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Unexplainable Events


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I was talking to Moogleviper at school the other day about things that you've seen which you have no way of explaining. For example, you've seen a ghost but when you look again it's gone. Or you think you've seen a UFO.

Wouldn't it be great to go back in time and actually see this event again, to see if it was really there.


What unexplainable / wierd things as ever happened to you, that you would like to rewind to again?


I once thought i saw a ghost standing in my bedroom doorway, but for some reason i walked straight by it as if it was normal. When i got to the bottom of the stairs i was like "Hold on, WTF was that?" i would love to go back and see it again.



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I stayed at my Nans house a good few years back, while my dad enjoyed a cigarette outside I joined him for a chat. It was night time so the natural look up at the stars talk happened, and there was this really odd star, which could easily be mistaken for a plane (with all its flashing lights), we began joking about it being a UFO, then it just zipped off. Like moved really quickly to the right and away. From this day I believe it was some UFO.

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Years and years ago, I was sitting outside with my two sisters and two cousins. They live right next to us and our family had gone there for a BBQ (it was summer and a really nice day/night). While our parents were still talking and drinking wine, we were just sorta sitting around and watching the sky (I guess we were getting tired, as it was late).

At one point, we saw something that looked like a huge orange light right above us, which moved forward really slowly for about a couple of seconds. Then, it just sorta seemed to speed up and disappear. We all saw it I think (the kids at least), but didn't know what it was. Not sure if any of them still remember it now (I was the oldest, so I guess it's a bit easier for me to remember).

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I was listening to Daemons by Rotting Christ, lying in bed, with heavy rain hitting the window, and there was this flash outside and I saw the face of the demon from The Exorcist which I had watched a few days back, it was so fucking frightening. I was 16 and I just ran out and locked myself in the toilet. The music fit it all too well...

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I was playing football outside when I was about 10ish with my nextdoor neighbours, they went inside to get a drink but I stayed out to practise my keep ups.


I dropped the ball and looked up to see this massive purple thing, it had a defined metallic structure to it and flashing green lights. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. Even though it looked like it was made out of metal, it looked organic.


So weird.


So I believe I saw a UFO that day, and I still believe that to this day.


Also worthy of this story is what happened just after that, when I was still staring up in disbelief long after the mystery object had disappeared.


I was staring, slackjawed into the sky when my friend calls out:


"Whats the matter?"




"Are you allergic to them?"



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When I was younger I used to have a high bed where you can go inside underneath it. It also had walls around the bed (about a foot high). Anyway one day i just woke up in the middle of the night. I sat up and in the dorway was a figure. Quite large and broad. It was wearing a white gown and had shoulder-ish legnth, auburn hair and it's fringe covered it's face. Also my pillow was right next to the doorway. I started to get scared and said, "mum...mum...mum." By this time I was really shitting myself so I just put my head on my pillow (that was my safety zone when I was in bed and afraid of something) And just stayed there hidden behind my foot high walls until I went back to sleep.


Another time not long ago I believe I saw somekind of panther. I live in quite a rural area so it is pretty quiet. Me and my friend were at the top of a hill at the end of the street. Bearing in mind there is about 20 houses in my village so there is a lot of farmland, fields, trees etc. This hill is lined with trees on each side and at the top there is a small woodland area on one side. It was night time and really dark, the nearest streetlight was halfway down the hill. We were sat on our bikes talking when we heard a rustling. We looked towards the noise (in the woodland area) and saw some kind of big (and I mean really big) animal, looked like a large panther. We just looked at each othe half scared half confused. And we then pedalled down that hill so fast that we left our shadows behind. Nobody will believe us when we say we saw a panther.


I'd really love to just go back in time and see what those two things really were.

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I love these type of threads. :)


Nothing really springs to mind on my part, but my Mum has had a few incidents over the years. Some are quite upsetting for me.


Some years before I was born, my Mum used to run a restuarant with my Dad. She was working late one time and came home in the early hours. When she was in the kitchen, she saw somebody standing in the living room. She had the kitchen light on, but not the living room light, so she couldn't see who it was exactly. She started talking to it, but he/she did nothing, and just stood there.


Anyway, she finished whatever she was doing in the kitchen, turned around to talk to the person (who she thought was my dad, as he was the only other person who lived there), and there was nobody there. My Dad was still working in the restaurant, and he came home a few hours later.


That's a bit freaky, but there's a few more that I consider worse.


My sister died in our house a few months after she was born. It was a difficult time for us all, especially my parents. After her death, about a few weeks later, my Mum said that she could hear a baby crying in the house.

Now, the obvious explanation would be that its another baby in another house, or maybe a tv next door. Either that, or she's crazy. My Dad even doubted it, too.

It happened again this one time, and we turned the tv down in the living room, and we could hear it. We all heard it. My Dad never doubted her again. We went to the bottom of the stairs and the sound was definitely coming from up there.

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