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Everything posted by ipaul

  1. Watching that game made me realise how little I care about England nowadays compared to my levels of support when Newcastle are involved. I mean I'll still be disappointed when they inevitably get knocked out, but even so. Club football is so much better than International football from an English perspective right now.
  2. Finished a particularly tricky exam today and got to properly relax for the first time in ages.
  3. Some of the comdeic value is inevitably lost a little through the censorship but still, that's pretty dam awesome. Now to go through my Facebook settings...
  4. Yay! Well done Chelsea, thoroughly deserved by way of sheer resolve throughout the competition. Ashley Cole, Luiz, Cech and Drogba were team highlights for me. Bayern were the better side over the 120 minutes, no doubt about that. But if you don't put your chances away (at home I might add) do you really deserve to win? I am so glad that Newcastle did not get 4th now. I don't think I would have been able to handle that. Commiserations, Spurs fans.
  5. I was about to say guys, if Chelsea win the Champions League they obviously deserve to be in it next season. If Spurs had really deserved it, they would have kept that 2-0 lead against Arsenal
  6. Oh I'm sure there are others by her that I've heard before, but this is the only one I properly know....if you get what I mean.
  7. I only knew that one song by her, but I really do love that song. Extended version.
  8. MadDog is right here, Suarez is definitely up there with the second tier of premier league strikers.
  9. Have you seen the original video? They do the same thing just with...real life stuff
  10. This belongs here.
  11. I agree. He pretty much single handedly changed the tempo of the FA cup final when he was brought on - if he plays anything like he did there, his selection is more than justified.
  12. On that note, I've been listening to this track again recently. It makes you feel like a boss just listening to it, must have been great to write the thing.
  13. And if they had messed up, it wouldn't have mattered anyway
  14. Ah it was you! Well done good sir. I'm pretty pleased with second considering it's my first shot at this fantasy malark. Came top of my private league by about 100 points as well. Woop!
  15. I think we can all agree that the real winner today was football itself. A great advert for the premier league. Am I doing it right Sky Sports? Can I have a job now?
  16. Well, Newcastle went and fucked that right up - but as it turns out it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Very pleased, 5th pretty dam awesome considering where many people thought we'd be at the start of the season. Spurs and Arsenal held out very well on the final day and perhaps proved we're not quite ready for the Champions League. In a way I'm glad, means I don't have to wait for Munich beating Chelsea to be mildly disappointed.
  17. All I know is it will not fucking leave my mind. sigh
  18. My prediction: 2-2 draw with Everton for us, while Spurs get a draw and Arsenal win.
  19. I'm pretty content right now but two things: 1) Lost my job. 2) Sick of people being two-faced. Everyone can relate yeah? Can't be arsed to go into detail right now but there are some strange social dynamics at work with certain 'friends' of mine. Pissing me off but I find I'm actually...glad of the anger? It's refreshing in a way. Don't want it for much longer, mind. As for the job, it's been coming a while now, so I'm not terribly fussed. In a way I might even save money, I won't be spending money I haven't got anymore. My shifts have been few and far between since around mid February, though you wouldn't know it by my spending. Time to learn how to be frugal again I guess!
  20. Agreed. Only seen snippets of him mind but he's certainly got potential.
  21. Great game to watch, Chelsea just didn't turn up. Liverpool were as hungry as I've seen them all season, very deserved win. Of course Chelsea won't be too bothered, but it does mean that Newcastle are finishing in at least 5th this season
  22. To prove you're an actual human being and not some retarded fanboy? I don't know, just a thought. (With you on Henderson)
  23. I don't care which club you support, you have to be a total fucking bellend to derive pleasure from another club going into administration. Oh and just to compound your idiocy, wouldn't you know Henderson went and scored.
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