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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Mokong: exactly, you'd think the people in Castle Town would care that there's this giant force-field.


With regard to the fact that a lack of danger/feeling of inpending doom makes the game 'fresher', that's rubbish in my opinion. Would you say the same about an action film where the main character/the entire world never seemed to be in any danger? No.


Definately a short-coming.

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Definately nitpicking.
fixed for ya.


Not saying you have no right to do that of course.


Hyule town interactivity has ways of improving still, I mean; Majora Mask had fewer people but was more complete when it came to character backgrounds and relationships, not that I really care, but it would be nice, to go into that city and have a load of stuff to do there.

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I don't think that arguing about the lack of something as important as a doom factor is nitpicking.


Who's jaw didn't drop when they walked out of the temple of time for the first time in Ocarina of Time after the 7 year period? Who didn't look up at the moon in Majora's Mask and watch it move ever so slowly down to Termina (or even looking nervously at the clock at the bottom of the screen?). Destruction and fright were all over the place in Alttp.


All I'm saying is it's definately something lacking in TP. Given how dark the storyline is, I find it odd that there aren't more cutscenes showing what Zant is up to. ANYTHING to add a bit to the drama would be nice.

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I've just entered the last dungeon and i agree, there is no sense of impending doom. Without it, the game feels like a slow journey through some big dungeons with a story tossed in. Without the threat of a powerful enemy throughout, the game fails to make the same impact the OOT or MM had. Looks like I'm still waiting for the MM killer to come along...

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I do agree there really was a lack of impending doom later on in the game. I think it's probably linked into how dead the towns felt that nobody seemed to be in a panic or anything. The towns in Twilight Princess were really disappointing - perhaps even detached from the plot altogether in parts, especially towards the end.


Here's a list of my niggles with it, for anyone interested. They're in spoiler boxes because well, there are spoilers right up until the end of the game.


- Dead Towns/Dull compared to other Zelda games

- Lack of time spent doing overworld stuff between the later dungeons

- Couldn't shake the feeling Ganondorf could have been used better despite his part in the story being quite well constructed. I think I'm just rose-tinting how great the Ganon fight with him in Ocarina was.

- Zant came across as this badass and turned out to be some crazy freak.

- What happened with Zelda's disappearance was never really explained. She assumedly put her soul into Midna and then what? Her body vanishes and later Ganondorf just has it there where he wants it? Not buying that. Where did he get her body from?

- No real impending doom, as said.

- If this is truly set after Ocarina of Time, why couldn't the fucking sages just be the ones from Ocarina? That would be been so awesome. Instead we get a bunch of cowardly white freaks.

- Zant's neck snapping at the end killing Ganondorf. What the hell happened there? Midna's underestimation of those Fused Shadow artifacts killed Zant earlier.

- The entire game was horribly easy again.

- Ganondorf's eyes looked crap. They needed to be smaller.



And since I posted niggles, I think it's only fair to post everything I felt was particularly awesome about the game which totally outweighs the bad several times over. Spoilers again.


- Malo. Malo is just one of the many excellent NPC characters this time around. The side quest involving helping his business empire was fantastic.

- Midna falls into NPC category, but she was genuinely a great character and the best sidekick yet.

- The vast world of Hyrule and galloping around it on horseback is truly great.

- The Temple of Time opening sequence was absolutely stunning.

- All of the bosses were great, although horribly easy.

- Ganon killing a sage was awesome.

- Fighting pig Ganon was quite cool, and it was good that form appeared.

- Horseback battles are great.

- Dungeons were great locations with some real cool puzzles, some of which had me stuck for a while.

- Zelda was hot.

- Remixed music was great, with some real standout tracks. But not many.

- The wolf was something I hated at first, but grew to genuinely love.

- The whole Twilight Realm was gorgeous.

- What Midna does at the end is horribly sad and improved the game's ending so much for me. In fact the overall story was great.

- The best Zelda game you could want after Ocarina of Time set the bar so high.

- Double clawshot, baby!

- Snowboarding being great fun and controlling great.

- Chasing a Skull Kid through the Lost Woods whilst the remixed theme played.



To be honest there are loads of bits I loved, and a fair few bits I'll nitpick, but all that aside this Zelda was a genuinely enjoyable experience from start to finish. Fun is the key word here.


The entire game just felt fun to play, especially with the Wii controls. Wiggling a remote in your hand may not feel so great at first, but when you've just lept onto a giant dragon in the air and are hacking furiously at it to bring it to the ground.. the immersion is totally there.


I'm really looking forward to replaying this game on the GameCube over Christmas and exploring Zelda from a different perspective as well as reassessing the storyline and other elements to better judge it against earlier games. I have a feeling it's going to do just fine.

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I don't think that arguing about the lack of something as important as a doom factor is nitpicking.


Who's jaw didn't drop when they walked out of the temple of time for the first time in Ocarina of Time after the 7 year period? Who didn't look up at the moon in Majora's Mask and watch it move ever so slowly down to Termina (or even looking nervously at the clock at the bottom of the screen?). Destruction and fright were all over the place in Alttp.


All I'm saying is it's definately something lacking in TP. Given how dark the storyline is, I find it odd that there aren't more cutscenes showing what Zant is up to. ANYTHING to add a bit to the drama would be nice.

*Spoilers ahead*


It's nitpicking when you simply expected too much.


As much as I understand what you're getting at... I really can't picture what we could evolved more about zant, I mean... he's just a supporting character and his role and past circumstances where explained.


I love Majora Mask, and I love Twilight Princess aswell. Majora Mask was my favorite game ever before TP, and now they should be tied or something, but I like them for diferent stuff.


What I'd give value in this matter would be gameplay issues in the game, this is none.


Also, there's a good ammount of impending doom when midna get's injured in the game, great scene btw, I have no big queries about TP, unless I want to nitpick, to be honest.


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Also, there's a good ammount of impending doom when midna get's injured in the game, great scene btw, I have no big queries about TP, unless I want to nitpick, to be honest.


Dear lord that part was amazing, the music...If you stood on the bridge as a wolf, turned the senses on and looked up to the sky, you could see the moon...and the heavy rain and the music made it so atmospheric that I just stood there for a while just taking it in...


Reminded me of Chrono Trigger...(and that's the highest possible praise I can give a game ;) )

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i think the land getting covered in twilight is slightly impending doom


also maybe the reason the people of hyrule cant see the twilight maybe only u can because you have special power.


or maybe the feild only blocks you from entering because have you ever noticed that if your a wolf in the main square the guards come from the castle and well hide behind their sheilds


edit: has anyone else noticed that when you wait after the title screen it plays the last trailer.

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I didn't read your spoilers but out of curiosity, how's the ending? Ie final temple, boss battle, and ending sequence? Good, bad, out of 10?


No spoilers at all please, just curious whether it was on par with OoT's excellence, WW's shortness, MM's... crapness (all: ending-wise)?

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Has anyone else noticed that when you wait after the title screen it plays the last trailer?


Yeah, I love that trailer.


I watched some of the earlier ones recently and boy did a lot in this game change. Forest giant, cat collecting in the forest, fleeing from Gohma, all those enemies on the horizon, ghosts of soldiers in the sewers etc.




I didn't read your spoilers but out of curiosity, how's the ending? Ie final temple, boss battle, and ending sequence? Good, bad, out of 10?


No spoilers at all please, just curious whether it was on par with OoT's excellence, WW's shortness, MM's... crapness (all: ending-wise)?


Not spoiling, the end "temple" is great considering it isn't really a temple, per say. It isn't too long or amazingly short but there is a lot of fighting as well as a few neat puzzles. The final boss has something to satisfy everyone and is pretty epic in scale. I really thought the actual end credits sequence was great with some nice payoff. It was never going to beat Ocarina of Time but there's at least one absolutely amazing moment in there and some really nice music.


Disregarding Ocarina of Time, in terms of a game ending I'm giving it a 9. For a Zelda game it's going to get a 10 simply because there were no lazy Wind Waker bubbles to be found. Hooray!


One thing about the ending that felt off was it felt it was going to go into a song with lyrics at one point but ended up going into the usual ending remix music. Not a big deal, just felt a nice lyrical piece would have been a lovely way to end things.

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though i still have the first np tp poster


There's one piece of Twilight Princess artwork I would love a poster of. It's spoilery so I'm not going to post it, although you'll find it on the inside cover of the instruction manual for the game if you're feeling daring. Beautiful.


Actually, I'm going to go beat the game again because I'm a giant tool.

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Guys, I am stuck in the 3rd dungeon. If I don't get any help on this soon, I may eat my own intestines.


I've just received the hookshot. I've got back to the main plaza, and there's a sort of dome shaped thing, with a door and it looks like I need a key to open it. I'm guessing that's where I have to go next. But, how do I get the damn key? I've been everywhere!


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Guys, I am stuck in the 3rd dungeon. If I don't get any help on this soon, I may eat my own intestines.


I've just received the hookshot. I've got back to the main plaza, and there's a sort of dome shaped thing, with a door and it looks like I need a key to open it. I'm guessing that's where I have to go next. But, how do I get the damn key? I've been everywhere!


This may sound odd, but gave you tried hookshotting the ceiling above the staircases to turn the stairs around? There are things you latch onto up there to turn the staircases. You probably found these already, but I thought I'd mention it.

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This may sound odd, but gave you tried hookshotting the ceiling above the staircases to turn the stairs around? There are things you latch onto up there to turn the staircases. You probably found these already, but I thought I'd mention it.


Yeah, those yellow handle-type things? I've pulled each one, and I swear I've been through each door.


Thing is, in some of the rooms, there is a turbine blocking the pathway. I've already started one of the turbines, but I've got no idea how to get the others moving.


The dome thing with the locked door isn't till last. Have you tried blowing up a boulder somewhere in the temple with bombs?


That made me stuck for a while.


Is that before you after you get the hookshot? If its after, then I guess thats what I have to do!

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The 3rd Children: Ok thanks for your review. Glad to hear your positive comments on the ending. Can't wait for the final boss battle(s). I'm going to assume the final 'temple' is in the twilight realm.


Does the typical Zelda theme come into it at all? Ie. the overworld tune from 2d zeldas cause I feel that's been lacking a touch so far.


By the way, have any of you guys seen this:




It was released a while before the game came out, supposedly a preview of the soundtrack. That overworld theme is... AMAZING. So much better than what we've got, big shame it wasn't picked.

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Yeah, those yellow handle-type things? I've pulled each one, and I swear I've been through each door.


Thing is, in some of the rooms, there is a turbine blocking the pathway. I've already started one of the turbines, but I've got no idea how to get the others moving.


If you don't have the compass I'm afraid it's gonna be time to start going through rooms again looking for anything you missed. Now you have the hookshot you'll probably find something interesting to latch onto.

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It was released a while before the game came out, supposedly a preview of the soundtrack. That overworld theme is... AMAZING. So much better than what we've got, big shame it wasn't picked.
I actually like the one that's in the game better, and at least it's a new one ;).


I wouldn't mind if this one appeared somewhere though.

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What are your spoilers like up near the top of this page pedro?


Are they about what's in the final dungeon? If so I don't want to know! ;)

Don't worry, no specifics, just some spoilerific scene mentioned taken place after the third temple and a little about what was told about Zant.


But you might want to pass that info if you haven't reached there.

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Ah ok, no I just got to the 7th dungeon so it's fine.


The scene were 'something happens to Midna' is brilliant I very much agree. THAT was urgency, fantastic stuff. Shame they didn't keep that feeling going throughout. In my opinion of course.


Another small thing I really loved was:


the scene just after Link gets the final fused shadow... I loved the way Zant appeared suddenly and the way the guardian/spirit went all aggressive and sort of 'lunged' at him, before being thrown back. Very nicely done.


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