Baroy Town, seriously frustrated that I wont be able to get everything on my first play through. Was being so careful with the one time only monster encounters but completely forgot about the bloody items!

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Wow, got this game this morning, played a good 2 hours, in the sheep tribe thing now.




The shadow classes are a bit confusing, should I keep using the Monk class instead of the Sword class because it seems more powerful to me...


Thats the great thing about this in that its upto. Depending on how you play determines on what Shadow Classes you should use.

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Oh my bloody god.


I forgot how good JRPG's are!


I think I'm in love.


Best buy for bloody ages.


Yaaay XD


Ok can anybody answer me please?


I'm worring about later on, I'm trying to level up my shaddow classes, but I'm worried my main ones I'm going to use are going to be too low for later on...


Thanks =]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished the game today! (Something like 120 hours play time!)


Defiantly enjoyed it, although kinda raped the end bosses (Last one didn't even get a chance to attack :heh: )


Two more achievements to get! Gunna start it on Hard mode after I get some of these other games completed!

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The game's great. Return to true turn based RPG's with a great if simplistic system. Too bad the shoddy dialog treats me like a freaking idiot, not just the english voice acting but the actual script is cringe worthy.


Weird problem aswell, don't know if anybody else gets this but when I initiate a monster fight in a battle the HD signal cuts out between seeing the first batch of monsters then the bigger ones. The TV tries to locate the signal which it ultimately does. Probably my TV but still shouldn't be doing this.


I still don't even know what that little sequence inbetween looks like.

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