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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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LOL, you mr 'TP is perfect and I won't admit to a single bad thing about it' talk about rose tinted specs?


lol, i've just yet to see a bad side to this game and before TP, LTTP was the best Zelda in my opinion. Ocarina never really had that much of a pull on me.


my zelda list is (TP Excluded) LTTP > WW > LA > OoT - i just didnt get into 3D Zelda till WW charmed me, i found OoT to be soulless and hollow at the time.

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and awesome consistently good gameplay and great variety in content.


the best games ever made ARE Zelda games.


Load of craaaaaaaap. Yes, they're good, I mean great, buuuuuut, there have always been greater things. It's just that the hype for each successive Zelda snowballs out of control, and the "best game ever" claims aren't really justified. I still love WW more than any of the other "conventional" Zelda games. I'm just going to come out and say it; yes, Zelda has some really clever puzzles that make you feel like sex when you solve them, and some great, descriptive worlds, but it's just not as immersive as I'd like such videogames to be, and I think that's totally down to Nintendo's attitude; none of the characters have ever been endearing, believable and humane, (except for maybe, say Malon), and there's never been a truly compelling storyline, it feels like everything except the surface design is stuck in some archaic notion of what games are supposed to be like, if you look at it and Nintendo seem afraid of deviating from the status quo the way they can with games like Mario which aren't really held in *such* high regard and don't have a story as such...


They (as a first party) seemed to skip the step forward that the Xbox and the PS2 took, I just hope they can make it up with some compelling storytelling this gen, although from the minigame fest on wii so far, it doesn't look hopeful.


*DISCLIMER* I do, infact love Nintendo.

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Load of craaaaaaaap. Yes, they're good, I mean great, buuuuuut, there have always been greater things. It's just that the hype for each successive Zelda snowballs out of control, and the "best game ever" claims aren't really justified. I still love WW more than any of the other "conventional" Zelda games. I'm just going to come out and say it; yes, Zelda has some really clever puzzles that make you feel like sex when you solve them, and some great, descriptive worlds, but it's just not as immersive as I'd like such videogames to be, and I think that's totally down to Nintendo's attitude; none of the characters have ever been endearing, believable and humane, (except for maybe, say Malon), and there's never been a truly compelling storyline, it feels like everything execpt the surface design is stuck in some archaic notion of what games are supposed to be like, if you look at it and Nintendo seem afraid of deviating from the status quo the way they can with games like Mario which aren't really held in *such* high regard and don't have a story as such...


thats what they're doing with the next Zelda games, deviating from the norm, we've had just evolutions till now really but the same basic game and TP is more like the end of the series as we know it and as such it does a pretty sweet job.


i find Zelda games to be the most involving, immersive and absorbing games of all-don't know why you don't.

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nope - no game is perfect but some are more perfect than others, Ocarina isn't as sacred as everyone thinks it is, it has its flaws like the water temples and jabu jabus belly for example.


See, you have played the game after Wind waker


I have played Ocarina not too long after it was released, same with Wind Waker, same with TP.


Therefore i have experienced all 3 games in the there and now, and i can say Ocarina of Time was just a WOW game when i played it. It stunned me to the core.

Twilight Princess didnt do that, it didnt do anything new. It was just another 3D Zelda game. A really long one.

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Not really, you've been going on about how the second half of the game is rushed.


And ocarina isn't bloody perfect.



I've said a thousand times (feel free to look) as a general computer game, in comparison to all other games, its amazing.


As a Zelda game, compared to other Zelda games, it's very below par.

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Alright i've just finished the game for the second time, and since you guys are bitting each others heads off, I thought it was a good time to jump in. This is going to be a bit of a rant, so stick with me.


I love this game, I do, but not for the obvious reasons. To me as I replayed it, it felt like a homage to an era of gaming now coming to an end. Let me explain.


With the Wii we're seeing this new stage of gaming. Party games come to center stage, we're encouraged to play with friends, and the time of one guy being locked in his room with a 50-hour dungeon crawl is now no longer. Video games are getting cool.


I mean look back at the SNES, Mega Drive, even the N64 and Playstation. Games were mainly made for the sole gamer, granted with the N64 and Playstation we saw the emergence of more multiplayer games (in my opinion Goldeneye is one of the big starters of this movement). I guess this is why back then, gaming was uncool.


But then last gen we saw a real jump. XBox live we see online gaming starting to make some real progress. Playstation 2 and Gamecube really started to give us party games. The eyetoy, singstar, Guitar Hero, Donkey Konga, Mario party. No story, simple gameplay, lots of people.


And this new generation will only further this fact. The Wii launched with WiiSports, WiiPlay, Rayman, Monkey Ball, all party game orientated. The 360 has ofcourse gone further with its online campaign, as has the PS3, which also shows the ability to "play together".


What i'm saying is those days of dungeons, sword-fighting and a story developed around a sole hero are quick coming to a close. And that's what Zelda is. Actually Zelda is almost the definition of this type of game. And so that's why TP felt like a homage to me. All the classic elements were there, and the ability to learn secret moves only furthered it. As I played the game, I almost felt nostalgic. The next Zelda willl be different, we already know that. So I consider this Zelda TP somewhat of a flashback, kind of like the last few episodes of a TV series. And not only for Zelda, but for adventure gaming as we know it.

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LMFAO you'd have been cursing them at the time but time makes you forget your annoyances with the game and what you felt when you first played it.


Nope I wouldn't have. And even if I had the fact that it's a 9 year old game makes up for it. Still, if OoT came out tomorrow on the Wii with updated graphics, it'd be infinately better than TP.

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nope - no game is perfect but some are more perfect than others, Ocarina isn't as sacred as everyone thinks it is, it has its flaws like the water temples and jabu jabus belly for example.


How are those flaws?


The only flaw with Ocarina of Time is the graphics now, but it's still much easier on the eyes than Final Fantasy VII and looks better than any DS game.


The only other flaw is the ending, but videogame endings have never satisfied me.


EDIT: Maybe Dabookerman has a point that you actually had to play it then to appreciate Ocarina of Time fully.

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Alright i've just finished the game for the second time, and since you guys are bitting each others heads off, I thought it was a good time to jump in. This is going to be a bit of a rant, so stick with me.


I love this game, I do, but not for the obvious reasons. To me as I replayed it, it felt like a homage to an era of gaming now coming to an end. Let me explain.


With the Wii we're seeing this new stage of gaming. Party games come to center stage, we're encouraged to play with friends, and the time of one guy being locked in his room with a 50-hour dungeon crawl is now no longer. Video games are getting cool.


I mean look back at the SNES, Mega Drive, even the N64 and Playstation. Games were mainly made for the sole gamer, granted with the N64 and Playstation we saw the emergence of more multiplayer games (in my opinion Goldeneye is one of the big starters of this movement). I guess this is why back then, gaming was uncool.


But then last gen we saw a real jump. XBox live we see online gaming starting to make some real progress. Playstation 2 and Gamecube really started to give us party games. The eyetoy, singstar, Guitar Hero, Donkey Konga, Mario party. No story, simple gameplay, lots of people.


And this new generation will only further this fact. The Wii launched with WiiSports, WiiPlay, Rayman, Monkey Ball, all party game orientated. The 360 has ofcourse gone further with its online campaign, as has the PS3, which also shows the ability to "play together".


What i'm saying is those days of dungeons, sword-fighting and a story developed around a sole hero are quick coming to a close. And that's what Zelda is. Actually Zelda is almost the definition of this type of game. And so that's why TP felt like a homage to me. All the classic elements were there, and the ability to learn secret moves only furthered it. As I played the game, I almost felt nostalgic. The next Zelda willl be different, we already know that. So I consider this Zelda TP somewhat of a flashback, kind of like the last few episodes of a TV series. And not only for Zelda, but for adventure gaming as we know it.




TOTALLY agree with you there.

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How are those flaws?


The only flaw with Ocarina of Time is the graphics now, but it's still much easier on the eyes than Final Fantasy VII and looks better than any DS game.


The only other flaw is the ending, but videogame endings have never satisfied me.


EDIT: Maybe Dabookerman has a point that you actually had to play it then to appreciate Ocarina of Time fully.


All im saying is, Ocarina of time will age better then Twilight Princess.


It seems only Zelda fans in general are raving about the game rather then the whole gaming community.

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thats what they're doing with the next Zelda games, deviating from the norm, we've had just evolutions till now really but the same basic game and TP is more like the end of the series as we know it and as such it does a pretty sweet job.


i find Zelda games to be the most involving, immersive and absorbing games of all-don't know why you don't.


And you know this how, exactly?

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Alright i've just finished the game for the second time, and since you guys are bitting each others heads off, I thought it was a good time to jump in. This is going to be a bit of a rant, so stick with me.


I love this game, I do, but not for the obvious reasons. To me as I replayed it, it felt like a homage to an era of gaming now coming to an end. Let me explain.


With the Wii we're seeing this new stage of gaming. Party games come to center stage, we're encouraged to play with friends, and the time of one guy being locked in his room with a 50-hour dungeon crawl is now no longer. Video games are getting cool.


I mean look back at the SNES, Mega Drive, even the N64 and Playstation. Games were mainly made for the sole gamer, granted with the N64 and Playstation we saw the emergence of more multiplayer games (in my opinion Goldeneye is one of the big starters of this movement). I guess this is why back then, gaming was uncool.


But then last gen we saw a real jump. XBox live we see online gaming starting to make some real progress. Playstation 2 and Gamecube really started to give us party games. The eyetoy, singstar, Guitar Hero, Donkey Konga, Mario party. No story, simple gameplay, lots of people.


And this new generation will only further this fact. The Wii launched with WiiSports, WiiPlay, Rayman, Monkey Ball, all party game orientated. The 360 has ofcourse gone further with its online campaign, as has the PS3, which also shows the ability to "play together".


What i'm saying is those days of dungeons, sword-fighting and a story developed around a sole hero are quick coming to a close. And that's what Zelda is. Actually Zelda is almost the definition of this type of game. And so that's why TP felt like a homage to me. All the classic elements were there, and the ability to learn secret moves only furthered it. As I played the game, I almost felt nostalgic. The next Zelda willl be different, we already know that. So I consider this Zelda TP somewhat of a flashback, kind of like the last few episodes of a TV series. And not only for Zelda, but for adventure gaming as we know it.


Video gaming turning completely party game based? I don't think so. The next Zelda isn't going to be something completely brand new and different, Nintendo wouldn't dare tinker with their most popular franchises THAT much.


And if TP is a flashback to all things Zelda, oh dear.

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Alright i've just finished the game for the second time, and since you guys are bitting each others heads off, I thought it was a good time to jump in. This is going to be a bit of a rant, so stick with me.


I love this game, I do, but not for the obvious reasons. To me as I replayed it, it felt like a homage to an era of gaming now coming to an end. Let me explain.


With the Wii we're seeing this new stage of gaming. Party games come to center stage, we're encouraged to play with friends, and the time of one guy being locked in his room with a 50-hour dungeon crawl is now no longer. Video games are getting cool.


I mean look back at the SNES, Mega Drive, even the N64 and Playstation. Games were mainly made for the sole gamer, granted with the N64 and Playstation we saw the emergence of more multiplayer games (in my opinion Goldeneye is one of the big starters of this movement). I guess this is why back then, gaming was uncool.


But then last gen we saw a real jump. XBox live we see online gaming starting to make some real progress. Playstation 2 and Gamecube really started to give us party games. The eyetoy, singstar, Guitar Hero, Donkey Konga, Mario party. No story, simple gameplay, lots of people.


And this new generation will only further this fact. The Wii launched with WiiSports, WiiPlay, Rayman, Monkey Ball, all party game orientated. The 360 has ofcourse gone further with its online campaign, as has the PS3, which also shows the ability to "play together".


What i'm saying is those days of dungeons, sword-fighting and a story developed around a sole hero are quick coming to a close. And that's what Zelda is. Actually Zelda is almost the definition of this type of game. And so that's why TP felt like a homage to me. All the classic elements were there, and the ability to learn secret moves only furthered it. As I played the game, I almost felt nostalgic. The next Zelda willl be different, we already know that. So I consider this Zelda TP somewhat of a flashback, kind of like the last few episodes of a TV series. And not only for Zelda, but for adventure gaming as we know it.


Fucking post of the year that. ALL HAIL KING BOOKA, errm I mean Lazyboy.


:yay: :yay: :yay::bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown::yay: :yay: :yay::bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

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The next Zelda isn't going to be something completely brand new and different, Nintendo wouldn't dare tinker with their most popular franchises THAT much.


And if TP is a flashback to all things Zelda, oh dear.


time will tell with that one.


Zelda TP does seem to be an homage to all things Zelda.

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How are those flaws?


The only flaw with Ocarina of Time is the graphics now, but it's still much easier on the eyes than Final Fantasy VII and looks better than any DS game.


The only other flaw is the ending, but videogame endings have never satisfied me.


EDIT: Maybe Dabookerman has a point that you actually had to play it then to appreciate Ocarina of Time fully.


Actually, I think FF7 looks miles better, the prerendered backgrounds were amazing. And it's not the graphics, it's the game, FF7 hooked me so hard that I still play it trying to fill my stable with every type of chocobo, trying to get every Materia etc. Zelda just doesn't do that, it doesn't have that sense of importance; it feels like a game.

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Actually, I think FF7 looks miles better, the prerendered backgrounds were amazing. And it's not the graphics, it's the game, FF7 hooked me so hard that I still play it trying to fill my stable with every type of chocobo, trying to get every Materia etc. Zelda just doesn't do that, it doesn't have that sense of importance; it feels like a game.


Your still using my sig. I mean you could atleast put my name on it, even if it was like this Thanks triforce_keeper!


Meh, am I being picky?

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Actually, I think FF7 looks miles better, the prerendered backgrounds were amazing. And it's not the graphics, it's the game, FF7 hooked me so hard that I still play it trying to fill my stable with every type of chocobo, trying to get every Materia etc. Zelda just doesn't do that, it doesn't have that sense of importance; it feels like a game.


and FF VII is what? a lifestyle? lol


WOOO 1000th post in this thread.

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Because it has been said from Nintendo-look to what they're doing on DS as a slight indication to what road Nintendo will go down for the next Zelda.



You mean Phantom Hourglass? All indications thus far are that it'll be a typical Zelda game, albeit with touch capabilities.

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Video gaming turning completely party game based? I don't think so. The next Zelda isn't going to be something completely brand new and different, Nintendo wouldn't dare tinker with their most popular franchises THAT much.


And if TP is a flashback to all things Zelda, oh dear.


I'm not saying that it's going completely party game based, i'm just saying that the days of someone locked in a room on his own playing his vodeo games and being taken over by days of friends round laughing around a game of WiiSports.


And I think my comment about it being a flashback to all things Zelda is very true. I mean hell, the reason most reviewers marked the game down is because it was too similar to previous Zelda's. I mean give me something in Twilight Princess that hadn't appeared in some form in other Zelda games (forgetting control here).

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