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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Well for me it's Ocarina > any else ever.


No other game has ever moved me in the way Ocarina of Time did, in fact if I had never played it I'd probably be a very different person compared to the one I am today.


Why though...it's really not that kind of game. It didn't really have much substance in the way of story. I wouldn't have thought it was a life changing experience. Great game though.

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Why though...it's really not that kind of game. It didn't really have much substance in the way of story. I wouldn't have thought it was a life changing experience. Great game though.


The story was awesome enough for a 7 year old kid, and no videogame stories are that great anyway.


I think what happend with me is I related myself to young Link when I began the game, I thought; 'Hey I could be this kid', since he had no character of his own there was nothing stopping me from thinking I could be him.


And then there was the gameplay, I hadn't played anything like it before so it literally blew me away, face it Ocarina of time had loads of great innovations with the Lock-On system, playing the Ocarina itself, and riding Epona for the first time was awesome.


The game looked amazing for its time and a lot of the music was very catchy and memorable so things like that stuck with me. Nothing will have as great an impact on me ever again as Ocarina of Time, that's why I rate it so highly.


But it's not my favourite game actually, I only say it is most of the time because there's enough evidence to say why it's such a great game. Sadly my real favourite game is Kingdom Hearts 2, don't ask why though, I'm too ashamed to justify it...

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OoT's story does have some nice points. The trap Ganondorf lures Zelda and Link into, Link being Hylian, Shiek and the Sheikah's,Link turning into an adult without even living through all those 7 years forcing him to be something he isn't, the implications of the ending :two seperate timelines, Link goes back to the past after being an adult and saving the world, now he's a child again and no one knows what he did and now he must warn Zelda of Ganon, the future timeline leaves the Zora almost extinct, no Sheikah, Hyrule destroyed and basically Zelda has to take a huge responsibility all for herself. Also, Link parting with Zelda is sad.

It's nothing very deep, but it's the way I want my Zeldas.

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Guest Jordan
The story was awesome enough for a 7 year old kid, and no videogame stories are that great anyway.



Obviously, you've not played Dreamfall or The Longest Journey :).

As for me?


TWW > TP > OoT > MM.


I could never get into OoT and MM's time put me off, royally.

Wind Waker is the only Zelda game with real charm, and Midna really did alot for TP.

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OoT was amazing for it's time. If you play it now then you can be forgiven for thinking TP is well ahead of it in quality, but go back 10 years and you'll see how amazing OoT was.


No Zelda game will ever replicate what OoT represents, no game will ever do that. OoT was the most perfect game ever, I can't really describe what it was like for any N64 owned to take that game home, and start getting into it. Every dungeon was so unique, every Boss has so much depth, the game lacked in no department and was simply a masterpiece.


Majoras Mask was a great game too. The fact they changed so much from a game which got the reputation "best Ever" shows how much balls they had, and it certainly paid off imo. It was a much harder game to enjoy though so I aprreciate others may have neglected it.


Twilight Princess showed how downhill the series has gone. Although still an amazing game, it was too simple, to cliche, too generic and really other franchises have taken the limelight from Zelda now. I hope we see Nintendo reinvent Zelda but I'm not sure we'll ever see something as incredible as OoT for it's time.

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Twilight Princess showed how downhill the series has gone. Although still an amazing game, it was too simple, to cliche, too generic and really other franchises have taken the limelight from Zelda now. I hope we see Nintendo reinvent Zelda but I'm not sure we'll ever see something as incredible as OoT for it's time.


I agree with pretty much everything you said in your post, but with regards to Twilight Princess showing how downhill the series has gone... I'd question that. Wind Waker was fantastic, it was new, different, fun, colourful, a joy to play. Yes there were problems with the Triforce hunt and the missing dungeons but that doesn't change the fact that the concept and execution of the gameplay was superb. And that was only the previous game.


Yes Twilight Princess is too cliche, too generic, too dull (in our opinion), but let's give Zelda a chance. Nintendo will hopefully have another winner in the form of Phantom Hourglass and they've already said the next Zelda will be very different, which is exactly what the series needs (as long as it's not TOO different mind).


As a side note, playing through Minish Cap again... it's AMAZING how much depth there is in that game. There's about 10 times more sidequests than TP and it's a joy to unlock all the secrets in that game, and trust me it is FULL of secrets and sidequests. Fantastic game.

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I know that, but sidequests have been an integral part to all Zelda games from ALTTP onwards and TP's shocking amount of things to do makes the game all the more disappoiting. Especially considering how much there was to do in previous Zelda games.

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I know that, but sidequests have been an integral part to all Zelda games from ALTTP onwards and TP's shocking amount of things to do makes the game all the more disappoiting. Especially considering how much there was to do in previous Zelda games.


Yeah there's nothing to do in TP lol.

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I know that, but sidequests have been an integral part to all Zelda games from ALTTP onwards and TP's shocking amount of things to do makes the game all the more disappoiting. Especially considering how much there was to do in previous Zelda games.

It's not the lack of things to do, it's the terrible rewards. They really lacked inspiration when for all the Poe's you could get 200 rupies constantly, or a larger wallet for all the bugs.


In MM's you got to unlock a mask which allowed the final boss fight to be in a completely different form. In Windwaker you got that Nintendo thing (I forgot now), whereas in TP's you really didn't get anyway.


There should have been something better at the end, what about another boss? Or well, something worth the effort.

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Yeah there's nothing to do in TP lol.


Was that meant to be sarcastic?


It's not the lack of things to do, it's the terrible rewards. They really lacked inspiration when for all the Poe's you could get 200 rupies constantly, or a larger wallet for all the bugs.


In MM's you got to unlock a mask which allowed the final boss fight to be in a completely different form. In Windwaker you got that Nintendo thing (I forgot now), whereas in TP's you really didn't get anyway.


There should have been something better at the end, what about another boss? Or well, something worth the effort.


I would say it's a lack of things to do with TP AND terrible rewards.


Let's take Minish Cap for example. In that game, you can help Din, Farore and Nayru find new housing and they'll give you charms that reduce damage/increase attack stregth etc... - Your boomerang can be upgraded to a magic one via a Tingle subquest - Catching butterflies will allow you to swim/dig/shoot arrows faster - Small bug things let you find Kinstones/hearts/shells quicker - there's the figurine gallery and endless other things.


All you have to do in TP is find poes, bugs, play rollgoal and fishin (zzzzzz) and err.. the always exciting and thrilling STAR game.



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Ahh good lad. Exactly.


Wait, are you still criticising Twilight Princess?


I was on your side before, but it's now 6 months on and this is just taking the piss.


Play some different games, jeez.

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WW had SO many things to do other than the main quests, compared to twilight where all i can do is travel round the field.


I never found the side-quests in Wind Waker very interesting. And sailing was a pain (because of low manuverability) that I never bothered with visiting all the islands.


I myself would put:



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WW had SO many things to do other than the main quests, compared to twilight where all i can do is travel round the field.

And a huge main quest.

And lure-fish.

And bob-fish.

And rollgoal.

And the flying thingy.

And the Star game.

And the shootout in the boat.

And the poes.

And the bugs.

And getting Malin's big store.

And getting the big wallet.

And getting the zoom in thingy.

And getting the magic armor.

And getting all heart pieces.

And getting all the bottles.

And the cave of ordeals.

And snowboard.

And get all the skills.


Did I miss anything?

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Wait, are you still criticising Twilight Princess?


I was on your side before, but it's now 6 months on and this is just taking the piss.


Play some different games, jeez.



No, everyone's still talking about TP, myself being one of them.


And lure-fish.

And bob-fish.

And rollgoal.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - I'd hardly call them 'side-quests' anyway




And the flying thingy.

And the Star game.

And the shootout in the boat.

And snowboard.


Fun the first time, boring the second. Also, not really side-quests.



And getting Malin's big store.

And getting the magic armor.


Same thing?


And getting the zoom in thingy.


What, you mean.. 'buying' it in the shop?


And getting all heart pieces.

And getting all the bottles.

And getting the big wallet.


Same with any Zelda.

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Ahah I knew you were going to say that. SO what if you found them boring, I didn't and they were stuff to do that weren't mandatory.

Look, I love WW, but TP has a mainquest possibly 3 or 4 times bigger, that alone is huge. And WW sidequests are big because you have to sail around in an empty see for God know for how long to get a map that leads to a map that leads to 10 rupees! Not a problem, once you're playing and want to travel around the game world, but once you finish the game it's much less interesting to do sidequests than in TP.

Of course you also have the boring Zunari fetch quests and those awesome "BOOM! KAPLISH" minigames and some other stuff, but it's just not realistic to expect a huge mainquest and a lot of sidequests in a game like this. This isn't Oblivion where you can just talk to a generic NPC that asks you for his long lost family heirloom then you go kill a golbin, loot him and get it. Also ALTTP barely has anything to do aside form the mainquest.

Don't you notice that the only Zelda game that has a lot of sidequests that are varied is MM and the mainquest is short? Minish Cap also has lots to do, but asides from the Gorons to get the Mirror Shield it's basically just Kinstone fusing. There is a balance in game development, you don't just make a wish, write it on a paper, put it on a blender and the game comes out. I'm not criticizing the fact that you don't like TP that much, that's you opinion, I'm cool with it, but some things you say are simply ridiculous and not realistic.

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You forgot to mention all the holes in Hyrule field and the cat hunting game.


Yeah forgot those. The cat hunt rocked, how could I forget that? The music!


The amount of sidequests on Windfall island alone is immense.


Not that immense don't exaggerate. Windfall rocked. In fact, now I feel like playing WW!

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Ahah I knew you were going to say that. SO what if you found them boring, I didn't and they were stuff to do that weren't mandatory.


Ok, you didn't find rollgoal or fishing boring, I'm glad. But I'd still hardly call them sidequests.



Look, I love WW, but TP has a mainquest possibly 3 or 4 times bigger, that alone is huge.


TP's mainquest 3 to 4 times bigger?? You're joking right? A speed run that you can download online through both games has WW taking LONGER than TP (and not because of the sailing, as the warp system was used). That says it all really when you compare both games.


WW: 6 hours 42

TP: 5 hours 39



And WW sidequests are big because you have to sail around in an empty see for God know for how long to get a map that leads to a map that leads to 10 rupees! Not a problem, once you're playing and want to travel around the game world, but once you finish the game it's much less interesting to do sidequests than in TP.


This sailing rubbish is getting old. You can use warping from before the midpoint in the game which cuts sailing times to practically nothing.



Also ALTTP barely has anything to do aside form the mainquest.


ALTTP was the 3rd Zelda game ever, and is 16 years old. TP is the newest game on Nintendo's newest console.


Don't you notice that the only Zelda game that has a lot of sidequests that are varied is MM and the mainquest is short? Minish Cap also has lots to do, but asides from the Gorons to get the Mirror Shield it's basically just Kinstone fusing. There is a balance in game development, you don't just make a wish, write it on a paper, put it on a blender and the game comes out.


So why did MM/WW/MC achieve a perfect blend of sidequesting and main questing?

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